Chapter 242 My apprentice is really strong! Strong and strong!

“Boy, agree or disagree?”

Chen Bajin looked at Fang Han with expectant eyes.

Such a terrible Sword intent.

The future achievements in kendo are unimaginable.

Being met by him and not accepting as an apprentice is simply the last thing he regrets in his life.

Fang Han naturally nodded.

He came to be famous.

As for failing the assessment and apprenticeship?

Fang Han said ha ha ha.

“Then follow the old man.”

Chen Bajin was so ecstatic that he turned and walked into Sect.

Fang Han followed. On his shoulders, Master Gou and Master Ji were very happy, because they knew that the next big show must be on.

Many Elder’s eyes towards Fang Han were soft, expressing kindness.

But the disciples of the Promise Sword Sect were extremely unhappy.

Whether it is Fang Han’s arrogance.

It was Sect’s high-level attitude towards Fang Han, which made these disciples extremely uncomfortable.


Everyone arrived at the special assessment site of the Promise Sword Sect.

Chen Bajin turned around and said with a smile, “The assessment of this school is diverse. After all, everyone’s kendo path is different.”

“Come on, let’s try this first.”

“Sword Tower!”

“This tower has nine floors, and on each floor, there is a swordsmanship sculpture inside, which contains a sword art. If you can comprehend it, you can enter the next floor.”

“The Sword Tower was established by the original ancestor. For countless years, even if it is an old man, it still stops on the eighth floor.”

“Of course, as an assessment, you don’t need to be so excessive, you only need to clear the first level, even if you pass.”

“However, this is a time limit. The old man can allow you some and give you ten hours, how about?”

The sword tower is in the assessment area, behind Chen Bajin.

Fang Han glanced at it and shook his head, “Ten hours? My Zhang boldly admits that I am receiving God’s favor now, but it is a son of luck. I can do anything, I can do everything smoothly, just a mere sword tower, ha ha ha… .”

Chen Bajin’s cheeks twitched suddenly.



There is no way to be mad!

This kid, let’s say nothing else, his temper is actually not what a good thing, so arrogant, there must be disaster!

Slowly adjust it later.

Chen Bajin muttered to himself.

And many Elders are not dissatisfied with this, they are now showing goodwill, trying to get rid of the dictatorship of Head Teacher Chen Bajin.

Those disciples of the Promise Sword Sect all had ugly faces.

“Return to the mere sword tower? Just arrogant?”

“Huh, not ashamed!”

“Senior Brother Dao Ziyun of this sect is extremely talented in kendo. It took six hours to pass the first level.”

“Son of luck? That’s a laugh daddy.”

“Look at how ugly his face will look when he comes out of failure later.”

“Yes, Sword intent is not savvy. Sword intent is a fart in the sword tower.”

Fang Han could also hear many of the disciples of the Promise Sword Sect, but he just didn’t want to talk to him.

And this time.

Master Gou and Master Ji looked at each other, smirked, rushed out directly, and landed in front of the disciples.

Those who are qualified to accompany Chen Bajin and the others are naturally the first-class seedlings among the disciples of the Promise Sword Sect.

The dog master smiled and said, “You guys, dare you make a bet with us?”

A true disciple sneered and said, “Demon pet? Haha, what are you going to bet on?”

Gouye pointed to the sword tower and said, “Gouye gamblers can not only step on the first floor, but even the ninth floor. If I lose, I will kill it…”

Said and pointed to the chicken master.

Master Ji rolled his eyes, then sighed, “I committed suicide.”

Gouye continued, “But if you lose, hum, everyone, you have to say [Dage, how good is it, I will kneel and lick you], how?”

The real disciple shivered.

This this this…

Is this an insult?

Without waiting for him to speak, the other disciples were angry and spoke.

“Dammit, bet!”

“Ninth floor? Are you dreaming without waking up?”

“Head Teacher can’t even enter the ninth floor!”

“I want to see you fighting each other!”

“I’m afraid you can’t afford to lose then, hum!”

Grandpa Dog opened his eyes and smiled, and then turned lazily, “Then even if the gambling contract is established, you heard the Head Teacher over there, but they won’t admit it then, you have to take care of it!”

Chen Bajin didn’t look back.

Only the corners of his eyes twitched a few times.

Fang Han didn’t pay attention to the mischief between the dog and the chicken, but set off and walked to the sword tower.


Fang Han disappeared at the first gate of the sword tower.

Chen Bajin took a deep breath and said, “This son’s Sword intent is so terrifying. If the Sword Intent is superb, tut…”

A group of Elder faces are a bit dissatisfied, and many veteran Elders are even more angry and fluttering.

Chen Bajin ignored this, but he was stunned in his heart, “The old man feels that this son should be expected to break within six hours…”

“Everyone Elder, what do you think?”

A group of Elders twitched their cheeks and ignored him.

What do you think?

Look at your sister!

You are dictatorial, and you ask us what we think? We see it useful?

Chen Bajin smiled, squinted slightly, and prepared to wait like this.


That is to say the kung fu of Bailai Xi.

Seeing the originally calm sword tower, a strong sword glow suddenly burst out, and the sword glow emerged from the sword tower, forming an illusory big sword in the void.

In an instant.

The room was full of silence.

Everyone was directly confused.

No one knows the mutation of the sword tower better than them.

This represents the vision of breaking through.


I puff your sister a big ball!

How much time has passed since this horse riding?

One hundred interest?

Two hundred interest?

No, there is absolutely no two hundred breaths, more than one hundred at most!

Just such a little time, one cannon is not enough, you said that the level is broken?

After a while.

Chen Bajin’s face blushed and he was already shivering crazily. He almost danced madly for a while, then clenched his fist and waved vigorously, “Okay! My apprentice is really strong! Strong and strong!”

Many Elder’s faces went dark.


Really shameless!


People have not yet come to apprenticeship, you just call it an apprentice? This is putting gold on my face!

As for those Promise Sword Sect disciples, after being stunned, they reacted and fryed one by one.

Master Gou turned his head and raised his eyebrows at them, stretched out his dog’s paw and shook it, and said leisurely, “It’s a layer!”

Promise Sword Sect disciples, “…”



Didn’t it just break the level quickly!

I don’t believe that he can really reach the ninth level!

Is that something human can do?


They don’t even know.

Fang Han has a permanent state, and his peak comprehension is in his body.

Sword Art?

Too trivial.

Ever since.

About a hundred breaths of time passed.

The sword tower broke out again.

This time, it really scared everyone.

Chen Bajin screamed horribly in his heart.

The second floor of the Poguan Sword Tower is nothing. There are many disciples in the Sect on the second floor of the Poguan Sword Tower.


It’s the first time Fang Han has come for the assessment.

And it only took more than a hundred breaths of time.

This kind of earth-shaking savvy is no longer enough to describe the enchanting!

Terrible to the extreme!

“My dear disciple, it’s great!”

Chen Bajin once again reiterated his own sovereignty.

An veteran Elder couldn’t help it, and yelled, “Head Teacher, if you insist on going your own way and have to force apprentices, and don’t give others the opportunity to choose, the old man will definitely disturb the first ancestor to go out and take the lead!”

Chen Bajin raised his head, “I don’t believe it!”

That veteran Elder almost spurted blood, f*ck, this is a rogue!

But Elder also understood that Chen Bajin was right, he really didn’t dare.

Disturb the first ancestor Closed Door Training.

In case it disturbs the first ancestor cultivation, then he is Sect’s sinner forever.


With this kind of mentality, Fang Han broke the first level every time in the next few days.


Fully above the sword tower, eight sword shadows were formed.

It also meant that Fang Han had broken through the eighth floor and had already entered the ninth floor.

The veteran Elder stomped abruptly and yelled, “Chen Bajin, the old man, as a Sect Elder, is also qualified to accept him as a disciple. Everyone is playing fair. If you have to engage in dictatorship, I swear by Yuan Qian. Please come out…”

this moment.

Faced with Fang Han’s heaven-defying talent.

The majesty of Head Teacher?

Hehehe, let’s play in the mud…

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