Chapter 402 Demon Sect? I want to join you!

Wanfu City is a city built spontaneously by a master in Rogue Cultivators Practitioner.

The reason is that there is an ancient battlefield outside Wanfu City.

The ancient battlefield was full of bloody Killing intents, and even the strong immortal emperors did not dare to go too far into it.

But the periphery is fairly safe.

There are many more treasure hunters.

In this way, with the passage of time, because of the supply and rest, Wanfu City emerged in accordance with the general trend, and now it has been divided up by many Sects.

But recently.

In Wanfu City, there is a rumbling of wind.

Especially at night, few people go out.

Because recently, many Practitioners die in Wanfu City every late night, and their deaths are still very miserable. This makes the Practitioners who have lived in Wanfu City for a long time, everyone is in danger, and they have to open the formation at night to sleep.

But even so, there are still bloodsheds from time to time.

After Fang Han entered Wanfu City, he randomly found an inn and stayed in.

Into the night.

The moon is bright and the stars are scarce.

Fang Han was standing at the window of the room, and Master Dog and Master Ji were also looking out the window.

I don’t know how long it took, and a layer of blood filled the sky above the city. The next moment, the strange laughter resembling a night owl resounded through the sky.

The Practitioners in the city were all startled, and some courageously walked out, looking at the terrifying shadow under the moon in the sky, his face suddenly turned pale!

“Congratulations to Li Elder, congratulations to Li Elder!”

“Hahaha, after nearly a month of effort, Elder finally succeeded.”

“Unexpectedly, there is a supreme magic treasure in the depths of the ancient battlefield. The power of the magic treasure alone is comparable to the emperor. Our evil evil sect is about to rise!”

One after another silhouettes vacated, licking respectfully at the black shadow with excitement.

When the Practitioners in the city heard the three words Demon Sect, almost all their pupils shrank and their colors changed in amazement.

Demon Sect, this is the leader of the evil demons in the Yuxian Territory, and even the peak of the Yuxian Territory, Shaking Shenzong, is extremely jealous of it.

However, large demons like the Demon Sect seldom appeared in the sphere of influence of the Righteous Dao Sect. I didn’t expect it would appear in Wanfu City. The bloody case some time ago must have been caused by them.

high altitude.

A figure of an old man in a black robe stood at the highest point, his face was indifferent, but his eyes shone with spirit.

On his chest, there is a small blood-colored tower, which seems to contain countless evil spirits.

This magic treasure is extremely powerful. After being sacrificed by Li Elder for nearly a month, it was finally successfully refined and brought out of the ancient battlefield.

That is, this place is close to the ancient battlefield. The blood Killing intent of the ancient battlefield is enough to neutralize the power of his blood sacrifice, otherwise, he really wouldn’t dare to play like this.

It should be known that this is the hinterland of the right way. As long as he shows his head, he is known by the nearby right way sect and informed of the Shaking Sect, so he doesn’t want to make blood sacrifices to refine the magic treasure.

“Hmph, I just refining this treasure simply, and I can barely suppress Blood Qi. I only need to bring back Sect and give it to my ancestors, hehe…”

Li Elder licked his lips, very bloodthirsty, and waved his hand and said, “Let’s return to the sect.”

A group of Demon Sect Practitioners responded one after another.

Wanfu City is quiet.

No one dared to come out.

Even if there are many masters of the righteous way in this city, but facing the masters of the Demon Sect whose strength is unknown, they will directly fight to the end.

But Fang Han is not afraid.

His eyes lit up, and Lord Gou and Lord Ji fell on his shoulders and quickly rushed out of the window.

Facing the dozens of figures in the sky, Fang Han said loudly, “But the senior of the Demon Sect? Blowing the snow at the lower west gate, the people give the nickname, the blood hand is slaughter, I wonder if you can be so blessed to join the Demon Sect?”

Inside the city.

Quite a few Practitioner cheeks twitched.

Bloodhand Rentu…This nickname is really evil enough.

As for Li Elder and the Demon Sect Practitioner, after stopping, they stared at Fang Han fiercely.

The Demon Sect recruits disciples, which have always been cultivated since childhood.

At least loyal.

Nine out of ten of these rashly joined, they were spies.

Thinking of this, Li Elder’s eyes flashed coldly and he shouted coldly, “Boy, where did you come from, where did you go, this sect does not accept unclear disciples.”

Fang Han said firmly, “Senior, I sincerely want to join the Demon Sect. I have admired the Demon Sect for a long time, and have long wanted to join. In this way, in order to show my sincerity, senior can give me a ban. Something poisonous, as long as you control me, you can rest assured, right?”


Lee Elder was dumbfounded.

If you want to poison yourself, you must join the sect?

This kid, is it really sincere?

But at this moment, a young Demon Sect sneered, “Idiot, thought our Demon Sect was a little Sect? Join if you want to join? This sect does not accept waste!”

Fang Han immediately said, “I have a very good talent, and senior can take me back to Sect for testing.”

Since it’s all here, and it’s also encountered a major demonic sect such as the Demon Sect, then engage in it.

The ratio of earning points is also earning.

“Senior, this is a little bit of caution from Junior, please accept it. This is all my life savings.”

Fang Han showed a “meat hurt” color, and punched out a storage ring.

Li Elder accepted it blankly, checked it, and was slightly surprised, there were hundreds of thousands of best immortal crystals inside.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Elder squinted his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, a blood-colored Medicine Pill suspended in front of Fang Han, “Eat it.”

Fang Han swallowed without hesitation.

The entrance of Medicine Pill was directly transformed into a string of silk threads, winding towards the soul.

But it was directly blocked by the master mechanism of the system.

But Li Elder didn’t know. Seeing that Fang Han was so simple, he was more relieved. Since he received the Immortal Crystal, Li Elder gave Fang Han a chance. Anyway, he brought Sect back. It didn’t matter whether he died or not.

“Come with us.”

Lee Elder smiled lightly.

Fang Han was overjoyed, and hurriedly followed, and squeezed the two young men away and stood beside Li Elder.

The two Demon Sect youths were furious. Just as they were about to drink, they heard Fang Han exclaimed, “Elder senior is really extraordinary. I just looked at it from a distance, and I felt a sense of extravagance rushing toward my face. Now I look closer. , It’s even more incredible.”

Li Elder rejoiced, glanced at Fang Han appreciatively, smiled and said, “Follow me honestly.”


Fang Han nodded.

The two young people who were squeezed away were silent, but the other side naturally hated him.

And they disappeared with Fang Han.

The Practitioners in Wanfu City were all relieved, but when they thought that the Demon Sect seemed to have gotten some incredible magic treasures, they became worried again.

In Yuxianyu, demons are raging fiercely, but it has been a long time since a big battle has occurred.

But it is hard to guarantee that the Demon Sect will get the Demon Treasure.

About seven or eight days later.

Fang Han was taken by Li Elder and crossed the mountains and finally saw the whole picture of the Demon Sect.

The sky over the entire Demon Sect was densely covered with black cyclones, with a feeling of covering the sky and the sun, which made the sky in the Demon Sect extremely gloomy even if it was sunny.

In the middle of the mountains is a huge golem with a fierce face.

Fang Han followed Li Elder down, and resisted the urge to take out the wooden sword and kill him, take it slowly, don’t worry, anyway, these are all dishes on the table, chew slowly…

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