Chapter 222: Dim Sum.

Yang Weiwei was slightly surprised when she heard this, and she busily asked, “Is this matter so serious?” What a big loss? ”

Zhang Shengli’s tone was solemn, and he nodded and said: “This matter is indeed very serious, if it really makes that Yi Zhonghai a thing, in fact, ordinary employees will also be affected by this!” ”

“This project is very important for the rolling mill, related to the entire output value in the second half of the year, and the investment is very high, what is the big problem with the hanging needle, the capital break is small, the factory will be punished, and we can’t get wages!”

When Yang Weiwei heard this, she really felt palpitations this time, she patted her chest, and said with some worry: “It’s really scared to death 210 people, it turns out that Yi Zhonghai is actually so vicious!” ”

“For the sake of their own selfish desires, put the interests of the entire field people at risk!”

“Indeed, if this matter is not serious, how can Yi Zhonghai face expulsion, abolition of all welfare benefits, and parade the streets and go to prison?”

Zhang Shengli sighed and explained.

Yang Weiwei’s heart eased, and she said again: “Then I will accept everyone’s things, there should be no psychological burden, this time you can be regarded as a big favor for everyone!” ”

“Take it, don’t worry! There will be no problem, and this time it was Chen Gong who brought people over, he has great prestige in our factory, and it is not a personal act of two employees, it is estimated that everyone bought these gifts jointly, and then let Chen Gong send them as a representative! ”

Zhang Shengli began to analyze it.

At this time, Yang Weiwei took the snack over there, and on the wrapping paper, she found a note sandwiched in the middle of the rope.

Yang Weiwei was slightly surprised, and then quickly took off the note, and the result was that the note was quite large when opened, and it was a letter paper-like paper.

Yang Weiwei looked at it again, and then her face was full of surprise, and she handed the letter to Zhang Shengli again.

Zhang Shengli didn’t know why Yang Weiwei was surprised, but he still took the letter paper in Yang Weiwei’s hand.

Zhang Shengli began to read the above content slowly, and after reading it, Zhang Shengli also understood what was going on!

It turned out that this letter paper recorded a list, it was the person who bought the gift this time, Zhang Shengli looked at it, almost all the employees in the factory, and there was a sentence behind, that is, thanks and encouragement to Zhang Shengli.

Thank you Zhang Shengli for exposing Yi Zhonghai’s mess inside and outside, and thank Zhang Shengli for his contribution to the factory.

“It seems that I really thank everyone, everyone really has a heart this time!”

Zhang Shengli’s eyes were soft, he smiled, and said so.

“Well, don’t say if there are any new problems, come and eat!”

Yang Weiwei put the sesame oil and cloth over there into the cabinet, and then took the snacks apart again,

“You don’t eat dim sum, the beef tongue cake and coconut shredded balls in Daoxiang Village taste pretty good!”

In fact, the real dim sum is not so easy to eat this year.

Zhang Shengli said with a smile: “Eat first, after eating, you put this snack away, you can eat it!” I don’t feel much for sweets! ”

Yang Weiwei knew that Zhang Shengli wanted to let herself eat, her eyes were soft, and she smiled and said: “Let’s eat together after eating”

“Don’t always let me, I’m pregnant with a child and can’t do anything!”

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