Chapter 203: A Rich Life.

“Help? Do me a favor and get out. ”

He Daqing was in a bad mood. He was very angry at this time, and he was not angry when he heard about it.

Silly Zhu made an embarrassing motion: “Dad, this…”

At this time, Qin Huairu shouted: “Silly pillar, Zhang Shengli is insatiable. When my family couldn’t go over and steal something, Zhang Shengli called the police and grabbed the handle. Now, Xiaodang is at the police station. Do you think you can do something to stop the stupid pillar from entering the juvenile detention center? ”

“If Xiaodang enters a juvenile detention center, it will ruin his life.”

“What? Zhang Shengli called the police? ”

Silly Pillar was surprised. As for Xiaodang stealing, he automatically filtered it.

“Xiaodang doesn’t understand things either.”

Qin Huairu looked aggrieved, as if he had done nothing wrong.

“If you want me to say, Xiaodang didn’t do anything wrong. She went to find something to eat. That’s right, the fault lies in Zhang Shengli, make a fuss. ”

Silly Pillar said.

With that, Silly Zhu left He’s house and closed the door.

“Zhang Shengli, come out here.”

After knocking on the door, the stupid pillar pinched his waist and shouted outside. There is a lamp in the room.

After a while, Zhang Shengli opened the door and walked out.

“Silly Zhu, what do you want to do?”

As soon as he fell asleep, he was woken up by a stupid pillar, and Zhang Shengli’s face was not good-looking.

“Zhang Shengli, you are too lacking in morality. What happened to Xiaodang? What’s so bad about eating your stuff? Is it necessary to call the police? ”

“Silly pillar, don’t you know he’s stealing? Call you stupid, you’re really stupid. Sure enough, you just took the wrong name, but not the wrong nickname. Stupid pillars are stupid pillars, stupid out of the sky. ”

Zhang Shengli sneered.

“You yourself have done wrong, and you dare to laugh at me.”

Silly Pillar scolded.

“Pillar, stop scolding.”

Yi Zhonghai hurriedly came and grabbed the stupid pillar. When Yi Zhonghai pulled the silly pillar, Zhang Shengli was very sorry.

If Silly Pillar moves, he doesn’t mind rewarding Silly Pillar with another Viagra.

“Hehe, it’s Xiao Dangqian who is wrong. She steals again and again. It’s time to call the police and punish her. ”

Yi Zhonghai said.

“Uncle Yizhong, how do you say this? Xiaodang is still a child, is it necessary to be so real? ”

Silly Zhu looked at Yi Zhonghai with some dissatisfaction.

“When I was a child, I stole needles. When I grew up, I stole gold. When I steal, I have to get shot. ”

Yi Zhonghai is bitter.


However, the stupid pillar does not listen. As long as he thought of Qin Huai Heru’s aggrieved and pitiful appearance, Silly Zhu felt distressed. In any case, Xiaodang is still a child, and it is not right for Zhang Shengli to do this.

“Uncle Yi, why are you wasting saliva for a fool? He was so stupid that he didn’t know he was being used. ”

Zhang Shengli said.

“Zhang Shengli, who are you talking about? You just can’t eat grapes and say grape sour. Sister Qin didn’t marry you in the first place, so it’s true. ”

Silly Zhu was stunned.

Yi Zhonghai not only shook his head and sneered.

In fact, Qin Huairu is a 10,000 people riding.

Only this stupid fool can see him.

Now Zhang Shengli is a level 8 fitter, and at the age of 25, he is a level 8 fitter. Have you seen it? Anyway, Yi Zhonghai has never seen it.

What’s more, Zhang Shengli now lives a wealthy life, eating meat and flour and rice every day, and has a highly educated partner.

The wife and children have everything.

I regret that I didn’t marry Zhang Shengli in the first place, and I regret that my intestines are blue, I’m afraid it was Qin Huairu who opened the door.

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