Chapter 192: The Stupid Pillar Wants to Get a Certificate.

“That’s of course, you wear everything handsome, your figure, it is simply the golden ratio, your skin is good, everything you wear looks good.”

Qin Huairu’s speech speed was extremely slow, and she said while observing the reaction of the silly pillar.

“Sister Qin, you are also very beautiful, let’s try it together, your clothes will definitely look good.”

Silly Zhu had a cheeky smile on his face.

“Silly pillar, you said where I was going to sleep tonight.”


Silly Zhu was stunned.

Qin Huairu’s face turned crimson, and he said, “I didn’t rest well last night. ”

“How about we go live with me today?”

“Silly Zhu, is what you said true?”

“Really, Sister Qin, go to my place tonight, okay?”

Silly pillar eyes glow.

Qin Huairu smiled: “Well, okay then. ”

Silly Zhu was overjoyed, and he grabbed Qin Huairu’s shoulders. Qin Huairu also leaned in the arms of the silly pillar.

“Sister Qin, let me take you to see the clothes.”

Qin Huairu nodded in agreement.

Silly Zhu took Qin Huairu into a brand-name store.

Qin Huairu was shopping while looking at the clothes, looking at it, she suddenly said: “Silly Zhu, I have a pair of high heels, they are limited editions, you know?” ”


“However, I want to try the effect of this shoe, I don’t know if it looks good?”

“Of course it looks good!”

Silly Zhu immediately replied.

Qin Huairu nodded: “Well, let’s try it.” ”

The two walked outside the fitting room, Qin Huairu knocked on the door and said, “Xiao Wang, help me open the door, thank you.” ”

“It’s Sister Qin.”

Xiao Wang opened the door and saw Qin Huairu holding the arm of the silly pillar, smiling like a flower. Xiao Wang was a little surprised: “Yo, isn’t this Sister Qin?” ”

“Silly pillar is?”

“My boyfriend.”

Xiao Wang’s gaze fell on Silly Zhu’s chest: “Oh~~~ It turns out that Sister Qin has found such a handsome boyfriend, congratulations, congratulations.” ”

Qin Huairu smiled: “Thank you.” ”

“Sister Qin, you are really happy.”

Qin Huairu nodded.

When Silly Zhu saw this, he quickly introduced: “Sister Qin, this is my good friend, Xiao Wang, just call her Xiao Wang.” ”

“Hello, Xiao Wang.”

Qin Huairu smiled at Xiao Wang and nodded.

“Sister Qin, you are so beautiful.”

Xiao Wang said sincerely: “I have never seen such a beautiful woman, Sister Qin, you look good in any clothes.” ”

“Hehe, I also think I look good.”

The two chatted for a while before Qin Huairu and Xiao Wang took their leave. After the two got into the car, Qin Huairu smiled and said: “Silly Zhu, I feel now that we are like ordinary couples and very happy.” ”

Silly Zhu nodded while driving: “Sister Qin, I also feel very happy.” ”

The car was parked in front of the store.

“Xiao Wang, can you help me get this bag in?”


Xiao Wang carried the things in, and soon took them out again and handed them to Qin Huairu.

“Sister Qin, this is the new clothes you are going to wear today.”

Qin Huairu took something into the store, Silly Zhu drove the car, followed Qin Huairu into the elevator, according to the floor provided by Qin Huairu, Silly Pillar went all the way to six floors and stopped in front of a hanger.

Silly Zhu raised his hand and touched the hanger, touched himself again, and said while shaking his head: “Sister Qin, your clothes are so expensive, you want to buy me clothes, I can’t ask for your money.” ”

“Just take it.”

Qin Huairu said while stuffing things into Silly Zhu’s arms. Silly Zhu hurriedly refused: “Sister Qin, this dress is really too expensive.” ”

Qin Huairu grabbed Silly Zhu’s arm: “If you don’t want me, I’ll throw it.” ”

Qin Huairu said, and was about to throw away the clothes in his hand.

The silly pillar was terrified.

He hurriedly said: “Sister Qin, I accept it, can’t I accept it?” ”

Silly Zhu quickly stuffed his clothes into his pocket.

Qin Huairu smiled with satisfaction: “Good.” ”

“Sister Qin, in the future, don’t buy me such a valuable gift, otherwise, I will ignore you again.”

“Well, though, it’s your birthday, and I’m going to give you a birthday present.”

Qin Huairu took out a ring from his pocket and handed it to the silly pillar. Silly Zhu’s eyes widened, and he quickly pushed away: “Sister Qin, no, I can’t ask for it, I really can’t ask for it.” ”

“Silly brother, don’t postpone it.”

Qin Huairu said with a smile. The silly pillar can only accept it.

The silly pillar put the ring on his ring finger, carefully examined it, and for a moment, he was overwhelmed.

Qin Huairu smiled and said, “Silly brother, how is it, is it good-looking?” ”

Silly Pillar nodded.

“Then you can treat me well in the future.”

Qin Huairu said shyly.

“Well, I’ll definitely treat you well.”

Silly Pillar nodded.

“That’s good.”

The two talked kung fu, and the elevator reached the sixth floor. Qin Huairu pulled the silly pillar into a room.

Silly Zhu was surprised to see that all the expensive brand names in the room were all displayed in the room, and some were even limited editions.

“Sister Qin, with so many clothes, why are you buying them? Are you going to a banquet? ”

“yes, I want to participate.”

Qin Huairu nodded.

“But so many clothes, it’s too luxurious.”

“Not extravagant.”

Qin Huairu said with a smile.

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