Chapter 65: Yi Zhonghai Must Be Punished! Moral transformation!.

The deaf old lady is really angry today.

Yi Zhonghai was in a bad mood, and Yi Zhonghai’s daughter-in-law was not in the mood to ask her what this ancestor ate.

The meal I gave to the deaf old lady tonight was stick noodle porridge and a white-noodle steamed bun plus a plate of braised cabbage. There is a dish braised in oil, plus a white noodle steamed bun, this standard is not low in the courtyard.

So originally the deaf old lady was also ready to eat.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I picked up the chopsticks, I heard shouts outside! She stood in the doorway and listened!

Okay! These beasts!

Usually, Zhang Shengli is good to eat, eat alone, forget it! And the result?

There are just a few families in the backyard.

Xu Damao, Lou Xiao’e, and that faceless bangs! They actually ate meat at Zhang Shengli’s house!

It’s all such a situation, they actually dare not invite themselves!

Who is she Zhang Cuifen? That’s the old lady in this courtyard! The ancestor of this courtyard! Eating fragrant and spicy actually dare not invite yourself?

This is looking down on her, this is! The deaf old lady couldn’t help but walk outside.

The sound heard becomes clearer.

“Try this Uncle Yi, return to the pot of meat, Zhang Shengli has done a great job!”

“I still like to eat fish, this sauerkraut fish is sour and spicy! I’ve never eaten such a delicious dish! ”

The voices of Lou Xiao’e and Xu Damao came out, and the deaf old lady was drooled by their words!

Back to the pot meat that dish she knows!

But it’s not an ordinary cabbage stew, a large cabbage with one or two meat, is that eating meat? Back to the pot of meat like this, a large piece of meat is to eat meat!

A big chunk in one bite! Fat flowing oil, fat but not greasy, fragrant people can eat the tongue! As for sauerkraut fish, the deaf old lady has not eaten it.

But I heard Lou Xiao’e say that she was hungry.

Sour and spicy or fish, think about it!

“No, no matter what you say today, my old lady has to eat meat!”

The deaf old lady wiped her saliva and accelerated her speed towards Zhang Shengli’s house. If it slows down, the beasts will be finished.

“Zhang Shengli! Open the door! Zhang Shengli! You open the door for me! ”


A sound of slamming the door, accompanied by the loud shouting of the deaf old lady, reached the ears of these people in the room from the doorway.

“What does this old thing want to do?”

Xu Damao glared at the door indignantly, he didn’t forget that he wasted this bad 05 idea of this old yin ratio!

“I’ll take a look.”

Lou Xiao’e asked Zhang Shengli not to move, and went to open the door by herself.

“Old lady, what are you doing here?”

In the end, Lou Xiao’e still can’t do bad words.

“I’ll serve a meal, you people, how can you forget my ancestor when you eat by yourself? I don’t know too much about respecting the elderly. ”

Lou Xiao’e at the door, the three men in the room, were all confused by the deaf old lady’s shameless words. Zhang Shengli got up and walked over: “Old thing? Are you confused? You also don’t see if you deserve to come into my house for dinner? ”

Seeing Zhang Shengli, the deaf old lady’s face changed!

Hearing his words again, the deaf old lady’s teeth were clenched!

“Okay, I know you young people are annoying to old ladies when eating! I don’t embarrass you, just put me a bowl of meat.”

“That’s right!”

Without waiting for Zhang Shengli to speak, the deaf old lady continued to demand: “I listened, what kind of pot meat and fish you guys give me more meat, and eat meat supplements when I am older.” ”

Zhang Shengli knew that the deaf old lady did not want to face.

But he didn’t expect that this old thing could be so shameless! Bang!

Zhang Shengli doesn’t talk nonsense with the deaf old lady, listening to her talk Zhang Shengli is annoying! With a flying kick, the deaf old lady flew out with a cane!

The deaf old lady landed hard in the yard.

“Lao Tzu told you, you don’t deserve to enter my house, and you don’t deserve to eat my food! Even if it’s swill, you don’t deserve to drink it! Hurry up and roll Lao Tzu! ”


Zhang Shengli looked at the deaf old lady with disdain, and then closed the door.

Liu Haizhong was secretly drinking, and when he saw Zhang Shengli coming back, he quickly scolded: “This old immortal is really not a forced face!” You and her are all like that, how can she be embarrassed to come out and ask for meat! ”

Rejoice in the bangs!

Fortunately, Zhang Shengli and the old immortal did not deal with it, otherwise if she was called into the house, wouldn’t there be another person who ate meat?

“Now it looks like this old thing in our backyard is annoying.”

Xu Damao took a sip of wine, and then secretly glared at his bangs. This new uncle, I don’t see enough free things!

Originally, he and Zhang Shengli had a bottle of wine, which was enough to relieve hunger.

As soon as he came in and poured well, he drank one mouthful after another, for fear that he would not finish drinking!

“What else to say about respecting the elders and honoring the sages.”

Zhang Shengli glanced out the window and said in a loud voice: “There are some things, the older they are, the less a thing!” Those who respect the old are also good people! Respect the beast dog! ”

The deaf old lady spat out a mouthful of blood and got up from the ground.

This Zhang Shengli is too deceptive!

For so many years, no matter who made the meat.

If they don’t send some to themselves, then she deaf old lady will ask for it, and there will be no way to ask for it! Even if it was Yan Bugui’s iron rooster, he had to pluck his own hair!

As a result, it was good today, she Zhang Cuifen talked to the beasts in a good voice, these beasts actually dared to talk about themselves like this! Especially Zhang Shengli!

The deaf old lady glared at Zhang Shenglijia fiercely.

“I’m not comfortable, don’t think about it for any of you!”

The deaf old lady stood in the middle of the courtyard and looked around.

Xu Damao’s house is on the side of his own home, and his house is close to the main house.

Liu Haizhong’s house in the west wing is also close to Zhang Shengli’s house…

“Good! Smooth and effortless! ”

While everyone was drinking in the house, the deaf old lady brought brick after brick from the courtyard. After waiting for four or five pieces, she stood in the courtyard by the door and began to throw bricks!


The window glass of Xu Damao’s house was shattered!


The glass of the bangs in the house is broken!


Zhang Shengli’s glass was shattered!

The deaf old lady threw out three slab bricks in less than three seconds!


The moment Zhang Shengli and Xu Damao rushed out, the fourth slab brick in the deaf old lady’s hand also flew out! The target was the window of another room in Zhang Shengli’s house!


Zhang Shengli flew up!

Kicked this brick fiercely, and the brick was kicked and flew directly back, smashing the shoulder of the deaf old lady!


The deaf old lady screamed, and she couldn’t lift one arm!


Zhang Shengli took two steps down the steps, grabbed the deaf old lady’s collar and pumped her big mouth one after another!

“Old immortal! Lao Tzu gave you a face, didn’t he! ”

“Snap! Syllable! ”

“If you don’t give you food, you dare to smash the glass!” Lao Tzu will let you know today! Smash Lao Tzu’s glass at your price! ”

Zhang Shengli’s mouth pumped a mouthful of blood from the deaf old lady, and she couldn’t cry.

“Treasurer! Our glass is smashed……..”

The new Aunt One… That is, the daughter-in-law in the bangs rushed out of the house! As a result, I saw that Zhang Shengli was grabbing the deaf old lady and beating him violently!

Frightened, she quickly shut up before she finished speaking.

“Got it! Didn’t you see that victory caught people! ”

Liu Haizhong stared at the deaf old lady with resentment, this old immortal actually dared to smash the glass of his own home! Does she know how much a piece of glass costs?

Changing a piece of glass is enough for half a month’s meal!

“Deaf old lady, you are too much! You still have no royal law! ”

The deaf old lady in the bangs heard it, but she was now beaten and unable to scold. And at this time, the rest of the courtyard arrived in a hurry!

“What happened, why was it so loud?”

“What’s going on…”

“This old immortal, why was he beaten again?”

“I’m sure she’s dead…”

Yi Zhonghai entered the backyard and saw everyone watching Zhang Shengli beat the deaf old lady! Make him angry!

This is the courtyard managed by Liu Haizhong, and I don’t know how to stop it when I see others beating people!

“Zhang Shengli! What are you doing, you are not allowed to hit people! ”

Yi Zhonghai hurried over and dragged the deaf old lady over, the deaf old lady finally didn’t have to be beaten Yi Zhonghai was also afraid of Zhang Shengli’s hand, so he dragged the deaf old lady back a few steps before asking with a serious face: “Zhang Shengli!” How can you beat an old man like that? Do you still have a royal law? ”

Zhang Shengli listened to Yi Zhonghai’s words and scolded angrily: “I’ll go next door to your spicy one!” You’re so blind! This old immortal smashed the glass of my house! I hit her lightly!! It was just getting dark, so the big guys went into the backyard and didn’t pay attention and didn’t see clearly. ”

Now listen to Zhang Shengli say this! Okay!

“This is crazy, right? Smashed a few? ”

“Xu Damao’s family smashed, Liu Haizhong family’s also smashed…”

“Zhang Shengli’s also smashed… This old thing is special, don’t have a face. ”

Yi Zhonghai glanced at it, and his cheeks twitched.

I couldn’t help but scold my mother in my heart!

This deaf old lady took the wrong medicine, right? I just got deposed, and I didn’t eat anything angry! Why did she come out and smash the glass again!

Although he thought so, Yi Zhonghai still habitually took out his own style when he was a grandfather: “Even if the old lady smashes the glass of your house, then you can’t hit people?” Besides, there are so many people in the courtyard, why did she smash you? ”

Yi Zhonghai said, and snorted from his nose: “When you encounter a problem, think about why, don’t think about critical attack to solve the problem, Zhang Shengli, you should first reflect on whether you did something wrong and provoked the old lady to be unhappy!” ”


Zhang Shengli jerked Yi Zhonghai’s mouth!

“Lao Tzu slapped you, you tell me specifically, you did something wrong there, I will pump you!”

Lou Xiao’e stood up and shouted, “Everyone! The old lady smashed the glass because she just went to Zhang Shengli’s house to ask for food, and if she wanted food, forget it, and she was ashamed to let Zhang Shengli give her all the meat! ”

“Zhang Shengli doesn’t listen to her! Scolded her out, and she smashed our glass! ”

Lou Xiao’e glanced at the deaf old lady angrily, she was really blind before, she actually felt that this old lady was kind! After Lou Xiao’e finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar!

“This! This is also too overbearing, right? ”

“This is overbearing, this is a lack of heart, right? What is she like Zhang Shengli, he doesn’t know? ”

“At such an age, smashing glass for stuttering, it’s really…”

“Don’t be ashamed! It’s shameless! ”

Yi Zhonghai’s face darkened.

This deaf! But you can really mess up yourself!

Dute is more than eighty, how can you die if you eat less bite? I actually smashed the glass before I wanted the meat…

“Even if she smashes the glass of your house, it is excusable.”

No matter what Yi Zhonghai thinks in his heart, he still has to protect the interests of his side: “Old children and old children, the older people are, the more confused they are!” She asked you for meat, you just gave it to her, beating people like this, you are really excessive! ”


“Looking at it now, Yi Zhong Haila is really biased this thing…”

“We were really before!”

“But no, that’s what people say?”

Everyone was angry and complained, Zhang Shengli stretched out his hand, everyone shut up and listened to him. Zhang Shengli snorted coldly: “Yi Zhonghai, we all know that you pull the bias, we all know, you don’t have to come again.” ”

“As for you moral, there is no need to say any more, after all.”

Zhang Shengli hooked the corners of his mouth and looked at Yi Zhonghai mockingly: “After all.” You are not Uncle Yi or Master Master now, and there is no place for you to open your mouth in this matter. ”

“Zhang Shengli is right!”

Liu Haizhong took two steps forward and walked to Zhang Shengli’s side: “Yi Zhonghai, you dog thing, used this trick to persecute the neighbors of the courtyard when you were the first uncle!” Now he actually dares to mess around! You’re such a beastly!! ”

“Who do you say is a?”

Yi Zhonghai stared at Liu Haizhong with a grim face, this straw bale actually dared to scold himself!

“I said what about you! Moral pulls the frame moral Tianzun is not what is wrong with people! ”

“In the bangs! I’m Cao…”

“Shut up!”

Zhang Shengli drank violently and stopped the two people from scolding: “Now everyone should have found out, but there is no way to correct his morality by removing Yi Zhonghai, let alone let him find out what his problem is, so I suggest that Yi Zhonghai should be punished!” ”

Zhang Shengli’s words really stirred up a thousand waves with one stone! Everyone instantly started talking.

“How to punish? Penalty money! We all eat meat! ”

“Dreaming about you? Punish him for sweeping the yard! Sweep for a month! ”

“Labor reform is good, but can it have an effect on him?”

“My proposal is.”

Zhang Shengli scanned everyone, and everyone quieted down: “Since Yi Zhonghai is morally corrupt, then we must correct him and help him from the root.” ”

Yi Zhonghai almost vomited when he heard Zhang Shengli’s words!

This little king eight lambs are using their own words against themselves?

“In that case, punish him for reciting the New Tao Te Ching!” Recite it 10 times a day and write a review of 500 words or more! Supervised and inspected by our uncle Liu Haizhong, uncle one, after the supervision and inspection, we have to let Yi Zhonghai make a thought report with you, so that he knows where he is wrong, is this matter feasible? ”

Great joy in the bangs!

“Okay! Yes! That’s great! Since I am Uncle One, I have the responsibility to supervise him! ”

Zhang Shengli nodded and said in a loud voice: “As for how long Yi Zhonghai needs to be punished by ideological education, it depends on whether Liu Haizhong thinks he has corrected it!” If it has been corrected, then it can be stopped, if it is not corrected…”

“If it hasn’t been corrected in a month! It shows that his thinking has deteriorated to the point that it cannot be corrected, and he needs to rely on the power of the people to let him know his mistakes! So I decided that if Yi Zhonghai still didn’t change after a month, we would escort him to the streets in the courtyard! ”

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows, and then nodded, this dog thing can be taught…

Of course, it also shows that he has a dark heart, and he has to completely let him know who to listen to…

“Okay, do you agree with Yi Zhonghai’s education?”

When Zhang Shengli and Liu Haizhong said this, everyone had already discussed it.

“I think it works! This man’s heart is broken! Must be taught! ”

“I support it too!”

“Agreed! Let him change it well! ”

“Let him recite the new Tao Te Ching in the courtyard before going to work in the morning! Let everyone see the consequences of making mistakes! ”

“I’m not convinced! I don’t want to, what can you do! ”

Yi Zhonghai shouted hoarsely. Zhang Shengli glanced at him with disdain.

From the moment he made this proposal, Zhang Shengli thought that he would refuse. But this proposal of his own, it is a sin for him to refuse!

Taking advantage of this era is also his Zhang Shengli’s strength!

“Yi Zhonghai, if you refuse to memorize the Tao Te Ching written by that person and refuse to reform your mind, we will report it to the factory.”

Yi Zhonghai’s face changed, and he thought of it.

Zhang Shengli, this is forcing him to bow his head!

If you refuse, you are betraying Huaxia…..

“I carry it…”

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