Chapter 346 Isn’t This Calabash?

In Heavenly Dao city, countless Practitioners watched with excitement.

Although Fang Han is legendary, the Yushen Machine is not bad.

In particular, Calabash, who is in the hands of Mishinji, was also on fire some time ago.

Now that Calabash shot Zhanxian, some people couldn’t help but sweat for Fang Han.

This is a terrifying treasure that can easily kill the peak of Earth Immortals.

Can Wang Tianba stop it?

Martial Sage is also very much looking forward to it, praying more and more, those too one Elder needless to say, the prayers have been opened long ago.


It must be victorious!

This is Martial Sage’s roar in Tian’s heart. He stared with scorching eyes, watching, and then…

He was stunned!

It’s not just him.

Almost everyone was stunned.

Including the energetic Mishinki just now.

Because at this time.

Fang Han beckoned to the “Treasure Calabash” of Mishinji, and exclaimed in surprise, “Oh, isn’t this Calabash, our wine for the master? It’s said that the master once got drunk and went crazy and drank wine. Calabash kicked out of Sacred Land, I don’t know where it drifted, I didn’t expect to be here!”

“Wine Calabash, come, come, our helper wants to kill you.”

As he spoke, and waved his hands, Calabash floated in front of Fang Han, spinning around Fang Han.

And the words and deeds scene by scene.

how to say?

It’s like a hammer, which is constantly beating Yushenji’s forehead, Martial Sage’s heart and soul, many Elder’s hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, hammered dizziness, hammered heart tremors, hammered liver and gallbladder cracked!

Also hammered the countless Practitioners in Heavenly Dao below!


What’s this…

It’s so scary!

This can easily kill Calabash, the pinnacle of Earth Immortals.

It turned out to be Calabash, the wine that the world will help the main wine use?

I puff!

You can’t pretend to be such a livestock.

The Lord of Your World Association is Duo Niubi’s existence, and he even uses this kind of treasure to pretend wine?

Too high-level high-level thunder blasted through, and he couldn’t react at all, but his face turned pale without knowing it.

Yushenki was sober, his face turned pale, he watched this scene extremely coldly, then opened his mouth and trembled, “Treasure… Treasure Calabash… come back!”

Calabash doesn’t kill him.

Fang Han glanced at Yushenji and sneered, “I’m so stupid, and I’m still infatuated with it? Did you know that we helped the lord to seal his Sword Qi in the wine Calabash?”

Mishinki was sluggish again.

Sword Qi is issued when Calabash fights.

That is Sword Qi who can kill the peak of Earth Immortals with a single sword.

And this Sword Qi.

Was it sealed by your helper?


Yushenji’s heart suffered endless crit once again, not to mention it was chilling.

There was an uproar in the audience. Everyone was shut down by Fang Han’s words. They tried to guess, but they couldn’t guess what kind of existence is Spicy Niubi, is it a real fairy? Didn’t it mean that immortals were not allowed to descend? You all know this is cheating.


Martial Sage gasped.

At this moment, his brain was running fast, and he quickly said, “Wang Tianba, misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding! We have something to say, and we can’t do it. Really, why bother? Yes. Whatever matter, we can negotiate a settlement.”

Martial Sage’s words in the sky are endless, for fear that Fang Han will make a move.

Because he is really scared!

Fang Han’s words were very bluffing, at least he was bluffed. Martial Sage believed that everyone else should be like him.

Everyone trembles at the existence of Lamo Niubi.

And Fang Han said very dissatisfied, “I’m here to ask for an explanation. Why, do you want to apologize? Unfortunately, I won’t accept it…”

“And you.”

Fang Han looked at the dementia-like imperial machine, sneered, “Didn’t you want me to die? Do it!”

Mishinki, “…”

I knock!

I’m so freaking out!

I regard Calabash as the most precious treasure. It is the wine that you can help the lord. What else can I do?

Yushenji didn’t say a word, his face was extremely ugly, but he was also extremely frightened, and turned around with a gloomy face to be transparent.


“Hey, just want to run after pretending to be? How can it be so easy!”

Just pretend to be compared and run. That’s our scratching operation. As for your Mishinji, is it worth it?

Fang Han’s eyes flickered, sneered, and pointed directly at Yushenji, “Kill him!”

This remark was naturally addressed to Calabash.


Zhanxian Calabash’s Calabash mouth opened, and the Calabash baby, who was wearing only a short skirt, jumped out.

Looking at this pocket-sized Calabash baby, the cute Calabash baby, everyone present was scared to pee!

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Danger, danger, danger!

This horse riding is the treasure Calabash that can easily kill the pinnacle of Earth Immortals!


Martial Sage was stunned by the day, but Fang Han not only snatched the treasure Calabash, but even controlled it!

It’s like taking a +999 super machete to kill the BOSS, and then being snatched by the BOSS to hack yourself.

Damn rub!

Don’t Titus aggrieved!

With a word of escape, Martial Sage’s figure flickered and rushed directly to the Taiyi sect. The other Elders were already prepared, humming and running away, only the god machine…

The front of this cargo station.

The action is also the slowest!


Locked by Calabash, want to run? Wishful thinking!


Calabash baby’s immature voice uttered, and in an instant, an illusory Sword Qi appeared from Calabash’s Calabash mouth.

Sword Qi is vast, but visible to the naked eye, the terrifying life and death crisis made Yushenji almost fainted!

Shaking his body, Yushenji shouted, “An Neng deceives me Yushenji so much! I am the son of luck!”


Void trembling, from the body of the Royal God machine, bursts of fairy power, that is his fairy bone!

Fang Han originally thought that the Imperial God’s mechanism would use the fairy bones to replenish the blood of Calabash.

The void seemed to be torn apart by Calabash Sword Qi, and cracks appeared. Then Sword Qi approached Yushenji, and Yushenji could perceive that he was actually dead.

But at this moment.

From the depths of his fairy bones, an indifferent voice suddenly appeared, “Presumptuous!”

In the next second, the void behind the God Machine burst into tears, and then a black hole-like void appeared. A golden long sleeved illusory hand emerged from the black hole, not only blocking the God Machine, but also straight forward. Shoot.

It slightly blocked Sword Qi of Calabash.

The indifferent voice continued, “My third life body, you dare to move? It’s really… eh? This is… what Sword Qi is this? Damn, this is the taboo fairy gourd? Who is it? Who got the taboo? Damn…”

The sound contained angrily and depraved, and in an instant, the illusory hand returned extremely quickly, but it also pulled the silly Mishinki into the black hole and disappeared.


Calabash baby raised her eyebrows, she seemed very angry, and she stomped her feet very cutely. A golden Sword Qi floated out of Calabash and disappeared where the black hole appeared.

As if chasing the past.

Shaking her head, Calabash baby turned around and faced Fang Han’s cupped hands. She never said much, but she glanced at the dog with contempt and jumped into Calabash.

Lord Gou, “???”

Calabash baby, don’t go, there is a battle for three hundred rounds.

Fang Han’s eyes twitched.

Unexpectedly, the car overturned.

Yushenji, this dog thing, seems to have a background, listening to that voice claiming to be me, is it a great figure in the immortal world, immortal emperor?

“It’s cheaper for him.”

Fang Han shook his head and put away Calabash.

Zhanxian Calabash originally had two chances to use it. This was the credit of the Mishenji, but after the appearance of the golden Sword Qi, it just disappeared.

Afterwards, Fang Han looked at the Martial Sage Tianhe Taiyi Elders who had fled away, coughed lightly, and shouted, “Run? The monk can’t run away from the temple, wait for me, wait for me to recharge my energy. After a while, it will destroy Taiyi and pay tribute to my dead brother.”

Far away.

Martial Sage Tian and others who fled back to Sect trembled all over, and their scalps were about to explode. Fang Han’s voice came slowly and fell in their ears, making them even more disturbed.

The void flickered in front of him, and the figures of the ancestors of the Taizi generation appeared one after another.

Martial Sage tremblingly stepped forward and bowed and said, “Patriarchs, can’t wait anymore, quickly control the Nine Heavens Sect, and the old immortals who persecuted the Nine Heavens Sect to testify to us, otherwise, this Sect is in danger!”

Although a group of Taizi generation patriarchs did not go there just now.

But it “sees” really.

At this time, one by one, they all agree.

I thought I would be able to compete with the world, but I never thought that the world would be better than that. The treasure Calabash is just the wine Calabash that the world will help the lord, and it is only a few Sword Qi that the world will help the lord. .

If this is the case, the world will help the Lord himself…

Damn it!

That’s not the right thing!

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