Chapter 379

Admit it or not?

Jin Haotian hesitated.

It should be understood that this is in full view, and so many onlookers around the party are watching with wide-eyed eyes.

He is a celebrity in Hehuan City anyway, and a Practitioner who often mixes here, who doesn’t know him?

If this is a kneel.

The face is really gone.

“Do you want to die? Then I will fulfill you.”

Fang Han raised his hand.

This action scared Jin Haotian.

Damn it, that’s all, the face is a fart, but life is more important.

Daddy is not afraid of him, daddy is a strategic confession, wait for me to come back, wait for him to die without a place to bury him!

Puff through.

Jin Haotian knelt, knelt down steadily, lowered his head and shouted, “Forgive me.”

Fang Han stopped and smiled faintly, “It’s still the same sentence, today I am in a good mood, so I will give you a chance, um… Yin & Yang Hehuan Sect, right? I heard that Yin & Yang Ahuan Sect has Wannian Tianyin Stone is the most valuable, go back and tell your father, let him take the Wannian Tianyin Stone as an apologetic, he should know where to find me.”

Jin Haotian, “???”

Dammit, could it be that I also provoke a terrific character?

I’ve only been out for a few days, so how do you feel that Hehuan City is not Ben Shao’s happy place anymore?

“Hurry up and get out?”

Fang Han glared, Jin Haotian immediately got up with his hands and feet together, and left in embarrassment.

The surrounding Practitioner watched this scene. Some people recognized Fang Han’s identity and couldn’t help but secretly enjoy it. Jin Haotian had worked in Hehuan City for so many years, and he finally succeeded in his death today.

“The master is mighty.”

Master Gou and Master Ji opened their eyes and smiled, and then looked at something on the stall one after another.


Fang Han also walked over and asked.

The owner of the stall is an old man with a very honest appearance. He has been scared by Fang Han, and his face is pale and trembling, “Master, if you want, the old man will send you to you, just take it.”

Fang Han didn’t say a word, looking at the dog master, the dog master said immediately, “We can’t figure it out, but it seems to be a funny thing.”

Master Ji nodded frantically beside him.

Fang Han squatted down and reached out and touched the treasure that Lord Dog was fond of. It was a pitch-black bead that looked ordinary.

Xianyuan tried to rush into it, and it fell to the sea.

“Yes, I bought this treasure.”

Fang Han smiled at the old man, then took out a storage ring and handed it to him. At first, the old man did not dare to accept it. After he understood that Fang Han was sincere, he gratefully accepted the storage ring.

“gone back.”

Fang Han got up and walked towards the guest house leisurely. Now the essence of the sky is also gone. That Jin Haotian is a good guy, with a cheating technology lever.

The old man at the stall waited for Fang Han to leave before checking the storage ring, and then became confused, as if he was frightened by the number of fairy crystals. After returning to his senses, he put the stall away and left ecstatically. .

at the same time.

The humiliated Jin Haotian.

Madly rushed to the Yin & Yang Hehuan Sect branch gate in the distance of Hehuan City.

He is not convinced!

He felt that Fang Han was pretending to compare!

There are still some fears, but just talk to your father and everything will be clear.

It doesn’t matter if you kick the iron plate, you will get a big deal.

As for what Wannian Tianyin Stone apologizes?

Ha ha.

Isn’t this funny?

Who doesn’t know the importance of Wannian Tianyin Stone to Yin & Yang Acacia Sect, ask for this kind of treasure, do you think you are Taiyixianting? Dare to bully people like this?

Without stopping, Jin Haotian found his father Jin Wanshui anxiously after entering the gate of the mountain.

“Father, help me!”

Jin Haotian knelt with a thump, tears rushing wildly.

His father Jin Wanshui twitched his cheeks, took a deep breath, sat on the top of the Great Hall, gritted his teeth and said, “Missed boy, you are in trouble again? When will you be sensible? Your father, I am so smart, how did you give birth to you? An idiot son?”


A cold snort sounded, and the next second, a gorgeous beautiful woman walked in with an angry face, “Dog thing, are you scolding me?”

Jin Wanshui in seconds!

He has a problem, that is, he is afraid of being inside, and it is Jin Haotian’s mother-in-law, Liu Clan.

“Madam, don’t be angry, I’m not a deep responsibility for love. It’s really this bastard, who is getting more and more presumptuous. I’m just afraid that he will really provoke someone who can’t be offended and cause misfortune.”

Jin Wanshui hurriedly walked down and said with a sigh.

The Liu clan said angrily, “Our son is spoiled, but he’s not stupid. He doesn’t know which one can provoke and which can’t be offended?”

Jin Haotian said immediately, “Don’t worry, mother, I know it in my heart.”

Jin Wanshui glared at Jin Haotian, and then said depressed, “Let’s say, what are you doing? I can warn you, there have been many big people in Hehuan City recently, so the Ninth Prince Taiyixianting won’t talk about it. Young Master Zhenniu seems even more terrifying, so you can be careful.”

Liu’s also solemnly said, “Yes, let your father tell you later, be honest recently.”

The nine princes were all persuaded in front of Fang Han, and the news frightened the Yin & Yang Hehuan Sect and the high-level members of the branch sect.

Jin Wanshui was extremely frightened, it was hard to imagine Fang Han’s identity.

The existence that Taiyixianting and the nine princes can’t afford, the ten Yin & Yang acacia sects can’t afford it either.

As everyone knows.

His son is already on the road to death.

“Father, I ran into a bastard today and killed several people. Not only that, he…”

Jin Haotian began to squeeze tears, “He even made me kneel down!”


Jin Wanshui suddenly became angry.

Kneeled down?

Isn’t that shameless?

Liu’s eyes stared, and he said coldly, “Is anyone else dare to insult my son like this? Who is he?”

Jin Haotian said aggrievedly, “I don’t know, but he also said that he asked Dad to send the Wannian Tianyin Stone as a gift! He also said Dad knew where he lived.”

Jin Wanshui was furious first, then he was taken aback.

Ask for Wannian Tianyin Stone? Such a big appetite?

There was a terrible thought in his mind. He took a breath, and suddenly stepped forward, pinched Jin Haotian’s shoulders with both hands, and said in a trembled, “Son, I ask you, there is no dog monster or chicken monster around that person. , Right? Surely not, right?”

Jin Haotian swallowed, “…Yes!”


Jin Wanshui’s eyes were dark, and he almost fainted. After a few steps backwards, he stabilized his body, and then muttered to himself, “It’s Young Master Zhen, it’s Young Master, who are you offended? , You mess with him…”

react to.

He looked at the earthy face and realized that something was wrong with Jin Haotian, and let out an earth-shattering growl, “My son, you had to cheat your father before you stepped on a horse, but now you want to cheat your father? I killed you…”

Jin Haotian was scared to pee, and quickly looked for a backer, and saved Liu’s leg, “Mother, help me…”


“Save your uncle!”

Liu’s violent, palms raised high, “My old mother killed you son of a tortoise…”

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