Chapter 227: Buying Sea Bass.

“Also, I do lack clothes, you think about what kind of clothes I am suitable to wear, just help me make two!”

Zhang Shengli said with a smile.

He thought for a moment and added: “As for the clothes on your side, you don’t need to do them!” ”

Yang Weiwei was in a trance for a while just now, and Zhang Shengli immediately said: “Your clothes should be specially bought!” After all, it is a woman, you have to dress yourself up beautifully! ”

When Yang Weiwei heard Zhang Shengli’s words, she couldn’t help but feel warm in her heart, and her heart was also very comfortable, as if she had soaked in a basin of hot water, warm.

Zhang Shengli smiled again and said, “Okay!” Let’s pack up and prepare 817 for lunch! ”

Yang Weiwei also nodded and said, “It’s okay, what do you want to eat at noon?” Or eat fish? ”

Zhang Shengli looked at Yang Weiwei’s eyes and said casually: “Whatever you want, I am willing to eat!” It’s okay to eat fish, or I’ll buy two now? ”

“It’s okay, just eat fish! See if there are any yellow bone fish for sale! If you have it, help me buy two back! ”

Yang Weiwei said softly again.

Zhang Shengli nodded: “Yellow bone fish, right?” I remembered, I’ll take a look later! ”

Zhang Shengli drank two more sips of water here, and after resting for a while, he left home just now and went to the vegetable market to buy yellow bone fish.

Yellow bone fish is a fish without scales, and it has fewer bones, so it is more convenient to eat. Zhang Shengli walked around the vegetable market, but he couldn’t find yellow bone fish to sell.

He pondered for a while, and finally he could only grit his teeth, ruthlessly, and spend money on a sea bass.

Anyway, his income is not low now, and he has the existence of the big killer of the system, and it is not a big deal to buy a sea bass back.

So Zhang Shengli carried the sea bass all the way home, but as soon as he returned home, he heard Yang Weiwei’s surprised voice coming: “Zhang Shengli, the director is here!” ”

Zhang Shengli was stunned in his heart, and he saw the director of the factory and several leaders of the factory appear in his eyes.

Zhang Shengli hurriedly said: “Factory director, Director Gao, Supervisor Chen, why are you here?” ”

“Visit our great heroes!”

The director said with a smile, looking very kind.

Zhang Shengli scratched his head a little embarrassed, and then said, “What kind of hero am I?” I just did what I had to do! ”

“Any employee in the factory who is in my situation will make the same choice as me!”

When the director heard Zhang Shengli say this, the appreciation for him in his eyes became even more profound.

He patted Zhang Shengli’s shoulder and said softly: “You are a good boy! No problem! ”

“We’re here this time to give you a reward!”

Zhang Shengli’s heart moved, and then Director Gao and Director Chen over there showed what they were doing.

Zhang Shengli looked at it and found that there was a bucket of food oil, a bag of ten pounds of rice, as well as a few bacon and some tickets.

Zhang Shengli was a little flattered at that time, and he quickly said: “There really is no need for this!” In this case, I will feel a little uneasy! ”

The director smiled and said: “At the briefing, I have already told everyone about rewarding you, if I don’t do it, I’m deceiving people!” How could I possibly do that! ”

“So this reward, you have to receive it today, and you have to receive it if you don’t receive it!”

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