Chapter 384 You, my friend, I’ve settled it!

The void boat is galloping.

Only Zhou Jinyu was an outsider on the flying boat. As for Zhou Xiaotian, Fang Han’s suggestion to go with him was rejected decisively.

Zhou Xiaotian was very depressed, but he did not dare to have any bad thoughts.

At this moment.

Zhou Jinyu was sitting in front of the flying boat, silently looking at the dog and chicken who were conducting the “Staring Contest”.

As for Fang Han, Lotus Position was sitting on the other side of the flying boat, seeming to be in cultivation.

Fang Han didn’t do anything that Zhou Jinyu had anticipated before, such as “hands and feet”, “being at bedtime” and so on.

This made Zhou Jinyu relieved.

Just galloped peacefully for about two days.

Zhou Jinyu suddenly heard a sharp shout, “Stop this seat!”

The flying boat stopped moving forward.

Opening his eyes, Zhou Jinyu got up, facing the void, and stood three old men. Seeing the marks on the clothes of these three old men, Zhou Jinyu couldn’t help shrinking her pupils, and whispered, “The Universe Tianzong?”

at the same time.

Fang Han had already stepped forward, and Lord Gou and Lord Ji rushed to the front of the flying boat with excitement, looking very greedy.

Zhou Jinyu took a peek at Fang Han and said, “Young Master, a member of the Universe Heavenly Sect, this sect is powerful…”

The underlying meaning is that it’s not easy to mess with.

Fang Han smiled slightly, “I see.”

At this time, the three elders came closer again, one of them stood in the front and said indifferently, “You, detour! The front is the head teacher of this Zong Shao Head Teacher driving the Shenyu Lou boat, which collided with Shao Head Teacher. You can’t afford it.”

Fang Han glanced forward, and he could see a huge boat moving forward, looking at the old man in front of him with a smile, “So domineering?”

The old man sneered, “It’s so overbearing!”

Xianyu in a mere guilty way.

With the Bigger of the Universe Tianzong, they can walk sideways in any space here.

Zhou Jinyu had a bad feeling, for fear that Fang Hanqi would conflict with Tiankun Tianzong, and couldn’t help saying, “We are from Taiyixianting.”

Taiyi Xianting?

The three old men were taken aback for a moment, and then their expressions changed.

For other great forces, they might not care about the Heavenly Sect of the Universe, but Taiyi Xianting, the behemoth with the top voice of the Thunder Xianyu, they also had to be extremely jealous of the Heavenly Sect of the Universe.


Will the person on the small flying boat in front of me be from Taiyi Xianting?

The three elders were a little suspicious, and the headed one asked simply, “What’s the proof?”

Zhou Jinyu was very unwilling to take out a token, she did not want to get involved with Taiyi Xianting.

The token is real. The old man headed for a while, he threw it back lightly, with a more sincere smile, “Since it’s a fellow daoist from Taiyi Xianting, it was rude before, but it’s still that sentence, please detour. , Don’t be upset about this little thing, my young Head Teacher has a bad temper and is offended.”

Fang Han laughed too, and it was all right when he was idle. It was rare to run into a perverted young man, so I’m really sorry for this fate if he didn’t cheat.

“Your young Head Teacher and I are good friends, take me to see him.”

The corners of the three old men’s eyes twitched.

You don’t believe this nonsense.

“Don’t believe it? Give this to him.”

Fang Han threw out a stone casually.

The headed old man took it, took a look, and blurted out in horror, “Xuanjing Stone?”

This treasure is the material for refining the best immortal artifacts, and its value is naturally needless to say, each of the hundreds of thousands of the best immortal crystals can’t be downloaded at all.

Such a treasure is directly given to my head teacher?

Damn it!

This is a friend!

Must be friends!

With cares in mind, the headed old man immediately decided, cupped hands said, “It turns out that the little friend is a good friend of the young head teacher. I said how to look good, hurry up with me, and I will take you to see the young master.”

“Thank you.”

Fang Han smiled indifferently.

Zhou Jinyu couldn’t figure out Fang Han’s plan, but she was not too worried. The thirteen uncles were so respectful to Fang Han, and Fang Han’s identity was evident.

However, Lord Gou and Lord Ji understand, they both know Fang Han too well, and can’t help being a little happy.

After a while.

Fang Han and his party boarded the huge Shenyu Tower ship.

There were a lot of powerful people in the Qiankun Tianzong this time. There was an old man sitting in each Lotus Position of the four corners of the building.

Their young head teacher is called Gu Jiuxuan, who looks like a young man, but Cultivation Base is not weak, and is already a master at the peak of the gods.

On the deck of the ship, there are many guards, and there are dancers dancing lightly, and they are extravagant and extravagant.

The mysterious stone was played with by Gu Jiuxuan, his eyes flickered, and he said quietly, “This mysterious stone is good, but with it, you are still not qualified if you want to be friends with Ben Shao.”

Fang Han’s generous seat made Gu Jiuxuan frown, and Fang Han smiled, “I’m very pleased with what brother said. I am worthy of being the Head Teacher of Tiankun Tianzong.

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Han waved his hand, and in an instant, pieces of profound essence stone fell on the table in front of Gu Jiuxuan.

Gu Jiuxuan’s face froze.

Looking straight at the hundreds of profound stones, his mind was a little blank.

Even the four big saints in the four corners couldn’t help but look at them, their faces beaming with joy.


Gu Jiuxuan took a deep breath, pointed at the profound stone, swallowed, “What do you mean?”

“Send you off.”

Fang Han looked casual, “I was making a friend’s meeting with my brother at that time.”

Gu Jiuxuan was a little confused.

Fang Han’s way of making friends was so violent that he was amazed.

There was a strong greed in his eyes, Gu Jiuxuan waved his hand to put away the profound essence stone, and laughed, “Hahaha, I love to hear these words, my brother, I accept your meeting gift.”

“I just don’t know, what kind of status is my brother in Taiyi Xianting?”

Fang Han smiled and said, “I have nothing to do with Taiyi Immortal Court. I can barely count as friends with the Ninth Prince Zhou Invincible.”

Friends of the Ninth Prince?

Gu Jiuxuan dismissed the idea of ​​turning his face immediately and smiled and said, “Brother Invincible and I can also be regarded as close friends.”

“That’s it.”

Fang Han showed joy, “Then we should be friends more. I feel very happy. I will give you these.”

Hula la.

There are hundreds of profound stones.

Gu Jiuxuan almost vomited blood.

Damn it!

What exactly is this operation?

Why don’t you give me the mysterious stone at every turn?

Although I am very happy, excited, and tempted, how can there be such a person?

On the deck, the powerhouses of Qiankun Tianzong were also speechless on the spot, feeling unbelievable and ruining the three views.

Zhou Jinyu’s eyes were even more confused.

It’s not that I dare not say anything.

Only Gouye and Jiye looked like strangers.

Fang Han coughed slightly, and said very “sorry”, “It’s rude, it’s rude, I have a problem, as long as I’m happy, I want to give a gift to my friend. There is no way, this problem can’t be changed. ”

Gu Jiuxuan woke up sober, his breathing suddenly rose.

If you’re happy, give a gift to your friend?

Damn, you friend, I’ve made a special deal with Gu Jiu Xuan, who dares to destroy our friendship, who am I in a hurry!

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