Chapter 225 The ancient god bridge, step on the bridge and climb to the sky!

Yan Beifei and many of the ancestors of the holy world were quite speechless.

As soon as they stepped in, the void floated past the ancient divine writing that could not be manipulated.

It’s just that no one knows it.

Only Fang Han’s eyes gleamed, and he made a meaningful “hehe” sound.

Now that he saw Jun He Shan’s tragic situation, everyone understood what Fang Han meant.

That’s a prelude to preparing to dig a hole.

Dao Wuya and He Shanjun were shocked and inexplicable. It should be noted that although the ancient divine writings are the circulating language of the ancient gods, not many people can know them, and they all cherish themselves.

Fang Han can recognize ancient divine writings, which is not good news for them.

He Shanjun was suppressed, and it was useless to hum, hum, and go all out. He couldn’t get rid of the suppression of the mask.

After working hard several times, he gave up directly, staring at Fang Han angrily and cursed, “Asshole! You will die in my hands sooner or later.”

Fang Han said meaningfully, “Remember what you are saying now.”

After that, Fang Han turned around and returned.

He Shanjun’s face was uncertain.

For some reason, a violent chill burst out of his heart at this moment, making his body a little numb.

Dao Wuya laughed wildly in his heart. After cooperating with He Shanjun through the Dragon King, he has now reached the final place of inheritance. To be honest, Dao Wuya admits that he does not need He Shan anymore.

Therefore, seeing that Mr. He Shan was suppressed, Dao Wuya’s previous resentment came up again, and his heart cried out with joy.

Look around the space.

Dao Wuya’s eyes gleamed.

In addition to the huge ancient god inheritance tower, there are nine huge sky bridges ahead.

The nine sky bridges are connected to each other, as if forming a glorious avenue, leading directly to the ancient god inheritance tower.

Want to pass it on eventually.

You must cross the bridge to reach the sky.

“It turned out to be a reward test among the ancient gods, ancient god bridge.”

“According to Master, every time you step on the ancient god bridge, there will be a reward from the ancient gods. If you step on three, you will pass.”

“However, Gushenqiao must be tested by one person. If there are two people together, there will be double the pressure.”

“And… if you don’t cultivate the power of the ancient gods, the pressure that Xianxiu faces when stepping on the ancient god bridge increases by 50%. How can these people compete with me?”

“Hmph, they don’t know the origin of the ancient god bridge, they are all watching.”

Dao Wuya looked at Fang Han and them, Yan Beifei and many ancestors of the Holy Realm Earth Immortals were talking quietly with each other, without moving.

With joy in my heart, Dao Wuya let out a cold snort, stepped directly out, and rushed to the first ancient bridge.

The ancestors of Earth Immortals brought by Mr. He Shan looked gloomy, and they approached Mr. He Shan one after another, trying to rescue him, but it was useless.

He Shanjun’s face was extremely ugly.

Seeing that Dao Wuya no longer cares about him, He Shanjun understands that the boat of friendship has overturned.

What kind of cooperation, letting go of hatred, it’s all bullshit.

Heshan Jun, the ancient god bridge, naturally knows him. Seeing Dao Wuya ascend the first ancient god bridge, Mr. Heshan has the idea that daddy can’t get it. You can’t even think about it when you step on a horse. He shouted at Fang Han. , “Boy, this is the ancient god bridge… If you don’t want to lose the qualification to enter that inheritance tower, you’d better stop him.”

Fang Han squinted his eyes and glanced at Mr. He Shan.

After turning his head, he found that an extra portal had emerged on the ancient god bridge, and Dao Wuya had entered it.

Yan Beifei and others changed their expressions slightly, but Fang Han directly grasped the useful information mentioned by Mr. He Shan.

Go forward and step on the bridge.

The second portal appeared.

In other words, the ancient god bridge allows multiple people to test together, but you can also choose to join forces with other people.

Seeing such a situation, Fang Han’s eyes lit up and snapped his fingers behind him. There was no need for Fang Han to say anything. At this moment, two figures suddenly rushed over.

It is the excited dog and chicken.

Then I saw that Gouye and Jiye quickly rushed into the portal of Dao Wuya without hesitation.

Fang Han smiled slightly and cupped hands to Yan Beifei and the others, and said, “Senior, I wish you good luck.”

After speaking, Fang Han also stepped into the own portal.

Yan Beifei and the others looked at each other and stopped staying. They stepped on the ancient god bridge one by one, and as the portals appeared, everyone stepped in.

“You guys go too.”

He Shanjun’s eyes were full of unwillingness, but he could only stare, and said to the powerful Earth Immortals around him, “Strive for a quick pass.”

Unlike Dao Wuya, the powerful Earth Immortals brought by Lord Heshan are all attached to the Evil God Temple, and their trust is still very high.

A group of strong men also stepped on the ancient god bridge and entered the portal.

He Shanjun sighed.

I thought that Lord Gou and Lord Ji entered the portal with Dao Wuya just now. Dao Wuya, who was about to face the triple test, would be very miserable, and he immediately laughed happily.

“Deserve it! You brought the people, and you’re making it yourself to kill you, huh!”

Fang Han stepped into the portal and appeared in the inexplicable void in the next second.

At the foot is a small platform.

In an instant, a huge star suddenly appeared in the dim void.

Star is dazzling and brilliant.

“Choose Xianxiu, Gu Xiu.”

Fang Han squinted his eyes and said without hesitation, “Xianxiu.”

“The tester Xianxiu, Cultivation Base Xianxiu cave world, within a stick of incense, do not leave the platform, destroy the Star to pass the level.”

The ancient gods flickered out of the void in front of Fang Han’s eyes, and then disappeared.

Fang Han’s eyes flashed sharply, and after almost breathing, the huge Star had already pulled the tail of the long light and dashed towards Fang Han.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Han’s hair drifted slowly in the back of his head without any wind.

look up.

Keep your chest tall.

Fang Han’s eyes were mobilized with the majestic Magic power in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He opened his palms, his palm prints floated, and he hit the hand of heaven with one blow.

The huge hand of God seemed to cover the sky, and even the dazzling Star light seemed to be suppressed.

Amid the huge noise and explosion, the majestic Star stagnated, burst, turned into a bright light, and bathed in Fang Han’s body.

After a while, Fang Han Yicheng’s Magic power was dramatically increased.

Fang Han was extremely surprised.

His current magic power of immortal repair is powerful, comparable to true immortals, and increased by 10% out of thin air. Such a good thing is nothing more than a pie in the sky.

Soon, Fang Han had a flower in front of him, and his body had already appeared on the second ancient bridge.

The portal automatically emerged, making Fang Han’s eyes hot.

However, Fang Han did not go in immediately. He turned around and saw that on the first ancient bridge, many portals were still opening, and there was no second person to pass.

Only Monarch He Shan, who was still being suppressed, looked at Fang Han blankly, his eyes popping out.

“Broken the barrier so soon?”

He Shanjun felt a trace of horror. It was rumored that the ancient god bridge test was very difficult. It was a test of the foundation, the limit, and a way of testing talent.

From this, he also saw the strength of Fang Han’s foundation.

“This kid, you have to die.”

He Shanjun’s teeth tickled with hatred, and his heart tickled with jealousy.

Fang Han just glanced around, then turned around, with anticipation in his eyes, and stepped into the second portal.

at the same time.

Dao Wuya is in the test space.

Dao Wuya, trembling, was attacked by four huge Stars. With a roar, the power of the ancient gods broke out in his palms and turned into nine huge fists.


Puff puff!

The fist smashed, and the horrible power instantly made Dao Wuya snorted and fell out of the platform.

At the same time, there were Gouye and Jiye who fell out.

But Lord Gou and Lord Ji didn’t take it seriously. Instead, they stood shoulder to shoulder, each raising their palms, their eyes flapping their hands leisurely.

“come on, come on, come on.”

“Believe in yourself, you can, don’t give up, hard work will succeed in the end, giggle.”

It seems that the dog and the chicken are cheering up.

What he said made Dao Wuya start to tremble all over his body.

He didn’t step on the platform again to test, but his eyes seemed to hide a knife, staring at the dog and the chicken.


What a bastard!

What a bastard!

Just now, when the spirited Dao Wuya just came in, he was still full of fantasy.

Then Gouye and Jiye came in.

Dao Wuya was ignorant at first.

Then he was furious, “You are looking for death.”

The vigorous crushing began, and Lord Gou and Lord Ji were naturally not matchless opponents, and they were soon killed.


Before Dao Wuya was so happy, he saw the dog and chicken appear again, looking at him mockingly.

After killing Gouye and Jiye three times, Dao Wuya suddenly collapsed.

How can it not be killed?

The suffocated Dao Wuya tried a few more times, but it was the ruthless ridicule of the dog and the chicken. Under depression, in the suffocation, he started the test with his anger.

Naturally, he chose Gu Xiu.


This is three times the difficulty.

And the difficulty is not addition, but multiplication…

Dao Wuya was not a serious ancient god at first, and he believed that he could pass the third ancient god bridge, which was already excellent.

but now…

He seems to be unable to make it through the first seat.

Gouye and Jiye can’t kill him, but their existence is tacitly tested as cooperation through the barriers, which is three times tested.

The four majestic Stars are extremely angry with Dao Wuya.

The point is that Lord Gou and Lord Ji still seem to care about him and cheer him up…

It’s like someone dug a pit and put him in, but the digger just stood on the edge of the pit and encouraged him—you can, work hard, you can climb up.

Are you angry?

Out of breath!

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