Chapter 382 Let the young master show off!

Regret is only temporary.

Zhou Xiaotian quickly withdrew from his distress, and became a little excited instead.

He licked so much madly.

Now the relationship with the young master has become friendly, right?

If you maintain it well in the future, you may not be able to achieve enthusiasm. By then, Taiyi Xianting will have a super giant iron backer!

Immortal Sacred Land outside of the four immortal realms, how good you are, are you too young masters?

Young Master is angry, you are Little Brother.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaotian smiled even more, almost flatteringly said, “Young Master, you are going to play in Lei Xianyu in the future. If you have anything, you can inform me Tai Yi Xian Ting, and I will order to let them wait. Little Lord.”

Fang Han said indifferently, “No, Zhenniu is not such a high-profile person, I am very low-key.”

Zhou Xiaotian twitched the corners of his eyes a few times, then smiled dryly and agreed, “That’s that.”

In fact, deep down in his heart, he didn’t know how many more complaints he made.

Not only Zhou Xiaotian, but Zhou Wudi, Zhou Daolin and others also understood Fang Han’s disposition. This was an old silver coin with a wrong tongue.

He said “It’s okay”?

mistaken! That’s a big deal.

He said “forgive you”?

mistaken! If you believe it, you will be a silly pen, don’t lick it madly, just wait for the autumn queen to settle the account.


Puff through.

A figure knelt down.

It’s not Jin Wanshui, but who is it.

He knocked his head like garlic, trembling again and again, and screamed in a low voice, “Young Master, Young Master, you have to forgive me. I was unintentional. I was deceived. Young Master, please give me a chance to make up for it. , This… there is the Ten Thousand Years Tianyin Stone, Young Master, don’t you want to either? Give it to you, give it to you…”

Jin Wanshui raised his head slightly, and offered a storage ring with both hands.

Just holding it like this, didn’t dare to throw it out, didn’t dare to move rashly.

Zhou Xiaotian’s eyes flickered, and he said with a stern voice, “Idiot, I thought you were too arrogant before, Young Master, I can help Young Master solve this person, Young Master wants him to die, he will not live until tomorrow.”

Jin Wanshui looked at Zhou Xiaotian in disbelief, stunned.

Damn it!

Hit f*ck!

Fuck, your family!

Okay, Zhou Xiaotian, you are really insidious when you step on a horse!

I have fallen to the present situation. Isn’t it because of you?

You say that Young Master is a liar!

You are the one who promised to come to fight fakes!

In the end, why do you want to kill me?

Murderous intent surged.

In order to please Fang Han, Zhou Xiaotian left behind the power of Yin & Yang’s acacia sect.



Fang Han waved his hand.

To Jin Wanshui, Fang Han didn’t mean to want to go deep, “Just do it.”

The dog rushed out, rolled up the storage and returned.

When Tian Di Guo and Tian Xin Marrow arrived, Fang Han felt a little impatient. He glanced at Zhou Xiaotian and the others, and said quietly, “I have something else, you can go back.”

Zhou Xiaotian also felt that he had to calm down and stroke, so he was so happy and said goodbye respectfully.

Zhou Wudi was extremely uncomfortable.

Originally, he had a good relationship with Fang Han, but now it’s good, but it’s difficult to restore the relationship without saying anything.

And this is all because of Own Myna Zhou Dao Lin.

Old ba, ba, you are really a club, pig teammate, how can daddy have such a shame like you Big Brother?

Leave and return to Taiyi Xianting Law Enforcement Office.

Zhou Xiaotian slumped on the chair, wiped the cold sweat from his eyebrows, feeling weak, and taking a deep breath with lingering fears.

Zhou Wudi’s face was extremely gloomy.

Zhou Daolin’s face was extremely ugly.

quite a while.


Zhou Wudi slapped the table, pointed at Zhou Daolin, and cursed, “Lao Ba, today you almost made our Taiyi Xianting into an eternal situation. If this is known by the father, you will be light if you are alive! And, If it weren’t for you, I… I have not only become good friends with the young master, but I can also get the resurrected dzi from the three most treasures, now? Fart! I haven’t caught the fart, and the ghost knows whether the young master is right. I still hate us, you say, what should I do now?”

Zhou Daolin was sprayed with saliva.

At another point in time, he would be furious, letting Zhou Wudi know what “majesty from the emperor brother” was.

but now.

He has a guilty conscience.

Today is really thrilling.

One step away, falling into the abyss, and beyond all calamity!

If it weren’t for the thirteen uncles who licked well, they would really be done.

Therefore, even if he was scolded by Zhou Wudi, he still received it with a cold face and couldn’t refute it in the slightest.

After a while, he said angrily, “This matter… don’t tell your father and them, Uncle Wang, Brother Nine, please.”

Zhou Xiaotian was silent.

Zhou Wudi sneered again and again.

If talking about the most presumptuous, it is naturally Zhou Daolin. He sprays the young master the most, and naturally sins the most.

“Invincible, Dao Lin is also kind, don’t be aggressive anymore, but Dao Lin, your temper has to be changed. Look at the old man, he was as stable as Mount Tai before, and he didn’t say a word. Afterwards, he will turn the tide. You have to Learn.”

Zhou Xiaotian said calmly.

Zhou Daolin smiled bitterly, “Uncle Thirteen, I know.”

Zhou Wudi was still a little uncomfortable, but he had vented it anyway and didn’t say any more.

And Zhou Xiaotian squinted his eyes and suddenly smiled, “This matter may also be an opportunity for us. Now except for us, Yin & Yang Acacia Sect, we know the true identity of the young master.”

“However, compared with our Taiyi Xianting, he Yin & Yang acacia sect, he is not qualified to lick.”

“We only need to improve our friendship with the young master. The benefits are infinite, just like the three treasures of the young master. Which one is obtained by us, not the earth-shattering good fortune?”

Before it was doubt and unbelief.

The three treasures were regarded as absurd by them.

But now.

Even Zhou Xiaotian is sure.

As the young master, the three treasures that he took out, no matter how heaven-defying, what counts? That is as it should be.

And speaking of this, Zhou Wudi is the most heartbroken, his resurrection dzi…


Zhou Xiaotian tapped his fingers on the table and said confidently, “The young master is young after all, young people, and likes to roam. This is probably the reason why the young master came to our Lei Xianyu. If this is the case, then we will quickly look for the treasure that invincible has obtained. Picture, in case it is a good fortune, you can contact the young master and explore together.”

“Explore, grab treasure, grab good fortune or something, Young Master is definitely my favorite.”

“When the time comes, we can still advertise, inform the sects of the place of good fortune, set up the stage, stir up the atmosphere, and let the young master show the limelight. Isn’t it wonderful?”


Both Zhou Wudi and Zhou Daolin were taken aback, their eyes flashed when they reacted.


It is not unreasonable for the thirteen uncles to be the weakest Cultivation Base among the uncles. It is not unreasonable. Uncle Wang’s lick said Cultivation Base, which is very high!

This plan is just two words, reliable…

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