Chapter 178: There is also money that she does not dare to collect.

The commissioner frowned.

He didn’t want to do these troublesome things anymore.

Although Zhang Shengli helped him, there are a lot of dirty things in this yard, and when you look at this situation, there are quite a few!

“This, the big New Year, our colleagues have long rested.”

The committee member pretended to sigh and said: “That is, I, I still wanted to help everyone deal with something, but I didn’t expect to meet such an unreasonable person.” ”

What the commissioner said is true.

In this era, especially the common people, they are very afraid of being in office.

It was the first time he had seen someone like the deaf old lady who dared to spit at the official. Zhang Shengli still smiled: “Since you are so enthusiastic, this matter still has to trouble you to help.” ”

Zhang Shengli pointed to the sleeve of the committee member: “The reputation of that old lady, you can just ask people casually to know.” ”

“This old lady pretended to be a five-guarantee household, and then it was exposed, and all her family property was confiscated, but she was alone.”

“Now, she recognizes you, and if you don’t solve this matter, I’m afraid she will fall for you.”

It has to be said.

Zhang Shengli really knew the virtues of the deaf old lady too well.

If he hadn’t promised to give money to the deaf old lady, the deaf old lady would not have come down from the deaf old lady at all. And most of the people in the street office like mud.

Maybe when the time comes, I will really let this committee member take care of the deaf old lady. As for the commissioner, he is not very old, that is, he looks like he is thirty years old.

Listening to Zhang Shengli’s words, he was so frightened that sweat broke out on his forehead.

“Okay, then I’ll contact my colleague immediately, little brother, how do you want me to cooperate with you.”

Zhang Shengli said: “This deaf old lady used to live in a house called He Yuzhu in our yard, but recently He Yuzhu asked the deaf old lady for money, and the deaf old lady had no money, so He Yuzhu drove the deaf old lady out.” ”

“Before He Yuzhu himself said that he wanted to raise the deaf old lady, the deaf old lady gave him jewelry in order to repay him, and the deaf old lady’s own savings for so many years, now there is none, it must have been taken away by the He family.”

“Then, this is the crime of abandoning the old man, and when the time comes, it will not be able to rely on you.”

After listening to this, the committee member’s eyes lit up, and he said again and again: “Okay, then I will go and do it right now.” ”

Zhang Shengli smiled and said, “Remember to bring more people.” ”


“This… Got it. ”

Close the door of the yard.

Zhang Shengli turned around.

The deaf old lady was looking at him with a gloomy face.

“Zhang Shengli, this is what you said, you give me the money.”

“Otherwise, I’ll go straight to your house to make trouble.”

Zhang Shengli sneered: “Don’t you rely on me here to sell the old, will I eat this set?” ”


“It’s fifty dollars, take it.”

Zhang Shengli took out fifty yuan from his wallet and gave it to the deaf old lady.

This money naturally came out of the two hundred yuan of the deaf old lady who stole from the rat. However, it is impossible for the deaf old lady to break her head and think that her money is here in Zhang Shengli. The deaf old lady’s eyes widened.

She couldn’t help but look up and glance at the weather. This sun does not come out of the west.

Zhang Shengli, this is taking the wrong medicine? Will actually give her money! You know, the two do not share the hatred of the sky.

The deaf old lady didn’t even dare to accept Zhang Shengli’s fifty yuan. She even suspected that Zhang Shengli had done something on this money! In a while, I will use this fifty yuan to send her to jail!.

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