Chapter 176 – Deaf Old Lady Sputters.

If it weren’t for the fact that her mother didn’t have the ability.

How could she have fallen to this point!

Touching Xiaodang’s head, the stupid pillar also left the deaf old lady outside the door behind. When passing by the compound, He Daqing also spat at the deaf old lady.

He Daqing accompanied the silly pillar and rushed to the street to buy things. After all, since Silly Zhu wanted to get Qin Huairu.

Now it’s the New Year again, don’t buy some clothes, how to do New Year goods. And Qin Huairu also said it to Silly Zhu before.

Even if she wants to follow the stupid pillar, she wants something to turn three times and one turn.

Not to mention, next to the silly pillar is followed by Xiaodang, this cheap girl.

Cheap girls are staring at it, and they don’t buy her a dress, how can this work. The poor deaf old lady was just left in the ice and snow by them.

I kept wailing several times.

People outside the compound couldn’t help but come and look.

But in fact, it is not only the people in the yard who know the virtues of the deaf old lady.

Even the neighbors in this neighborhood know the absurd things that have happened in this courtyard. Or how to call it full of animals and animals.

Therefore, no one dared to step forward to help the deaf old lady. I was afraid that this old lady would be deceived.

Or more than an hour later.

The deaf old lady’s wailing voice gradually decreased.

After the New Year, a person in the street office looked at her and saw that she was about to die. Prepare to come and knock on the gate of the courtyard and let people bring the deaf old lady back.

He knocked on the door for a long time.

But no one opened the door for him.

At this time, he knew that there were only a few young people in this courtyard. For example, Xu Damao and Silly Zhu went out to work.

Everyone else is at home.

You can imagine how bad this deaf old lady’s popularity is. It is precisely in such a situation.

The members of the neighborhood office have even less compassion for the deaf old lady. An old lady who has lived in this place for so long has not even had a single person willing to help her.

How bad this must have to be to end up like this.

The deaf old lady who was cold and cold finally met someone who was willing to help her. Then I saw a red cloth pinned to the sleeve of this man’s right hand.

It immediately became clear that this person belonged to the street office. She felt that the official should help her old lady.

Although she had disguised herself as a five-guarantee household before, but so what? This old woman of hers was already very pitiful.

Isn’t it normal to receive subsidies from the state.

However, these officials were unreasonable, and actually arrested her and raided her house, harming her that she could only live in a kennel for a while. There was hatred and urgency in her heart.

Under the double interweaving of such emotions. The deaf old lady couldn’t help but speak in a sharp tone: “Don’t hurry up and pull me up yet!” Do you want to watch my wife freeze to death on such an icy ground?”


“If I die, that’s what you did! Everyone else is looking at you. ”

The deaf old lady’s words made the members of the street office regret it very much. He just has too much control over the New Year.

I knew that this old lady was an unreasonable person, but I still couldn’t help but mix my feet.

He regretted it to death, but the deaf old lady seemed to have grasped his last straw. It’s been babbling, barking non-stop.

“Everyone has taken a look, the officials in charge of this street, seeing that my wife is lonely and miserable, will not help me.”

“He doesn’t help me, his heart is so dark, how can such a person be worthy of being an official!”

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