This reward, nothing else can be said, is that at this salary level, being promoted to a level 7 technician is really an unexpected surprise.

You must know that level 7 technicians are already considered intermediate and senior engineers. They are only one step away from senior engineers and level 6 deputy senior engineers.

The salary of level 7 technicians has reached 133.5 yuan.

Money is one thing, but more importantly, being able to get such a salary shows that the factory has recognized his technical level and has reached the level of a mid-to-senior engineer.

The only difference was that he was promoted in one assessment.

You must know that in the technical department, except for Chief Yuan, a level 6 senior engineer (deputy senior engineer), the other senior mid-level engineers who serve as team leaders are all only level 7 mid-level engineers.

Lin Shengli is now a level 9 engineer, but from today on, he will be an engineer with level 7 treatment. This has directly crossed two levels.

During the next assessment, Lin Shengli can skip the Level 8 assessment and just take the Level 7 assessment directly.

Even if he fails, there will be no impact. He will still receive the salary of a level 7 technician.

In the past, some people would make excuses for his young age and lack of qualifications. After this promotion and salary increase, at least in the steel rolling mill, no one would easily make excuses for his age and qualifications anymore.

However, Lin Shengli already has his own plans for the next engineer assessment.

Lin Shengli, who had received so many benefits, quickly expressed his thanks: Thank you, Director Yang, and thank you, Deputy Director Li! I will do my best to complete the tasks assigned by the two factory directors, and work hard to complete the maintenance of new equipment. Maintenance and technical training work.”

Because of the importance of imported new equipment to the steel rolling mill, and the fact that Lin Shengli is a talented person with special skills who knows how to write, the promotion and salary increase for Lin Shengli this time is not excessive, and we are not afraid that someone will gossip and report something. of.

What's more, his superiors also acquiesced in giving Lin Shengli a promotion and a salary increase.

If the two factory directors really broke their promise and did not give Lin Shengli a promotion or a salary increase, I would not be afraid that Lin Shengli would turn around and go to Minister Fang and Minister Fang. They would only wish that they could hand over this treasure of Lin Shengli to the ministry. go.

Early the next morning, the announcement about Lin Shengli's promotion and salary increase was posted on the bulletin board.

The loudspeaker in the factory also announced the good news three times in a row to every corner of the factory.

Comrade Lin Shengli, an engineer in the technical department of our factory, is skilled in skills, dedicated to his job, and has made significant contributions to our factory at work. After a collective decision by the factory leadership, Comrade Lin Shengli was appointed as the leader of the new equipment technology team, and at the same time appointed Comrade Lin Shengli is the deputy section chief of the technical section of our factory, and his salary has been upgraded to a level 7 technician...

The sound from the loudspeaker echoed in the factory, allowing tens of thousands of people in the factory to hear it.

After hearing this, everyone in the factory was surprised and envious.

Oh my God! Lin Shengli has been promoted again. He is the team leader and deputy section chief. I remember last month. He was not just an engineer. How could he be promoted so quickly?

Didn't you hear on the radio that he made a significant contribution to the factory? But he was promoted too quickly. How old is he? He is now the deputy section chief!

This forest worker, no, it's time to call him Deputy Section Chief Lin. You don't know this Deputy Section Chief Lin? His skills are really good.

At that time, when so many superior leaders came to inspect, everyone in the technical department of our factory was helpless with the imported equipment. It was Deputy Section Chief Lin who turned the tide and made the foreign equipment operate normally.

Based on Deputy Chief Lin's skills, the factory should give him a promotion and a salary increase. A worker in the first workshop who witnessed the whole incident explained to the workers next to him.

I heard that Deputy Section Chief Lin can also read eagle sauce. He can understand the manual of the imported machine.

Oh, really, that deputy section chief Lin is so awesome, he even understands Yingjiangwen!

My God, the salary for a level 7 technician must be more than one hundred and thirty!

Oh, it's great to be an engineer. The salary can be more than 100 yuan. When will fitters and blacksmiths like us get such high wages!

I said, Lao Song, what's the point of envy? If you hurry up and get promoted to level eight worker, your salary will be more than 100, right?

It would be great if Lin Shengli became the deputy section chief, so that he can provide us with maintenance equipment in the workshop. Then the equipment in our workshop can be like that of the 789 workshop, without having to lie down all the time and affecting production!

People in the steel rolling mill were talking. Regarding Lin Shengli's promotion and salary increase, most people were amazed and envious, while only a few people were envious and jealous.

For example, the second uncle in our courtyard house.

When I heard that Lin Shengli was both the deputy section chief and the project leader, I couldn't hold back the sourness: I've made a major contribution to the factory, isn't it just to repair a machine?

Isn't it the right job for engineers in their technical department to repair machines? How can they be promoted to deputy section chief and get a raise in salary?

How old is he? He has been promoted to deputy section chief without any qualifications.

I think there's probably something fishy about his promotion this time.

Master Liu, I remember that you and Lin Gong are from the same hospital, right? He has become the deputy section chief, can't you get some glory too! A worker next to the second uncle joked.

Hearing someone say this, the second uncle showed a look of disdain and said: Come on, I can't take advantage of him.

You all don't know, last time he built some kind of heater, and the people in the yard wanted him to help build one. Guess what he said, he actually wanted a hundred yuan for some kind of design and installation technology fee.

We are all neighbors in the same courtyard, so we are just doing a favor. How can we ask for so much money?

Hearing what the second uncle said, everyone around him couldn't help but roll their eyes.

Who is this person? If you ask for help, you have to ask for help for free. Why do you have such a big face?

The second uncle, Liu Haizhong, was ambitious, talented but petty. He was not very capable and did not appreciate the good virtues of others. These workers were used to it, and no one took what he said seriously.

For Lin Shengli, whether he is the deputy section chief or the project leader, it is just the first step in Lin Shengli's long march. He has to speed up his pace and carry out his next plan.

Lin Shengli's promotion and salary increase must be indispensable for everyone's congratulations and congratulations.

However, Comrade Yan Fengjun, the former leader of the technical group, can no longer see Lin Shengli's glory.

He and the technician who complimented him were sent to the second branch factory early in the morning.

Although this second branch factory is also an affiliated factory of the steel rolling mill, the difference is huge.

The second branch factory is more than 20 kilometers away from the city. Yan Fengjun had already been allocated housing when he was at the main factory. It is impossible for you to go there and get another one.

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