Yan Bugui’s thoughts!

In an instant, He Yuzhu's mind was flooded with a lot of knowledge about picture tubes, their working principles, as well as production processes and other related principles.

At this moment, He Yuzhu was very shocked

"Uncle He?"

She didn't react until Chen Guo called He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu said:


"Let's go back!"

I bought a lot of things. In addition to TVs, there were also radios, clothes, refrigerators and a lot of other things, so I hired a car.

When I loaded the goods into the car,

I then pulled them out to the yard.

Back to the yard After that, Sun Huo and Chen Yuan came out to help. Everyone moved things in. He Yuzhu followed the instructions and placed the TV in the yard.

Installed the antenna

【Technology +10】

【Technology +10】

【Understood the manufacturing process of tungsten filament light bulbs]

He Yuzhu quickly understood the modern scientific knowledge and applications. What made He Yuzhu feel dissatisfied was that what he realized this time was actually a tungsten filament light bulb.

It would be great if what I understood was signal processing technology.

If you want to make a picture tube color TV, in addition to the picture tube, you also need key components such as signal processing circuits, scanning circuits, and control systems.

However, He Yuzhu, the reward for eradicating the system, has probably been eliminated.

The current technical level is too low.

Most of the things I learned were relatively low-tech, such as tungsten filament light bulbs, which were outdated technologies from the early 19th century.

But with the improvement of technical level.

Sooner or later, all the technologies for making picture tube color TVs will be understood. Within the next twenty years, picture tube color TVs will have a market.

Defeat the Japanese goods!

This is the goal He Yuzhu has set for himself.

He Yuzhu had this idea when he was buying a color TV just now. Now that he has understood the technology of picture tubes, He Yuzhu's idea has become even stronger.

The TV is installed.

Connect the power supply.

Yangma’s program appeared on TV.

Chen Yuan said:

"Great, we can watch TV and rest after we get back from get off work!"

Sun Huo nodded. Being able to watch a color TV is a dream for many people. He hurriedly went out and came back after a while and bought a bag of melon seeds.

He placed it on the table:

"Watch while cracking melon seeds!"

He Yuzhu was infected by everyone's enthusiasm. He sat down and watched the TV program while eating melon seeds.

Everyone watched and chatted.

It was fun. Such a pleasant day made He Yuzhu feel satisfied. He worked hard at work and could rely on him after work. Relax on the chair.

The fatigue of a day's work can be washed away.

Such quiet days cannot be experienced in Siheyuan.

At this time,


The third aunt who came back from shopping put the newspaper on the table when she entered the room. , and at the same time said to Yan Bugui who was resting next to him:

"I bought the newspaper!"

Yan Bugui nodded.

The third aunt said again:

"We don’t have much pension, so we might as well save money on buying newspapers in the future!"

These words made Yan Bugui very unhappy. As an intellectual, it doesn't make sense that he would have to save money on reading newspapers after retirement. He said:

"State affairs, family affairs, and world affairs are all in the newspapers. How do you know what is happening outside if you don't read the newspapers?"

"The kindness of women!"

The third aunt retorted:

"Didn’t the first and second uncles both buy newspapers? Wouldn't it be nice to wait until they finish reading and then ask them if they want to watch it? You can save a few bucks a month."

Yan Bugui continued to open the newspaper.

When he accidentally scanned the food column, the two familiar words"Chen Ji" came into Yan Bugui's eyes!

Chen Ji?

Didn't you just say that when Jie Cheng came back last time ? Is He Yuzhu working as a chef at Chenji?

He was actually listed in the newspaper?

Yan Bugui, who had not planned to read the food column, immediately started reading:

"Chen Ji’s chef He Yuzhu is proficient in the world’s cuisines, and his understanding of each cuisine has reached a master level. I would like to call him the best master in the world... After reading this,

Yan Bugui was immediately shocked:

"It’s incredible, He Yuzhu actually became a master chef!"

The third aunt asked:

"Are master chefs great?"

Yan Bugui nodded:

"Of course he is great. He is the most powerful cook in the world. Even the owners of big restaurants have to beg to hire him. I think He Yuzhu earns at least two thousand yuan a month."

The third aunt suddenly lost her composure:

"Two thousand yuan a month, doesn’t it mean 20,000 yuan a year?"

Yan Bugui estimated the time when He Yuzhu left the courtyard:

"He Yuzhu should be a millionaire now!"

"Stop cooking!"

"Let’s go to Chen Kee to eat."

The third aunt shook her head:

"How expensive is it to eat in a restaurant? How can we have the money? Yan

Bugui said:

"You don’t understand this!"

"He Yuzhu has become a master chef. This is a great joy. We went to congratulate He Yuzhu. Do you think he can not treat us to a meal?"

The third aunt was ecstatic:

"That's right, we can also go to a big restaurant today to satisfy our cravings."

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