Chapter 170: Ask for money.

It was he who willingly did it, and he also took on a lot of good names.

As a result, now the old ladies of Lala are unwilling, and they have to ask someone to help. Isn’t this reputation in vain?

What will others think of him as a silly pillar? The deaf old lady was literally going to collapse.

Silly Pillar, this kid usually looks quite enthusiastic, and this is the critical time. Unexpectedly, it is also a bad species!

Isn’t it just pulling her this old woman, how, is it difficult?

Obviously, she had no strength in her body, but the cry was louder than a fart and very sharp. Let Xiaodang, stupid pillar He Daqing three people 06, not only the nose hurts, even the ears are unbearable. Seeing that the deaf old lady was about to cry and faint.

And it’s too loud, and it’s not good to wake up the rest of the compound for a while. The stupid pillar can only grit his teeth.

Run out and find a laborer’s glove in the backyard.

Then put on gloves, supported the deaf old woman, and helped the deaf old lady back to the bed. Fortunately, the deaf old lady didn’t eat much at night in order to frame Xiaodang today. So far, there has been much jumping.

After the deaf old lady returned to the room, He Daqing and Silly Zhu originally wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. But there was a stench throughout the room.

Moreover, the hot kang head tastes like cooking. It’s simply unbearable.

He Daqing, who is so afraid of the cold, can’t help but want to open the door and disperse his breath. Anyway, tonight passed in such a mess.

The next day, when the silly pillar got up and prepared to go to work at the steel mill. He finished the meal and got the deaf old lady up to eat.

After a few seconds, no one answered.

The silly pillar was a little impatient, turned around, and thought about it. No, deaf old ladies usually eat the most actively.

Could it be, it was diarrhea yesterday, and then…. The silly pillar was startled and quickly opened the door.

In the eyes, it is a mess. Yesterday, the deaf old lady’s clothes were randomly placed on his cabinet.

The cabinet was stained with excrement.

Moreover, the room where the deaf old lady sleeps is the one with the heaviest taste. yue······ The silly pillar almost didn’t spit it out directly.

Fortunately, the deaf old lady took the initiative to make a sound.

“Pillar, help me put the food on the table, ouch, my old woman, I really can’t get up.”


Silly Zhu simply didn’t want to say a word and put the meal on the table. He quickly ran away and left.

At the time of the New Year, wages are doubled.

Anyway, Silly Zhu doesn’t have a wife and children, he just wants to take advantage of the New Year to make a little more money. Moreover, Chinese New Year’s Eve, the first and second years of junior high have also passed.

Many fitters have already resumed work by this time.

Silly Zhu happily went to work, and time passed quickly.

It was a matter of opening and closing his eyes453, and the stupid pillar returned to the courtyard. Go back to the room.

He put down his baggage and planned to go to the kitchen to cook. At this time, He Daqing also happened to be looking at him outside the door.

He saw the silly pillar come back, and quickly stepped forward and grabbed the silly pillar’s arm.

“Pillar, or else, let’s get this old woman away!” You don’t even know how much she made our ear chamber! ”

After listening to it, Silly Zhu showed an expression of not much support.

“How did this work, when we took in the old lady, we all promised to do well.”

“And this icy snow, where to let her go again?” It’s not about people’s lives! ”

The main thing for the silly pillar is that he does not want his reputation to be damaged.

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