Chapter 376 This is the Resurrection Dzi!

Eight Trigrams fly around in Hehuan City.

Things that hadn’t been told about Fang Han became more and more obscure.

In summary, it’s just two words, better than that!

Many masters in the city are sternly instructing their juniors, don’t open your eyes, anger the young master and cause disaster.

And in Yin & Yang Hehuanzong Guest House.

Fang Han’s Lotus Position was sitting on the big bed in the Tianzhao room, in cultivation.

Within the sea of ​​consciousness, the Celestial Immortals laws are densely packed, like a vast ocean, the fairy crystals in the storage ring continue to turn into fragments, becoming the power of the celestial spirits, and continue to evolve the Celestial Immortals laws.

During this period, Fang Han took time to cultivate, and now he finally evolved all the magic power into the Celestial Immortals law.

Opening his eyes, Fang Han’s fingers moved slightly, and the domineering Xian Yuan exploded in the void, causing a roar.

“The Cultivation Base is now back to the strongest. With my strength, even the gods are not my opponents, but the ancient divine body still needs to be transformed, and the ancestral dragon physique also needs Ascension and supreme bone…”

Fang Han rubbed the corners of his eyebrows, feeling helpless.

Squinting his eyes, Fang Han began to think about the next plan.

He had asked Lord Dog to knock on the side and asked Yangshan.

I underestimated the Yin & Yang Hehuan Sect’s emphasis on Tianxin Marrow.

The Tianxin Marrow is taken from the Tianyin Stone of Ten Thousand Years. This treasure is available in the Yin & Yang Hehuan Sect, but there is only one piece, which is of great use for the cultivation technique of its cultivation.


The door was knocked.

Fang Han got up and opened the door. Yangshan and Long Yunxiao stood outside the door. The faces of both people were very ugly, and even a little flustered.

“Young Master, something has happened.”

Long Yunxiao’s eyes were solemn, and he said in a low voice, “The Nine Princes of Taiyi Immortal Court are here, and want to see the Young Master.”

“The Nine Princes?”

“Yes, the Ninth Prince Zhou Wudi, the youngest son of Taiyi Xianting Emperor, is very much loved, but it is rumored that this person will be reported to Yazi, which is very difficult.”

Fang Han smiled, feeling really interesting. He didn’t even bother with the high level of Taiyi Xianting, but the other prince jumped out.

“Go and see.”

Fang Han carried his hands and walked out.

The Ninth Prince Zhou Wudi was in the guest house courtyard.

By his side, there were three elders, each of whom was skinny, but Jin Xian was afraid that he would not be qualified to be Zhou’s invincible guardian.

Somewhere in the courtyard, Lord Gou and Lord Ji looked at Zhou Wudi directly, with jokes in their eyes.

This made Zhou Wudi feel uncomfortable, his eyes sharp.

Fang Han appeared.

Zhou Wudi’s eyes flickered, he watched Fang Han come, looked up and down, waited until Fang Han approached and stopped, then smiled indifferently, “Invincible next week, the nine princes of Taiyi Immortal Court, I don’t know Brother Zhen Niu…”

Don’t know.

Before he finished speaking, Fang Han waved his hand to interrupt him, “If you have something to say, why are you looking for me?”

Zhou Wudi’s face froze.

Fuck, so arrogant, in front of you is the nine princes of Taiyi Immortal Court, I am Zhou Wudi!

With a gloomy face, Zhou Wudi coldly snorted, “I used to be presumptuous in the fairy garden. I took tens of millions of the best immortal crystals from your hands. I have already checked it out. This is a misunderstanding, but it is from the swordsman palace Chen Xu. Being a stalker, I’ve been slaughtered now, so I’ll come over to clarify.”


Zhou Wudi threw out a few storage rings.


The storage ring was not caught, but fell on the ground.

Fang Han didn’t even look at it, and said quietly, “Guzi, Xiaojin, your pocket money.”

Master Gou and Master Ji quickly stepped forward, put away the storage ring, and smiled openly.

Zhou Wudi was a little confused.

The script shouldn’t be like this.

Before he came, he even thought about it. Fang Han should be thankful for giving the storage vows, and then turned the fighting into a jade silk, so that he would be able to figure out Fang Han’s identity.

But now.

Tens of millions of superb fairy crystals.

Why do you reward your demon pet in front of me?

“Pretend it?”

Zhou Wudi’s heart became a little angry.

However, he didn’t know Fang Han’s heels, but he was really a little jealous. The news that he inquired about was even stunned by him. The strong Jinxian said that he blew himself up, which is outrageous.

“Something else?”

Fang Han raised his eyebrows.

It seems to be an order to chase away guests.

Yangshan and Long Yunxiao were trembling with excitement.

The young master is the best, not even Taiyi Xianting. To put in one’s eyes, God knows the background of the young master.

Zhou Wudi was silent for a few breaths, and said coldly, “Brother, you are a little too mad. There is only one life you must know. Even if you have a very high background, but you are far away, even if you have a background in the sky, it is too late to save you. Wouldn’t it be regrettable? ”

He was reminding Fang Han.

This Thunder Immortal Territory is the territory of my Taiyi Immortal Court.

You pretend to be in front of me, it’s better to take your time.

However, Fang Han’s heart moved slightly, and he suddenly sneered, “There is only one life? Who told you?”

Zhou Wudi, “???”

He was a little confused.

Fang Han’s answer caught him off guard.

There is only one life, is there something wrong with it? No, everyone is like that, unless you cultivate some heaven-defying Cultivation Technique, you can have a clone.

Otherwise, it’s dead, isn’t it dead?

Fang Han suddenly showed a faint smile, coughed slightly, and said, “Gouzi, give this nine prince a demonstration.”

The dog’s eyes were dumbfounded, and he reacted, wanting to cry without tears, lying down on the ground and muttering, “Master, I think Brother Chicken is fine too.”

“Let you demonstrate, just demonstrate, what’s the matter!”

Fang Han’s eyes widened, and Lord Gou quickly got up and shrugged his head a few steps forward.

In the next second, the dog’s body exploded, and the blood swayed. Of course, this blood was not its own, it was already prepared, it didn’t seem real.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Zhou Wudi seemed to have thought of something, his eyes staring firmly with an incredible color.

Fang Han said leisurely, “Look, you are dead, right?”


Fang Han stretched out his palm, a black bead appeared in his palm, and said slowly, “Come back.”

The beads shimmered.

In the next second, Lord Gou’s body emerged and said weakly, “Master, the old master of the resurrection dzi gave you one. It can only be used a hundred times to demonstrate to him. Isn’t it a waste?”

Fang Han waved his hand indifferently, put away the black beads and smiled lightly, “It’s okay.”

The whole audience was silent.

Who could have imagined that such a scene could be seen.

This is really a resurrection!

Resurrection in situ!

There is only one life, that is a joke!

Resurrection dzi…

100 resurrection times…

A hundred lives…

Dammit, if anyone gets this treasure, can’t they die at will? I can’t die anyway!

Behind Zhou Wudi, the eyes of the three elders were gleaming, and they couldn’t help taking a step forward.

Zhou Wudi’s face was even flushed, and a greedy color flashed across his eyes, then he took a deep breath and stared at Fang Han and said, “Brother, this resurrection dzi…why have I never heard of it?”

Fang Han curled his lips, “How much knowledge can I have in Lei Xianyu? It’s not to blame you.”

Zhou Wudi was stunned.

What do you say?

What is a mere thunder celestial domain?

Damn it, Lei Xianyu is the top immortal realm in the fairy world. Even if other immortal realms are powerful, they are at best half a catastrophe, right?

Suddenly, Zhou Wudi thought of something, his eyes widened, and he trembled, “Could it be that you are from…”

Zhou Wudi didn’t say the rest.

But his expression was enough to show his shock.

Fang Han said meaningfully, “It’s good to know.”

The ghost knew what Zhou Wudi was talking about, but since he said yes, then I was it.

Zhou Wudi swallowed and didn’t dare to pretend anymore. He knew the inside story, put away the coldness and arrogance in his heart, cupped hands said, “Zhen…Young Master, since you came to my Thunder Immortal Realm, let me When Zhou Wudi meets, then I can’t help but enjoy the friendship of the landlord. If anything happens, the young master can find me at any time.”

Fang Han smiled slightly, touched his chin, and said, “Since you have said so, then I really want you to do me a favor. It’s the first time I came out. I was in a hurry. I didn’t bring any rare baby. If so, you might as well come on the hour.”

“Of course, I don’t want you in vain. The baby I carry around is even rarer. If you want, let’s change…”

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