Chapter Two Hundred and Five: Falling into a Dung Pit.

Just because there is really no hope for life, as long as there is the slightest possibility, his greed will tell him that he must catch it!

I don’t know if it’s the sadness of the environment or the ugliness of the individual. In short, Yi Zhonghai has still fallen to this point!

He walked through the alley, his heart seemed to be a mess, walking and walking, one of his shoes fell off, he bent down to pick it up, and then walked briskly.

Not long after, Yi Zhonghai ran to a continuous low house.

And 06 At this time, he suddenly heard a voice over there: “It seems to be over there!” ”

“I see him!”

“Everyone, go chase!”

“Right over there! Catch him, make sure you catch him 1”

Yi Zhonghai panicked at that time, what happened? How did they appear from that side? Is it a short cut? Yi Zhonghai was afraid and panicked in his heart, and walked forward while looking back.

But because of this, while looking back, I walked forward, and did not notice that there was a cesspit in front of me. Yi Zhonghai directly stepped on it, and the whole person fell into the dung pit.

Disgusting feces stained his body, and even he could feel the deworming crawling on his face. He struggled to get out again, but he started to vomit out again.

There was a disgusting stench all over his body, and there were faint flies around him.

He felt dizzy and nauseated, and his stomach seemed to be turning over. But what made him feel most frightened was that a voice from everyone came from behind him!

“Someone over there fell into a cesspool!”

A man who came to the toilet suddenly saw Yi Zhonghai’s figure, and quickly shouted loudly.

“What’s going on? How did someone fall into the pit? ”

A woman holding a turnip leaf next to her heard this sentence and was also very curious when she saw this scene.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl muttered: “This is too careless!” It’s not decent and uncomfortable to have this kind of thing! ”

“Let’s go and see, don’t talk, what if that man drowns!”

In the end, it was the man who reacted, feeling that this matter was a little dangerous, and hurriedly greeted again.

“Drowning in a dung pit, this is really a strange story for thousands of years!”

The woman holding the radish leaves did not want to go over, afraid that her radish leaves would stink.

“Anyway, let’s hurry up and see! Don’t look at it, if something happens to someone, it will really be a big trouble! ”

The little girl still said so.

“Yes, yes, yes! Let’s go and see! ”

The man hurried over. After all, if you have saved people since 373, maybe you can mix it with a commendation!

With a commendation, in the future, in the factory, maybe you can get some benefits and be promoted! These people came to the side of the dung pit with various thoughts, and glanced at Yi Zhonghai in the dung pit.

Yi Zhonghai smashed to the bottom of the dung pit, and at this time, his body was very uncomfortable, and he was dizzy, and he didn’t have the strength to struggle anymore and escape.

After the man next to him saw Yi Zhonghai, he pondered again: “I don’t think this person is a little familiar!” ”

“Did someone say just now that there is a bad guy who looks like this, bald and full of folds!”

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