Chapter 397 Young Master Auctioned His Treasure!

Fang Han’s big shovel hummed and waved.

After several waves of pitting, Fang Han stopped, because the token he pitted had reached nineteen yuan.

A total of thirty-six, more than half of the number, a steady win.

After three hours, everyone was teleported to the large space where they had just entered.

Everyone had different thoughts and talked a lot, and a few of them were quite excited, and naturally they were the “True Disciples of the Supreme Mountain” such as Lord Demon.

“Little Lord!”

Zhou Wudi and the others came over depressed, handed over the four tokens, and said in fear, “Let the young master disappointed, we got four…”

“It’s ok.”

Fang Han smiled slightly.

Zhou Wudi was about to say something. Suddenly, he saw that Lord Demon with his head held up and the meteor came forward, staring at Fang Han, and let out a gloomy sneer, “Zhen Niu, our account is very serious. I’ll be able to settle with you soon.”

Fang Han frowned, “Is your kid crazy? You like getting whipped so much?”

The Demon Lord laughed wildly, “Idiot, you don’t know what identity I am now! Zhenniu, let’s wait and see, you will live in fear later!”

Having said that, Lord Demon smiled sarcastically, turned and walked back.

Next to him, a group of Practitioners gathered to help out flattered wildly, which made the Demon Lord very comfortable.

After being frustrated for so long, I finally vented it out. It was so cool.

A fragrant wind struck, it was Qiongyue Holy Maiden. Meisou looked at Fang Han and asked, “How many tokens can Young Master Zhen find?”

Fang Han smiled, “Not much, not much.”

Qiong Yue Holy Maiden sighed, “Me too, it’s a pity.”

The next moment.

Chang’erxian did not appear, but the voice rang out, “Ling out!”


Some people’s storage rings made a trembling sound, and immediately after a series of tokens, their storage rings were forced out of them.

Six tokens appeared above Holy Maiden’s head.

Others have one piece, and several pieces.

Only Fang Han, with a full twenty-three tokens above his head, made people’s eyes confused.

Qiong Yue Holy Maiden’s head was a little stunned, looking at Fang Han’s token, he couldn’t help but give Fang Han an annoyed look.

This is what you mean by “not much”?

I believe you a ghost!

And this time.

Standing somewhere, Young Master Demon, who was extremely excited, his expression froze.

He counted the tokens mechanically, and it was indeed thirty-six yuan.


What’s the situation with this horse riding?

I gave senior ten tokens before, and then I got three tokens, all of which have been given to senior.

Why is the token still thirty-six fast?

And that damn young master turned out to be as big as twenty-three yuan!

“Those who have to pass on, Zhen Niu!”

Chang’erxian’s indifferent voice sounded, and then a flash of light flooded Fang Han. When the light dissipated, Fang Han was nowhere to be seen.

Noisy in the big space again, all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

But at this moment, there are a few people who seem to be hit by a bolt from the blue.

The Demon Lord was stunned.

Shenjianshan Jianzi Fan Jian was dumbfounded.

A few others also stood there with blank eyes, their whole people stiff.

Especially the Demon Lord, he was not only stunned, he was also angry and fearful.Angrily, Long Ear Fairy senior, you are not particular about it!

You have already said that I am already the True Legend of the Supreme Mountain, and I was determined to be the winner. In the end, it was the bastard young master who got the inheritance?

I’m not convinced!

“Damn! I’m not convinced! Long-ear fairy senior, you clearly said that I am the true biography of the Supreme Mountain, and you also expressed your preference for me, why? Why is this?”

Fan Jian was annoyed.


Some people yelled, just as dissatisfied!

And their voices fell in their ears, and the demon boy reacted like a lightning strike, almost vomiting a mouthful of old blood!

I f*ck!

Good you long-eared fairy!

It turns out that you have not only pitted me when you stepped on a horse, but also a lot of them!

How can you be so shameless!

Shameless! Shameless! Shameless!

Young Master Demon roared. This was a shady. With his self-confessed clever brain, he quickly made up for the reason. The cliff is the long-eared fairy who has chosen Fang Han for a shady!

As for why not directly pass it on to Fang Han.

What a ghost do you know!

But you old silver coin, old pit coin, you are very harmful, you broke my proud little Universe, so that I just installed a comparison in front of the young master, and now it is not good, what should I do?

Originally, the young master was incompetent, but now it is coupled with the behemoth of Supreme Mountain…

The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it, the more he thought about it, the more fear he was. He stood there blankly, as if saying, “Who am I”, “Where am I”, “What did I just do”…

And after a few vents on the “True Legend of the Supreme Mountain”, everyone also understood something.

For a time.

Silently choked.

The referee enters the arena, is this worthy of comparison? After three hours of hard work, this is the result?

Qiong Yue Holy Maiden is still a little bit dissatisfied.

Since it can be decided by default.

Wouldn’t it be okay to own this avenue of Thunder Eucharist? That Young Master Zhenniu, the talent is so terrifying?

at the same time.

Fang Han had already appeared in a space.

Chang Erxian stood in front of him, looking at Fang Han extremely speechless.

He was clear about what happened during the test, but he didn’t stop it.

“Boy, you are not honest.”

Chang Erxian smiled.

Fang Han smiled with cupped hands, “Let senior laugh.”

Chang Erxian squinted his eyes and said, “Since you can transform the old man and succeed, the old man will not stop him. You won. From now on, you will be my true disciple of the Supreme Mountain.”

Fang Han’s eyes twitched suddenly.

Why are these words so familiar? ? ?

Chang’erxian raised his head slightly, his eyes seemed to be looking into the distance, and he whispered, “My Supreme Mountain, at the peak, there are more than 300 Supreme Powers! The Heavenly Supreme is as high as ninety-nine! But a catastrophe, The Supreme Mountain is overturned.”


Fang Han was a little dumbfounded, thinking that he had found a reliable backer and was destroyed? Old man, are you playing me?

Long-eared fairy looked at Fang Han with a non-smiling smile, “Very disappointed?”

“A little bit.”

Fang Han is honest.

Chang Erxian smiled bitterly, “Boy, although the Supreme Mountain is destroyed, there are still a few old guys in the Supreme Mountain, but most of them are like me, leaving only the remnant soul and lingering.”

“You are now low-powered, and there are some things that the old man is inconvenient to tell you more, you just need to remember, don’t fall into the prestige of my Supreme Mountain.”

“Also, look at this.”

The long-eared fairy waved his hand.

A figure suddenly appeared in the void.

This figure was illusory, it was a phantom, it was a figure with blond hair and golden eyes, and the expression in his eyes was high.

Chang’erxian gritted his teeth and said, “Remember the shape of this person, and when you encounter someone like him in the future, you find one, you kill one! Even if you are not strong enough, you have to stare at him, look for opportunities, and kill him.”

Fang Han was curious, “What’s the situation with this person?”

“He is the Celestial Race! The Celestial Race whose goal is to dominate the heavens! This race is extremely terrifying. Even a newly born baby is a real celestial body!”

Fang Han vomited blood.

I knocked f*ck, and I worked hard for half my life, not as good as someone else’s baby?

“You will know about the Celestial Clan in the future. Remember what the old man said, meet one, kill one!”

Chang Erxian took a deep breath and calmed down a little bit. Then he coughed lightly and waved his hand, “This is your gift to join the Supreme Mountain.”

A dazzling bone.

A Jade Slip.

A golden token.

Chang Erxian seemed a little ashamed, “The old man didn’t give you much, here is a supreme bone, a Jade Slip containing the Cultivation Technique that the old man has cultivated in his life, and an identity order.”

“If the Supreme Mountain is still there, you can enter the Supreme Pool for baptism, which will be of great benefit to you, what a pity.”

Fang Han was speechless.

Just this little reward is really inconsistent with the Bigger of your Supreme Mountain.

Chang’erxian seemed to know what Fang Han was thinking, and smiled, “Don’t be disappointed, the old man is just the envoy of the Supreme Mountain. If you encounter other surviving seniors in the Supreme Mountain in the future, they will give you more.”

“You are carrying the supreme bone. You can fuse this supreme bone here, and it will definitely transform quickly.”

Fang Han’s eyes lit up.

He had tried it a long time ago, the supreme bone was difficult to transform, and now it was no longer a matter of absorbing the power of the fairy.

It is said that the supreme bone can transform nine times, but he has only transformed three times.

Three things fell beside Fang Han, put away the Jade Slip and the token, Fang Han grabbed the supreme bone, his heart and soul were immersed in the own supreme bone, and soon the supreme bone in his hand turned into a golden energy and poured into him Of the body.

assimilate into!


I don’t know how long it took, Fang Han’s golden glow rose sharply, and he didn’t suppress it. Chang Erxian looked very satisfied.

Fang Han opened his eyes, his face was beaming, the supreme bone transformed again, and he awakened a supreme law, [Heaven’s Scourge sentenced to death]!

The power is still unknown, but it must be extraordinary, after all, it is the Supreme Dharma.

Chang Erxian looked at Fang Han, and said slowly, “You are still young, remember not to be so sharp, the old man looks at you…no more, let’s not say more, go.”

Fang Han had a flower in front of him.

Has been teleported away and appeared in the outside world.

The Great Hall was still there, but as Fang Han appeared, it had quickly disappeared.

Others have already teleported out.

Seeing Fang Han appear, staring at him for a while.

That kind of envy and jealousy, don’t mention it.

On Wednesday, the gun quickly greeted him and said ecstatically, “Congratulations, young master, congratulations to young master!”

Zhou Xiaotian and others also congratulated again and again.

Among the crowd, the demon son who had been clamoring for a new relationship only felt cold all over, his eyes were blank, and he didn’t know what to think about.

Fang Han glanced around, and suddenly said loudly, “Everyone, I have gained a great deal from Zhenniu this time, and I am very happy. To celebrate, I decided to auction three treasures.”

The masters of all sects all have gleaming eyes.

And Zhou Wudi was even more excited, breathing quickly.

“My three treasures are all rare treasures, invincible, introduce them.”

When Zhou Wudi heard this, he immediately trembled, “Young Master, can you not stop the auction? You say a price, I am too Yixianting to contract.”

Fang Han’s eyes were unhappy, “Am I like someone who lacks money?”

Zhou Wudi suddenly looked terrified, then swallowed, took a deep breath, and introduced it honestly.”Young Master has three treasures in his hands, one of which is the Resurrection Dzi!”

Everyone was startled.

Zhou Wudi showed a look of desire, “The resurrection dzi… can come back to life from the dead, and it is not an exaggeration to be called the number one treasure in the world.”

Everyone vomited blood immediately.

A treasure that can come back to life? Damn it, bragging right?

Fang Han smiled and said, “I think Qiongyue Holy Maiden has a say in this. Before, Qiongyue Holy Maiden killed me once.”

The crowd started in an uproar.

Qiong Yue Holy Maiden glanced at Fang Han silently, nodded, “That’s right.”

In the crowd, Lord Demon’s face is earthy, and his eyes are full of despair. What do you mean by riding a horse? In other words, even if I use all my means to kill this bastard young master, is it all in vain? Can he be resurrected?

I puff!

Can you give others a way to survive?

Zhou Wudi continued to speak, introducing the other two treasures, Yiyan Heavenly Furnace and Broken Heavenly Needle!

Almost everyone is emotional and can’t help themselves.

It’s a treasure, it’s a real treasure, it’s rare to see it? Is it so hard to see it? I have never heard of these three treasures.

Fang Han waited for Zhou Wudi to finish, and smiled, “Everyone, these three treasures will be auctioned off. However, I only accept all kinds of scarce treasures, not immortal crystals. In addition, the auction will be held in Taiyi Immortal Court. Everyone is welcome to come.”

The strong of all sects are all intentions.

They were extremely ecstatic on Wednesday.

The young master held the auction in Taiyixianting. What does it mean?

It means that the young master has a great affection for Taiyi Xianting, great!

Just now.

A large elder suddenly said, “Young Master, I wonder if we can see the effects of the three treasures with our own eyes? Let’s go back and explain our preparations to our ancestors.”

Fang Han frowned.

On Wednesday, the eyebrows of the cannon were raised, the murderous aura was revealed, and the momentum of the Ancestral Wonderland erupted, making the old man’s face pale, “Asshole, do you dare to doubt the young master?”

The old man vomited blood, fucking, isn’t this a business deal? I can’t make small comments?

Fang Han waved his hand, “It’s okay, some suspicions are normal, but you need to kill someone to resurrect the Dzi Bead, or else, you try?”

The old man was taken aback and waved his hand quickly, “No way, no way.”

Fang Han squinted his eyes, “Never mind, then try the Broken Sky Needle, um… I need something hard, the harder the better, the fairy is also possible, the stronger the better, but let me say it first. The broken sky needle is very overbearing. No matter what, it can be broken with one needle!”

Everyone looked at each other.

Qiongyue Holy Maiden’s eyes were filled with unstoppable curiosity, and he pursed his lips and said, “I have a superb fairy sword, let me try it for you.”

When the sword came out, people’s eyes were fiery, and the fierce breath revealed the identity of the best immortal artifact.

Fang Han smiled, “Thank you Qiongyue.”

Behind Qiong Yue Holy Maiden, several old women frowned. These words were frivolous and the title was wrong. What about the word Holy Maiden behind? Let you eat it?

After receiving the Supreme Immortal Sword, Fang Han took out a needle and poked it at will!

The bear kid’s shredder walked up.

The sword is broken!

Everyone who saw it was stunned.

Damn it!

Really so hanging!

This is the superb fairy sword. The ancestors of the holy immortals are all greedy, holding in their hands Magic Treasures that have soaring combat power!

If there is a broken sky needle in hand during the match, the opponent will fight with a sword…

Everyone’s hearts beat quickly.

“This is not the limit of the Broken Sky Needle. Even if it is a superb fairy tool, it is the same when it encounters the Broken Sky Needle. No matter how high it is, have you tried it out?”

Everyone choked silently.

If this is a poke, it will be discarded. Who doesn’t feel bad about it.

However, the success of the Broken Sky Needle gave everyone a sense of determination to obtain the three treasures of Fang Han.

I didn’t say, this auction must be attended!

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