Chapter 356 I like cutting grass and roots the most!

Fang Han stepped into the tall building next to the mansion of Demon Cang Zhan City.

This is the registration office for joining the Legion.

The Heavenly Demon world has obvious respect and inferiority. There are many benefits to joining the legion. Once the battle begins, you can obtain military merits, which can be exchanged for the supreme Cultivation Technique, and even enter the Demon Palace to become soaring.

“Who came from?”

There are several middle-aged Heavenly Demon tribes inside the tall building, and Lotus Position is Breathing Exercises Demon Qi on a high platform. At this time, one of them opened his eyes and stared at Fang Han and asked.

Fang said coldly, “I want to join the legion in my next job.”

The middle-aged man frowned, and the other middle-aged people also opened their eyes, looking at Fang Han very unpleasantly.

The middle-aged man who opened the question said unhappily, “Dignified Heavenly Demon, actually taking the human name? What is your real name? Join the legion, you must find out the roots of the clan, so as not to escape before the battle.”

“Are you deaf? I said, let me do it!”

“…So daring!”

The middle-aged Heavenly Demon who questioned the question exploded. He shot the high platform and floated straight up, angrily, “I am the Dark Rain God, you dare to scold me? Kneel me down!”

Fang Han raised his eyebrows slightly.

The Heavenly Demon clan of the dark character generation, he has killed a lot.

Without waiting for the Dark Rain God Venerable to make a move, Fang Han lazily took out the wooden sword that had turned into a black epee, and flicked it at the Dark Rain God Venerable.

Sword Qi burst out.

The Dark Rain God was stunned on the spot, unable to resist at all, so he was cut into a rain of blood with a single sword.

He said to kill and kill without mercy, the dignified deity was beheaded with a single sword, and many middle-aged Heavenly Demon tribes in the tall buildings were scared to pee.

“The devil… the devil?”

“An idiot, Dark Rain, dares to confront Lord Demon. It’s not a pity to die!”

“Master Demon King, do you want to join our Demon Blue Army? This is a good thing, please sit down!”

The middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan who reacted all got up, and their attitude was extremely friendly.

Fang Han smiled, “That’s right, it seems that not everyone is like this idiot.”

Several middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan smiled bitterly.

My heart is cursing endlessly.

The rod of dammit!

Where is the demon king that came out of this special? Is it funny? You are so awesome than so hungry, dignified devil boss, are you here to sign up?

Tell me a fart!

You go directly to the city lord’s mansion to get it, the lord of the city probably has to call you brothers and sisters.


I can only curse in my heart. Several middle-aged Heavenly Demon tribes said polite words, and one of them quickly registered Fang Han. After being registered, Fang Han successfully joined the Demon Clan Army.

A middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan smiled flatly, “Why don’t you go directly to the City Lord’s Mansion? You will definitely be regarded as a guest by several legion commanders.”

Fang Han shook his head, “I don’t like being special. Just join the legion normally. Anyway, I’m working for the Heavenly Demon clan.”

The middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan looked at each other, and didn’t understand Fang Han’s thoughts at all.

Suddenly, one of the middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan said, “You need to be careful in the future. Dark rain is the line of the Heavenly Demon god. His uncle is the Lord Dark Demon. You kill him, I’m afraid he will be targeted.”

Fang Han’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately urged, “Is that so? This is a good thing. Hurry up, go to the person, and quickly notify the dark ghost, saying that I killed the dark rain and let him come to me for revenge. ”

Several middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan, “???”

Damn it!

What is the reaction?

Is there anyone wishing for revenge?

Although you are the Demon King, the Dark Ghost Lord is also the Demon King, and one of the army commanders, with a very high status.

Are you not afraid at all?

A few middle-aged Heavenly Demon tribes couldn’t understand Fang Han’s brain circuit, but Fang Han urged, “Go, it’s you, you go!”

The middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan pointed by Fang Han was a bit crooked and unhappy, but still didn’t dare to violate Fang Han’s words, and smiled bitterly, “If this is the case, then I will go.”

have to.

Anyway, it was the gods fighting, and it had nothing to do with him.

Dark Heavenly Demon is arrogant and domineering in his veins, and his desire for expression is strong, which has provoked a lot of dissatisfaction with the Heavenly Demon clan.

The relationship between An Yu and them is not good, because An Yu doesn’t look down on them at all, so he is always arrogant and can’t get used to him a long time ago.

With a little expectation in my heart, the middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan who reported the news quickly stepped into the city lord’s mansion.

In addition to the city lord, in the city lord’s mansion, that is, the legion commander Xueli, the realm of the pinnacle demon king, there are nine legion commanders living in the rest.

At this moment.

Xue Li was discussing with the nine demon king army chiefs in the meeting hall of the city lord mansion.

Because of the decree of the Demon Palace, the Heavenly Demon clan army, who was originally energetic, died down, and the army was very impatient.

Xue Li couldn’t understand what the Demon God Palace was doing. At this time, he was arranging some trivial matters for the Legion, and a new decree came down. They were going to the Demon God Palace in a few days.

Someone entered the chamber and whispered a few words quietly in the ear of the Dark Ghost Demon King.

In the next second, the dark ghost’s face changed drastically, his face was sullen, and he stood up brazenly, and shouted, “Bold! Where did the idiot come and run into the wild in front of daddy?”

The other legion commanders glanced at each other and laughed lightly. Although they didn’t know what had happened, they were very happy to see the dark ghost.

Xue Li Nai looked like an old man, frowning and whispering, “Dark ghost, what’s the matter?”

The Dark Ghost King gritted his teeth and said, “My nephew Dark Rain was killed!”

The corner of Xueli’s eyes twitched, and he was also a little speechless. This murderer is really stupid. The relationship between Dark Rain and Dark Ghost is known to the Heavenly Demon clan in the entire city. Does anyone dare to be so mad?

“My lord, I’ll come as soon as I go!”

The dark ghost took a deep breath, holding back his anger, and stepped out of the chamber.

After he left, several army commanders burst into laughter.

“Hey, really slap in the face!”

“The dark ghost’s nephew dared to kill, this is not to put in one’s eyes.”

“Hmph, Dark Sky’s line is extremely arrogant. The wicked still need to be grinded by the wicked, and it deserves it.”

“Speak carefully! Speak carefully! After all, they are all of the same family, so you can’t say that.”

The old man Xueli sighed slightly, rubbed the corners of his eyebrows, and didn’t make a sound. The Heavenly Demon clan is not monolithic, with different thoughts, and he is not very comfortable as the commander of the legion.

The Dark Ghost Demon King quickly left the City Lord’s Mansion.

Stepped into a tall building.

The Heavenly Demon clan in the tall building knew the Dark Ghost Demon King, and noticed the strange Fang Han at a glance.

This is undoubtedly the murderer.

His eyes flickered, and the magical shadow rolled behind him. The monstrous magical energy formed a black mace in his hand. He stared at Fang Han and shouted, “Did you kill the dark rain? You are so big…”

I haven’t finished talking.

A Sword Qi struck, and after an instant, the dark ghost demon king, die!

Inside a tall building.

The middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan who originally wanted to see the demon wars were all dumbfounded.

One sword!

Another sword!

The demon king was killed by a sword too?

I puff, could it be this, he is not the devil? Is he Demon Monarch?


The Demon Monarch powerhouse, who is directly under the Demon God Palace, how could he succumb to their Demon Azure Battle City?

And at The next moment, a few middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan heard Fang Han’s smiling voice, “Hehe, this is a dark ghost? Isn’t it too good? Tell me, does he have a father or grandfather? I do whatever I want. I like cutting grass and roots the most. If you have, let them come, so I can do it once and for all!”

Several middle-aged Heavenly Demon clan, “???”

Wipe! Wipe!

You want to kill?

Still cutting the grass to get rid of the roots?

Although our Heavenly Demon clan has nothing to do, we also have to say, you, it’s really poisonous…

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