Chapter 391 What the hell is Niubi Village?

The Dark Sacred Land.

As one of the Sacred Lands detached from the four immortal realms, the Dark Demon Sacred Land is also extremely strong among many Sacred Lands.

Mainly because the dark ancestors were cruel, yin, and poisonous!

This is an old demon who doesn’t know how many years he has survived.

Under the interference of the will of the immortal realm, the four great immortal realms were protected extremely well.

To reach a Realm like the ancestor of the Dark Demon, if you enter the four immortal realms, you will be suppressed by the will of the immortal realm.


Sacred Land is Sacred Land after all, it is really anxious, even if you pay a huge price, the peak of the four immortals will have to be played.

Sacred Land and Sacred Land are the real contests.

And the Dark Sacred Land, under the deterrence of the Dark Ancestor, was successfully built into one of the Sacred Lands that cannot be messed with.

The black wind roared and howled, and the black cyclone visible to the naked eye seemed to be filled with unjust dead souls.

That’s right, the ancestor of the Dark Demon is a top demon.

The same is true for the entire Dark Demon Sacred Land, the evil demon is in charge, rampant.

In the center of the sacred mountain at the top of the void, is the Black Demon Temple of the Black Demon ancestor.

He rarely comes out.

But only occasionally showed up, just like the heavenly emperor, making the entire dark demon Sacred Land no matter how powerful the old demon bowed to his knees.

At this moment, the saint king of the black demon Sacred Land, the demon slaughter equivalent to the head teacher, stepped onto the black demon palace.

He stood in the open space in front of the Black Demon Hall and waited for a long time. A soft voice came from the depths of the Black Demon Hall, “Come in.”

Motu took a deep breath and stepped into the Great Hall.

In front of him, there is a black demon ancestor with one hand on his chin, handsome like a gentleman.

His eyes seemed to carry the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and the power of the law flowing in it was like the incarnation of the avenue. The Demon Tu’s heart trembled, he knelt down and bowed to the ground and said, “Well, see the ancestor.”

“stand up.”

The ancestor of the Dark Demon is very casual.

Mo Tu stood up, and the voice of the black demon ancestor fell, “What’s the matter?”

Motu was silent for a few breaths.

He didn’t know how to speak.

Taking a deep breath again, Motu smiled bitterly, “Ancestor, do you know Niu… Niubi Village?”

The ancestor of the black devil stayed for a while.

Niubi Village?

There is such an arrogant village?

But Motu continued, “The devil sent me a message that a force called Niubi Village has appeared. They have a young master who is in the Thunder Immortal Territory, and the devil… There was a conflict.”

“That Niu is next to the young master of the village, and there is suspected that there is a strong immortal emperor defending the way.”

“The devil, got three hundred and sixty slaps…”

The dark ancestor’s calm face suddenly filled with a black energy, and the black energy was filled with blood, which seemed to turn into a hideous face, full of murderous aura.

After a while, the Black Demon ancestor said indifferently, “What Niubi Village is unheard of. It should be the newly emerging Sacred Land.”

“It’s really interesting.”

“A newly promoted Sacred Land actually provokes my dark monster Sacred Land…”

“You can handle this by yourself.”

When Motu heard the words, he was relieved immediately.

The moment he received the news, he couldn’t believe it.

Was his own son actually smoked? Isn’t this the face of Sacred Land? You can’t be so daring after eating dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder!

But for Niubi Village, he was a little worried, this name is very arrogant, isn’t it an ancient power?

But now, Motu relaxed.

My ancestors are already a very old handful of people, and even the ancestors don’t know that the cliff is a new force.

The new forces, like young calves, are not afraid of the heavens and the earth. This is not to blame them, it can only be said that they are looking for death.

Provoked to the head of the dark demon Sacred Land, what is this not to die?

Dealing with such a force is undoubtedly a resolute blow, and it is best to uproot it to show the reputation of the Dark Demon Sacred Land!

“I see.”

Mo Tu knelt down on the ground respectfully again, then got up, bowed his waist and walked out of the Black Demon Hall step by step.

Walking out of the Black Demon Hall, the Demon Tu stood upright, his eyes rolled with murderous intent, his Killing intent was exposed, his figure flickered, he stepped into his own Holy Lord Great Hall, sneered, and gave orders one after another.

It didn’t take long.

Above the black demon Sacred Land, several terrifying figures gather, they are the three big immortal emperors!

With an overwhelming killing intent, the three immortal emperors rushed out of the black demon Sacred Land and went straight to the direction of Thunder Immortal Territory.

at the same time.

Motu’s reprimand book entered the overlord of Thunder Immortal Territory, Taiyi Immortal Court.

Compared with the black demon Sacred Land, where the demon wind roars, the Taiyi Immortal Court is naturally immortal, full of immortal palaces, and a peaceful atmosphere.

But now Taiyi Xianting Huangzun is impossible to be elegant and easygoing.

Motu’s reprimand was not polite, it just stated that Taiyi Xianting would give an explanation.

I just want to ask, what do you guys want to do!

Then Niubi Village really hangs to the point where you are too attached to the fairy garden and offend the black demon Sacred Land?

Do you guys dare to stand like this when your brains are drawn?

Explain to explain!

If you don’t give a satisfactory explanation, the black devil Sacred Land will stare at you too. Don’t think that you are in the fairyland. Sacred Land can’t help it. It’s anxious. Take a look at who can have the last laugh.

Taiyi Huangzun is so angry!

I’m trembling all over!

He wanted to get angry, and then he made it. The entire fairy palace was in a mess, and he kept cursing, and his momentum was shocked!

It’s not so bad!

Own thirteen brother pit himself is nothing more!

Two sons, Lao Ba and Lao Jiu, are so cheating themselves!

What did daddy do in his previous life to have such a shameless Little Brother and two shameless sons!

What bullshit Niubi Village? Does many Sacred Land have this Niubi Village? Is there a new Sacred Land? There is an eggplant!

In order to lick a strange force, you actually slapped three hundred and sixty slaps in the face of the Dark Demon Sacred Land Saint Son?

Why don’t you slaughter the Black Demon Saint, then Taiyi Xian Ting fights with the Black Demon Saint Earth Fire, and you are done.

Anyway, you’re all done to this point, right?

“Come on, call the youngest man over!”

Taiyi Huangzun’s face was gloomy and water dripped, and after passing the vent, he ordered the people outside the hall.

It didn’t take long.

A middle-aged man wearing a dragon robes with an aura of the same origin walked in.

Pay attention to the situation in the temple.

The middle-aged man was taken aback.

Damn, boss, is the depression period advanced? Make such a big fire?


The middle-aged man is the third prince of Taiyi Immortal Court. Because of his hot temper like a cannon, he has the “famous name” of Wednesday Cannon.

Taiyi Emperor sneered and threw out a ray of light Jade Slip.

The cannon was picked up on Wednesday and examined carefully. A moment later, his two eyebrows twitched, his lips twitched, his body trembled, and then he cursed, “Dying!”

Taiyi Emperor gritted his teeth and said, “Three Cannons, hurry up and take people there. I guess the black demon Sacred Land will not give up, and will definitely send people to take revenge. At that time, you will act by chance, at least let the black demon Sacred Land see. Our sincerity.”

“Thirteen that bastard, give me a draw when you meet!”

“Those two evildoers, smoke the same!”

“As for the young cow than the village owner… draw a line with him first, and you will consider your attitude.”

On Wednesday Cannon knew the seriousness of the matter.

Many Sacred Lands, the Black Demon Sacred Land is the most Yazi must avenge. This is related to the ancestor of the Black Demon. This old demon is notoriously vengeful and revenge is not overnight.

Being on the ground by the Dark Demon Sacred Land, Taiyi Xianting had a headache, and the loss was incalculable.

The 13th brother unexpectedly slapped the Sacred Land son three hundred and sixty slaps because of an unfamiliar force. On Wednesday, I could only talk about it, just nonsense!

Even if he is very hot-tempered, Wednesday cannon, do you dare to smoke like this? He dare not!

And the thirteenth brother, he dare!

“Old Thirteen is spoiled. If you don’t smoke him this time, I can’t take care of myself. My last name is…”

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