Chapter 163: Money Disappeared.

As soon as these words came out.

People who didn’t think much about it couldn’t help but think more. No wonder the old lady is sure that she is a little dangqian. It’s an excuse to drive away Xiaodang…

Silly Zhu listened to the gossip behind him, and also reacted. Staring at the old lady with a frown, he wanted to say something.

Finally, he sighed fiercely and said, “Oops! Okay, old lady, are you sure you lost your money? ”

If it was before, then the deaf old lady must have been weak-hearted.

But now, she was crying and screaming. It seems to be complaining about the injustice of this world.

Why does everyone believe in this little girl’s film, not her old woman’s. To be honest, this is all because the deaf old woman’s previous record is not very good.

Having pretended to be deaf for so long, the result is deceptive.

If it weren’t for the fact that she was the ancestor of the courtyard, she would have been sprayed to death by a person with a mouthful of spit. Yi Zhonghai’s face was full of impatience.

But in the past, he was the one who said the most about etiquette and integrity. So in the face of the deaf old lady at this time, it is not good to say anything.

I could only say coldly: “In that case, then everyone should help the old lady find out where the rest of the money is!” ”

“By the way, look for it before and after! Especially the deaf old lady’s own house! ”

The deaf old lady’s face was blue and white.

They are all so old, and they have to be searched in the yard. It’s out, what a look!

However, she couldn’t say anything yet.

Otherwise, isn’t it a disguised admission that you are designing a little girl? The deaf old lady with grief and indignation kept staring at Xiaodang with cannibalistic eyes.

Xiaodang is not far behind, proud.

However, soon, Xiaodang couldn’t laugh.

Because after everyone searched the deaf old lady’s house and there was nothing. I plan to finally help the deaf old lady to search the entire compound.

Whether there is or not at that time, everyone does not care.

Big deal, if your deaf old lady is really reasonable, go to the police. The deaf old lady pointed to the gate of the courtyard.

“I suspect that this kid has unclean hands and feet.”

“After all, my jewelry and dozens of dollars were all searched from her room.”

“Didn’t you say that Xiaodang was playing in the mud at the door today? I suspect she’s hiding money! ”

When the old lady said this, she didn’t hesitate at all.

This is equivalent to tearing the skin.

Qin Huairu was in the crowd, pulling Xiaodang to cry aggrievedly. That’s called a pear blossom with rain.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai and a few other old and young masters, their hearts were ape.

“Old lady, if you don’t like my family Xiaodang, you can’t say that, Xiaodang is still a child!”


It even more portrays the deaf old lady into that kind of evil person.

Although the deaf old lady is already very bad, if you really find these two hundred dollars at the door. At that time, it can also be said that the deaf old lady deliberately did it.

Silly Pillar stood next to him, very embarrassed.

In order to please Qin Huairu, he took Xiaodang over as a girl. But I didn’t expect that this was the next day. At that time, he will not have the face to see Sister Qin.

Thinking of this, Silly Zhu looked at the deaf old lady complainingly.

It’s all people in their own family, can’t they solve it privately? It’s so big, why bother!

Because it’s not early at night.

Everyone wants to go back to sleep and go to work the next day. It’s not easy to make some money these days.

Therefore, everyone’s attention is focused on looking at the road and looking for money. No one noticed that Xiaodang’s face turned white.

With cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, he followed the group with cat steps. Zhang Shengli smiled slightly.

The rats he just let out. Already found, where is the remaining two hundred dollars.

That’s right, right where Xiaodang played in the mud today. Xiaodang and the deaf old lady came to a dog-eat-dog fight.

At noon when eating.

Xiao Dang first took out more than two hundred yuan of the deaf old lady, dozens of which were put in his room.

Then two hundred of them were buried at the gate of the courtyard.

If it weren’t for the deaf old lady making such a fuss, who would have thought that Xiaodang would bury his money in that place. Then, the deaf old lady thought of a way to frame Xiaodang.

Therefore, after Xiaodang went out, she took the jewelry to Xiaodang’s room.

When she saw the dozens of dollars inside, the deaf old lady thought that she was old and couldn’t remember when she brought the money, so she didn’t think much about it.

Two people designed each other’s set in this way.

The rat controlled by Zhang Shengli has already obtained these two hundred yuan into his room. Now Xiaodang can’t be exposed for the time being.

Because once everyone finds out that it was Xiaodang who stole the money, then Qin Huairu will definitely not be able to live in Yi Zhonghai’s house.


Without Qin Huairu, this-stirring stick. Yi Zhonghai is not so easy to take the bait. At this time, everyone had gathered at the door.

The stupid pillar said angrily: “Old lady, let’s turn this land out for you, and if there is no time, it will really be gone.” The deaf old lady nodded gloomily. ”

“It must be here, it was stolen by Xiaodang’s girl.”

Xiaodang shrank his hand.

Qin Huairu watched the silly pillar turn over worriedly.

But now, there is no chance for quibbles. If it is really found…

After about a minute or two, the impatient voice of the silly pillar clearly reached the ears of the mother and daughter.

“Look, I said it all, there is no money here!”

Qin Huairu and Xiaodang’s first reaction was: Could it be that the stupid pillar stole the sky to change the column, and hid the money when turning the soil. Not only the two of them, but also the deaf old lady thinks the same.

Her cloudy old eyes widened and she saw an empty land. One ass sat on the ground and began to roll.

“Impossible! Impossible, silly pillar, don’t help the thief and baby talk! ”

Silly Zhu was angry this time, stood up and said angrily: “So many people are watching, even if I like Xiaodang this girl, I can’t exchange money under everyone’s nose!” ”

“yes, let’s all watch.”

Xu Damao said and yawned: “It’s nothing, I’ll leave first.” ”

“I see this is your own doing! It’s really…”

Everyone understands the meaning of this sentence.

Looking at the silly pillar and the deaf old lady, a hint of mockery appeared in his eyes. Then the crowd stumbled and went home one by one. Leave the deaf old lady who is stunned, and sprinkle and roll.

The crying continued until the second half of the night.

The confused Xiaodang was coaxed back to He’s house by the stupid pillar.

Before leaving, Qin Huairu originally wanted to ask something, but there were many people, so he still led the locust tree back first.


The next morning.

In the courtyard, another explosive news appeared.

The happy talk in everyone’s mouth instantly changed from a deaf old lady to: Jia Zhang’s mental illness, jail!

However, it is only a few months to sit!

Everyone thought that she would be sentenced to death for a long time!.

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