Chapter 418 Goodbye Qiongyue Holy Maiden, future wife?

Hung up… Hung up?

Damn it!

This is a powerful Jiexian powerhouse!

If you are upset and let him die, he will die willingly?

Walking in the city.

Sun Transcendent consciously slowed down Fang Han by half his body, did not dare to preach any more, and remained silent.

Elder, the other Demon Sect, was very honored and excited, dreaming of a bright future.


Fang Han paused, looked at somewhere and said, “Sun Elder wait a minute, I’ll come as soon as I go.”

Then Fang Han walked towards the two figures not far away.

One of these two, Fang Han is familiar with, is Lan Yue Sacred Land Holy Maiden Qiong Yue Holy Maiden.


After Fang Han approached, he waved to Qiongyue Holy Maiden.

Because Qiongyue had changed his appearance, Holy Maiden certainly couldn’t recognize him, and said coldly, “I don’t know you.”

Fang Han said with a smile, “You don’t know me, I know you, you are my undocumented daughter-in-law.”

Qiong Yue Holy Maiden, “???”

She was stunned.

This man!

Does this person know what he is talking about?


Smelly not wanting face!

Still looking for death!

With sharp eyes flashing, Qiong Yue Holy Maiden said coldly, “Hurry up! Otherwise, I will kill you!”

Fang Han smiled and said, “Qingyue Holy Maiden, my brother said, he told me about the marriage, it’s you, ye, don’t you agree? It’s okay, my brother said it, it’s a big deal that he used a strong force and tied you up. !”

Qiong Yue Holy Maiden was a maid beside her, furious, “Bold! Master, this is what I call a human!”

However, Qiongyue Holy Maiden’s expression darkened, waved her hand, and said solemnly, “Who is your brother?”

Fang Han blinked, “His name is Zhen Niu!”

Qiong Yue Holy Maiden was stunned again!

It’s him!

Young Master Zhenniu!

Bastard, this guy…how could he be so shameless? What is my relationship with you, you actually betroth me to a stranger? Also… even saying I disagree and tied me up?

Qiongyue Holy Maiden was so angry that she was still mixed with a hint of grievance, and smiled at Fang Lengren, “Want to marry me Qiongyue, yes, let your brother come in person!”

Fang Han smiled, “He has something to do recently, but he can’t come for the time being, the future wife…”

“You bark again, believe it or not I cut your tongue?”

“…Hey, that’s OK, I’ll call you Qiongyue, look, what do you do with such a job? So, let’s stay together these few days, have fun, bah bah bah… ok Go deeper, uh… to deepen! It should be to deepen the feelings!”

Qiong Yue Holy Maiden curled her lips, as if she didn’t bother to pay attention to Fang Han, turned around and left.

Fang Han said to Sun Transcendent, “Sun Elder, find a place to live first. I will follow my future daughter-in-law in the past few days.”

After speaking, Fang Han followed.

This woman, especially a beautiful goddess, a woman with status, is a trouble maker, stay with her and make money!

And Sun Transcendent, he was stunned.

A group of Demon Shazong Elder is also ignorant.

That woman should be the Holy Maiden of Sacred Land, Qiongyue Holy Maiden, right?

What does Simon devil call her?

Future daughter-in-law?


What is the identity of Simon Demon of my family? Can force Jiexian to commit suicide. Now even Holy Maiden is a daughter-in-law who has not been through the door. What else can he not do?

A Demon Sect Elder took a deep breath and trembled, “Elder Sun, we…”

Sun Transcendent’s eyes flashed wildly and he suppressed his excitement and said in a deep voice, “We don’t care about anything. The more dazzling the identity of Simon Demon, the better it will be to my Demon Sect. Hahaha, let’s find a place to live!”

“I was supposed to do this. My grandson Transcendent came to pretend to be a grandson. I never expected that there would be such a surprise. Uncle, I have to see, who else in this city dares to provoke me to the Demon Sect…”

have to say.

He floated…

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