If you successfully apply for a library card, but the library card you apply for can only be the lowest-level library card. Not only is the number of borrowings limited, but you can only borrow two books at a time.

And you don’t have permission to read many books and materials, let alone borrow them home.

After hearing Lin Shengli's request, Old Man Su was a little surprised but felt it was a bit natural.

According to Lin Shengli's eagerness to learn, it is a normal reaction to want to read and study more.

Another thing is that it’s not impossible for me to get a library card from the National Library, it’s just a little more troublesome.

Regarding Lin Shengli's request, Mr. Su agreed after thinking about it for a while.

Okay, I agree to this request, but you have to get these food stamps and so on. For such a small favor, I feel that our exchange is not equal.

After saying this, he did not allow Lin Shengli to refuse. He asked Xiao Li to bring his bag, grabbed a handful of bills and stuffed them into Lin Shengli's arms regardless of how many they were.

Lin Shengli couldn't laugh or cry at Old Man Su's actions. Seeing that he couldn't refuse, he had no choice but to put the receipts in his bag and then handed the binoculars to Old Man Su.

Old man Su was in a good mood after receiving the telescope. While playing with the telescope in his hand, he chatted happily with Lin Shengli.

During the chat between the two, Lin Shengli did not specifically ask about Mr. Su's identity, nor did he inquire about other people's privacy.

As for Lin Shengli, he simply said that he worked in a steel rolling mill and did not elaborate much about his identity.

It was very pleasant to chat with Mr. Su. Mr. Su, despite his age, is humorous and knowledgeable.

It was also the first time that Mr. Su saw such a young comrade who could talk without showing timidity in front of him.

After all, you know what kind of aura you have.

Although little comrade Lin Shengli doesn't know his specific identity, he has the element of fearlessness in the ignorant.

It can be seen that he saw the two nervous security guards around him, and he believed that Lin Shengli, a smart boy, could not help guessing his identity.

However, this Lin Shengli could resist his curiosity and not explore his identity, nor did he show any flattery.

He was so unfazed by honor and disgrace, chatting with him calmly.

Mr. Su enjoys this state of affairs very much.

People who came into contact with him in the past, let alone young people, even some old comrades spoke with fear and caution in front of him.

It’s been a long time since we had such a careless and free-flowing chat.

Although he spoke freely, Lin Shengli was still measured and knew what to say and what not to say.

During the pleasant exchange between the two, Mr. Su discovered Lin Shengli's erudition and extraordinary insight. The fields he covered were simply beyond imagination.

Regarding certain areas in which he was good at, Mr. Su found that Lin Shengli was even better at it than he was, and many of his ideas gave Mr. Su a sudden enlightenment.

In particular, Lin Shengli is full of confidence in the future of flower growers.

Through Lin Shengli's imagination, it seemed that Mr. Su saw a beautiful picture.

The flower growers at that time were lovely, beautiful, tolerant, prosperous, and prosperous flower growers.

At that time, the flower growers had the fastest high-speed train in the world speeding across the land of the motherland.

In space at that time, there was a space station independently developed by us standing in the Milky Way!

At that time, the deep sea was no longer a garden for the great powers, and the flag of the motherland's giant ship was flying all over the world!

At that time, the sky could no longer tolerate the snooping of Xiaoxiao, and our eagle could already defend the enemy from thousands of miles away.

At that time, people no longer worried about having enough to eat, but about what to eat every day.


What a prosperous scene this is, it makes people yearn for it and be fascinated by it.

At this moment, Lin Shengli seemed to be a ray of light, a light that broke through the darkness and illuminated the sky. It was so shining and dazzling.

At this moment, Mr. Su felt that the name of this young man, Lin Shengli, would definitely shine brightly and resound throughout the world in the future.

Regarding the content of the chat with Mr. Su, Lin Shengli was sincere. After all, he had seen the prosperous China, and Lin Shengli also hoped to realize the great rejuvenation of the flower-growing nation earlier.

On the other hand, it is also out of respect for this era.

In fact, Lin Shengli was a little helpless.

Instead of imagining the future of our motherland, how can we imagine eagle sauce and foot pot chicken?

In this day and age, you dare to talk casually about hawker sauce and John's Chicken. What do you think? Have you lived too long? Want to eat peanuts as soon as possible?

You are a young man who has struggled to leave the country. Why do you know so much about things on the other side of the ocean? No one believes you when you say you are not an enemy agent.

While the two were chatting, Lin Shengli said a lot of things that surprised Old Man Su. Among them, the sentence that shocked Old Man Su the most was:

What is a cannon? Cannons are used to measure the land. Dignity is only on the edge of the sword. Truth is only within the range of the cannon!

Until Old Man Su left due to work, Lin Shengli's words were still buzzing in his mind!

After leaving Shichahai, Mr. Su and two security guards came to a car. A middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit who looked like a cadre respectfully opened the car door for Mr. Su: Chief, do you want to go to the ministry or go home? .”

Xiao Sun, let's go to the ministry.

Okay. Xiao Sun responded.

Also, check for me about this young man named Lin Shengli. He said he works at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. I want to know all his information. The more detailed the better, the faster the better.


After bidding farewell to the busy old man Su, seeing that it was still early, Lin Shengli found a slightly shady place and built himself a simple and comfortable floor with thick fallen leaves.

In October in Sijiu City, the weather is pleasant and the air is crisp. Especially in parks like Shichahai, the scenery is pleasant and the air is fresh.

In this kind of weather, in this kind of environment.

In my heart.

In my dream.

In my singing.


Lin Shengli lay leisurely on the soft bed of leaves with his legs crossed, humming a song and reading the book in his hand. Life is endless and he keeps learning!

As for what you are learning, you can guess!

Lin Shengli, who happily spent the day in Shichahai, looked at the morning glow in the evening and said, What a big marshmallow.

Ignoring the weird looks from around him, he got on his bicycle and slowly returned to the courtyard.

As soon as he arrived in the courtyard, Lin Shengli was informed that a hospital-wide meeting would be held soon.

Lin Shengli thought for a while and thought it was the third uncle who lost his car wheel in the morning.

Simply having nothing to do, and with the mentality of watching the commotion, Lin Shengli took his own small bench to the central courtyard to watch the live broadcast!

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