Chapter 148: Qin Huairu Yi Zhonghai both mentioned divorce.

“Anyway, stick terriers are also your species……… After all these years, you haven’t looked at it, how do you expect him to have feelings for you”

Yi Zhonghai took a puff of morning smoke and said: “Just think about it, since you came back, everyone knows that he is not the biological child of the Jia family, how many people have called him a wild mongrel?” How could he get by in his heart? ”

“If nothing else, do you want him to die or do you want him to live?”

He Daqing snorted coldly, can’t give you He Daqing’s seed, is there a difference between dead and alive?

Although He Daqing did not speak, his expression had already told Yi Zhonghai his answer, so Yi Zhonghai took out another set of words

“Actually, it doesn’t matter if you’re dead or alive……… It’s just that if the stick terrier dies like this, your He Daqing’s reputation will stink even more! ”

“He died, blame himself for being cruel! What are the matter with me?! ”

He Daqing snorted coldly and put the teapot on the table.

Yi Zhonghai snorted louder than he coldly.

“What do you say? Now half of the Four Nine Cities know that you He Daqing and Qin Huairu broke their shoes and gave birth to a stick terrier, although the stick terrier poisoned you, but he is also a ten-year-old child. ”

“Now if he dies like this, others have to say that you He Daqing is not a thing, sleep people’s mothers don’t say, but also want the child’s life, the old saying is good, tiger poison does not eat, you try, when you go out, others can ignore you.”

Yi Zhonghai snorted twice, knocked the morning cigarette bag twice, got up and prepared to leave,

“Then what do you say!”

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai was leaving, He Daqing couldn’t help it, and he quickly opened his mouth to stop Yi Zhonghai.

The stick terrier is now crippled, so this dog thing really doesn’t matter to him.

Even if he is in jail or dead, it is the same for him.

But his own reputation is different.

He still has to find a job.

Just because of the matter of breaking the shoe to parade the street, it is quite troublesome for him to find time for such a good craft job.

If you lose a reputation for being unkind because of the stick terrier, it will be even more difficult to find a job.

Hearing He Daqing’s question, Yi Zhonghai sneered in his heart.

The dog thing, really cares more about himself.

“The solution is very simple, you go to the police station and write a letter of understanding to him, just say that you are personally not prepared to pursue this matter……… In this way, although homicide is a criminal case, you cannot withdraw the prosecution yourself, but at least the sentence can be lighter. ”

Seeing He Daqing nodding, Yi Zhonghai raised his foot and left.

Because the facts of the crime are clear, there is nothing to investigate and there is no need to try it.

So, three days later, the verdict of the stick terrier came out.

“Jia Bao terrier, convicted of murder. Because he was under 12 years of age and had a letter of forgiveness from the victim, he was sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment at his discretion. ”

“20 years!”

When Qin Huairu heard the result, he almost fell to the ground in front of him.

20 years, Qin Huairu is 30 years old this year, and she will be in her 50s in another 20 years.

And the stick terrier also has to be 30 years old, 30 years old out of prison, how difficult it is to learn some skills to support himself……… When the stick terrier comes out, will he serve him or himself?

After Qin Huairu wiped his tears, he and Yi Zhonghai looked at each other and nodded.

Yi Zhonghai told her, now that this is the case, they are no longer so sneaky.

It’s better to marry Yi Zhonghai directly… After all, the two beasts of the Jia family, Jia Dongxu and the Jia Zhang family, are not noses and eyes are not eyes for themselves every day.

Before staying in Jia’s house, I didn’t dare to divorce, mainly for fear of losing my household registration in Sijiucheng.

But now, Yi Zhonghai is willing to marry him.

In comparison, Yi Zhonghai is much better than Jia Dongxu.

Although Yi Zhonghai is a little older, he still says that he is a healthy man.

Even if it is a decade or two later, I have to take care of him.

But it’s better than taking care of Jia Dongxu who is paralyzed in bed every day, right?

Although he said that he couldn’t give birth to a child for Yi Zhonghai, everyone in the courtyard knew that Yi Zhonghai didn’t have this matter.

Yi Zhonghai wanted to die, and he couldn’t think that he was on the ring.

Therefore, Qin Huairu knew that this was her only chance to jump out of the fire pit of the Jia family.

Now that the stick terrier has been sentenced, then he has nothing to worry about.

Just get a divorce!

As for Xiaodang and Sophora……… Qin Huairu was not reluctant in the slightest.

Let’s not mention that they all live in one courtyard.

Even if you don’t live in a courtyard, you can’t spend the rest of your life for two money-losing goods.

“Jia Dongxu, I want to divorce you!”

As soon as the police left, Qin Huairu directly proposed a divorce to Jia Dongxu in front of the entire courtyard people.

It was brought up at this time, and of course there are reasons for bringing it up at this time.

“If it weren’t for you and your mother deliberately teaching the stick terrier, my son wouldn’t have stolen anything!” It won’t kill! It’s all because of you two beasts! ”

“If it weren’t for the two of you scolding the stick terrier wild mongrel at home every day, he wouldn’t be angry and kill! Jia Dongxu, I can’t live with you! ”

Qin Huairu cried loudly, she just wanted to make everyone feel that she was forced to divorce.

Because the police came to announce the verdict, the door of Jia’s house was open.

Everyone gathered around the door to watch the bustle.

Now that Qin Huairu made such a fuss, everyone was instantly excited.

Unexpectedly, this Jia family’s affairs have risen again and again.

Now I’m actually going to get a divorce!

Hearing Qin Huairu speak, Yi Zhonghai turned around and went home.

He also wants to talk to Aunt Yi.

And Jia Dongxu looked resentful, and his heart was even more panicked!

“Qin Huairu, you is crazy, right?”

“Huh? Are you bringing up divorce? You are a rotten thing, you don’t want to lose your shoes! Do you have the face to come home you? Divorce me? Divorce me, you are a village girl! ”

“No matter what it is, I just want a divorce, and I divorced this marriage!”

“Qin Huairu, you conscience loss thing! You cuckold my son! Do you still dare to mention divorce? What a dream! ”

Jia Zhangshi and Jia Dongxu are just as flustered!

Since Qin Huairu married into the Jia family, she Jia Zhang basically didn’t do any work!

If Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu really divorced, who would do so many things in the family every day?

And also.

Jia Dongxu now has no job and no subsidies.

If Qin Huairu runs away again, who in the family will make money?

Can’t let her starve to death like this!

“The old lady told you! You is my son’s daughter-in-law, and dead is the ghost of the Jia family! Don’t even think about it! If you dare to divorce……… If you dare to divorce, I can’t spare you! ”

Qin Huairu was not afraid of the Jia family at all at the moment.

She has already found a next home, she told Yi Zhonghai, she divorced Yi Zhonghai also divorced.

Then, after they divorced on the front and back feet, they immediately transferred their household registration to Yi Zhonghai’s family to marry Yi Zhonghai.

In this way, she Qin Huairu is still a city person.

Moreover, she no longer has to pick up rags every day!

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu turned her back to everyone and looked at the mother and son of the Jia family coldly, but her mouth was sad and sad: “Jia Dongxu, if you want to divorce or not, I will leave you!” I’ve already inquired, you dog thing damn my son, I can divorce you directly! ”

Seeing Qin Huairu so firm, Jia Dongxu went crazy

“Qin Huairu! Lao Tzu told you! I, Jia Dongxu, can be a widower, I can’t get divorced! You dare to divorce Laozi directly kill you”

Just when the Jia family was shouting and killing, the Yi family also made a fuss.

It turned out that Yi Zhonghai went home and directly called Aunt Yi to talk.

“I’ve thought about it, we can’t live like this……… You don’t like me, I don’t see you well, it’s good to leave early. ”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai say this, Aunt Yi was shocked.

She is disgusting Yi Zhonghai is not fake, I can’t wait to smoke Yi Zhonghai’s two mouths every day, but this year is said to be the freedom of marriage in the new era.

But there are really few divorced.

Everyone is still embarrassed.

Not to mention that she has no job and no income, if she is divorced, she is not registered in Sijiucheng, if she has no house and no money, she can only go back to the countryside.

“Yi Zhonghai, are you crazy?”

Aunt Yi shook her head: “You don’t feel shame, I don’t want to be ashamed, I don’t divorce.” ”

Yi Zhonghai looked at her coldly, of course Yi Zhonghai knew what Aunt Yi was afraid of.

It can be said that Yi Zhonghai has been able to hold Aunt Yi for so many years, isn’t it based on his household registration and money

“Don’t say that I Yi Zhonghai has ignored the relationship for so many years, this is 100 yuan, you take it back to the countryside, it is enough for you to live for two or three years.”

Yi Zhonghai said it simply.

He believes that the countryside has land and food, and he only needs to buy a little salt a month to get by.

But I don’t want to think about it, Aunt Yi is so old, and her parents at home are gone.

Go back now, who cares about her?

Where does she live? What to serve and what to drink?

Seeing Yi Zhonghai so desperate, Aunt Yi couldn’t help it!

“Yi Zhonghai, you are dreaming! I don’t get divorced! Don’t you want me to divorce! I won’t leave this home! ”


Aunt Yi wants to say, you especially want to get away from you!

But she couldn’t say it.


She felt weak, after all, in her cognition, although she only had to work much harder at home than Yi Zhonghai.

But after all, there is no salary, and Aunt Yi inevitably feels a loss.

Despite this, she does not divorce either.

“You have the ability to kill me! Or I won’t go! ”

Aunt Yi collapsed with anger, and finally couldn’t help but splash it!

She ran to the courtyard and cried and shouted: “Big guys, look at ahi Zhonghai, this dog thing, he has lost his conscience, woo, I have lived with him for so many years, woo-woo, he actually wants to divorce me, woo-woo dog thing, you are forcing me to die~”

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this, this just said that Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu were going to divorce.

Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu are still tearing in the house!

How is this right to divorce too?

Jin’er courtyard, this is an evil collision, right?

Zhang Shengli glanced at Jia Dongxu, Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu who were fighting in the house.

He looked at Yi Zhonghai, who chased out and scolded Aunt Yi angrily and insisted on divorce, and suddenly understood.

Do these two want to live together in the open?

Think about it too.

If these two get married, is it really only good for themselves?

For example, Yi Zhonghai.

Although Qin Huairu has no job like Aunt Yi, Qin Huairu is young.

Although there is a little scar on the face, the young body is fine.

Yi Zhonghai, this old thing, probably still wants to work hard to give birth to a son.

And for Qin Huairu.

Following Yi Zhonghai is much better than following the Jia family.

After figuring this out, Zhang Shengli began to arch the fire.

These two beasts thought beautifully, and he Zhang Shengli could not let them take advantage of it.

“Yi Zhonghai, you are 50, what are you married?”

“Aunt Yi is better than you, divorce? Lose you to say e”

“Hurry home and live a good life, what nerves…”

Hearing everyone say this, Yi Zhonghai’s face turned livid: “I’m my own family’s housework, you guys can’t help but take care of too much, right?” ”

“If we divorce and don’t get in the way of your business, do you care?” This marriage today, we are divorced! ”

Hearing Yi Zhonghai say this, Zhang Shengli spoke

“Why can’t your divorce get in the way of other people’s affairs?”

“Yi Zhonghai, you really have enough beasts, you want to live a comfortable life for yourself, even if you divorce yourself, and also encourage Qin Huairu to divorce, you are the key Jia family broken and killed~”


“Qin Huairu’s divorce was instigated by him?”

“I said, how did they mention divorce together…”

“Zhang Shengli, what do you mean by this!”

When Aunt Yi heard Zhang Shengli’s words, she looked confused and directly turned her head to ask Zhang Shengli.

Zhang Shengli sighed and glanced at her, this woman is the representative of the most traditional daughter-in-law of Ehuaxia.

From the beginning of marrying into Yi Zhonghai’s family, I used this family as a cow and a horse.

When I was young, I served my in-laws, washed, cooked, wiped and scraped urine.

When he was older, Yi Zhonghai hooked up with the deaf old lady and asked her to serve the deaf old lady.

Although he didn’t go to work, Yi Zhonghai, a dog thing, didn’t do anything every day except work.

If it weren’t for Aunt Yi maintaining it for so many years, how could Yi Zhonghai, a hypocrite, be so glamorous outside.

“I mean, Yi Zhonghai, this beast can’t give birth himself, but he imprisoned you with old thoughts, making you and everyone think that you can’t give birth.”

“Why don’t you think about why he suddenly filed for divorce this time after all these years that you have all been here?”

Aunt Yi didn’t understand.

When Zhang Shengli said about the child last time, she already knew that she might have been deceived by Yi Zhonghai. But now they are all in their fifties, and they can’t give birth if they marry again, so she didn’t think about it.

Now Zhang Shengli said this, could it be: “Yi Zhonghai is good?” So he’s going for a divorce? ”

Hearing Aunt Yi’s question, Zhang Shengli sneered.

What a fart.

“He’s not good, Yi Zhonghai just thinks that you are not as old as Qin Huairu who is young and can take care of him.”

“Also, he saw that Xu Damao was actually good, so his heart itched.”

“Then why do you say that he instigated Qin Huairu’s divorce?”

Jia Zhangshi suddenly asked, she wanted to be sure if this was true!


Zhang Shengli sneered: “What else do you need?” Qin Huairu, how lazy this dog is, who doesn’t know ah? If it weren’t for finding a good next home, how could she suddenly file for divorce? ”

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