Chapter 222 There is no end to the treachery!

Was pitted!

I was pitted as soon as I came in!

And it was a dog monster who pitted him!

Jun He Shan remembers the identity of this dog demon, this is the demon pet next to that damn “Fang Pingfan”.

In other words.

Pit own, or “Fang Pingfan”.

Fang Han had pitted him on the ladder before, but he didn’t let him go. Now he dug a hole for him.

What are you doing!

What are you doing?

What is daddy’s grudge against you?

Why did you catch me a pit?

Why are you so nasty, bastard stuff.

Jun He Shan trembled with anger, his internal organs seemed to be burned with anger and were about to explode, but time did not allow him to think too much.

Because at this time, the monster has already rushed over.

“Dead! Dead!!”

The chaotic beast once again sent out waves of anger, with only one death word, which shows how high the chaotic beast’s anger is now.

And Mr. Heshan naturally recognized the identity of the monster.

For a while, his face turned pale, and he could no longer care to be angry that he was pitted, and roared, “Flee! This is a monster! It is so powerful, it is extremely resistant to Magic power, and cannot be defeated!”

Having said that, He Shanjun moved directly in one direction.

The many powerful Earth Immortals around him twitched their cheeks and naturally followed behind him.

Seeing that they wanted to run, the monster beast roared, and after an acceleration, the huge palm was raised high and patted the void.

The progressive terrorist forces attacked many powerful Earth Immortals at an extremely fast speed.


One of the elders instinctively raised his hand to resist, and the monstrous Magic power gushed out, but it was all shattered.

The power drowned.

The old man’s eyes flashed with regret, he vomited a big mouthful of blood, and his body exploded directly.

Other strong Earth Immortals felt the same way. For a while, cold sweats raged, torrential chills grew, and the spirits were about to explode, so they hurriedly went all out to speed up.

It was only soon discovered that the monster was staring at Mr. Heshan.

As for them.

Maybe just kill it easily.

Some strong people hurriedly moved the route, but the Tiger Beast didn’t even bother at all.

Many powerful Earth Immortals have learned a lot, and left the battlefield one after another. The clothes on their backs were all wet with cold sweat, and they trembled as they watched the monster chasing King He Shan.

Looking at each other, everyone looked at each other.

Mr. Heshan…

It’s really miserable.

After Gouye was resurrected, he returned quickly.

Back to Fang Han, the dog master clutched his stomach and laughed and described, “…Master, don’t you know, that Lord Heshan just teleported in, and he ran into an angry monster, tusk, That kid has to take off three layers of skin if he doesn’t die this time. It’s so fun.”

Is it fun?

Are you crazy?

“Haha, well done.”

Fang Han gave a dry smile, then looked at Lord Dog when he was late stage, “What baby did you get?”

Master Gou quickly took out the treasure he had collected from the inner space of the monster.

The token is unusual at first glance, with a huge war drum carved on one side, and strange god patterns on the other side.

And Fang Han could recognize that huge eyeball, it was the eyeball of an ancient god.

Fang Han saw the last big black stone and let his eyes go. According to the information brought by the ancient gods, this thing is called [Shen Yaoshi], which can greatly ascension the physical power of the ancient gods.

Among the ancient gods, the god Yaoshi was a hard currency, very common, but for Fang Han in this era, it was naturally very precious.

“Give you a great credit.”

Fang Han patted the dog’s head and laughed.

The dog master sticks out his tongue and smiles, but in his heart he thinks that master, you only need to cheat us once.

The chicken master looked at the distance with unfulfilled thoughts—it was a pity that he couldn’t see the lively scene.

Soon Fang Han and the others returned to the place where the bubble was before.

After touching the bubble they had selected Dao Wuya, Fang Han’s scene changed, and when his vision was revealed, he was immediately shocked.

A great change has occurred ahead.

There is a huge ocean in front of him. Above the ocean, huge sea dragons are cruising, frantically impacting many ancestors of Earth Immortals in the Holy Realm.

Yan Beifei’s face was gloomy, and his palms opened and closed. Every time he took a shot, he would transform into a huge black light wheel, forming a formation-like iron bucket, firmly defending against the impact of the sea dragon.

As for the road without boundaries.

Has disappeared.

Fang Han appeared, and was quickly spotted by those sea dragons.

After checking the number of these sea dragons, Fang Han shook his head slightly, exuding a ray of Ancestral Dragon power.

In an instant, the huge sea dragon that had rushed over quickly stagnated.

Then tremble.

Then, like a frightened bird, it sank into the sea.

The other crazy sea dragons also stopped and looked in Fang Han’s direction.

The blood pressure from the bones made these sea dragons panic.

Fleeing towards the depths of the ocean one after another.

Although these sea dragons were not real dragons, they were cultivated by the ancient god Xijue with dragon blood, naturally fearing Fang Han.

The ancestors of the Earth Immortals, who were originally gloomy-faced, showed stunned expressions.

Yan Beifei’s eyes moved slightly, and he immediately noticed Fang Han who was walking over. He breathed a sigh of relief and said in surprise, “What did you do? You can scare away these terrible sea dragons.”

Fang Han waved his hand, “Small means, not worth mentioning.”

Yan Beifei’s eyes twitched.

Small means? If this is a small trick, wouldn’t our long-term resistance look like scum?

“Where is the road without boundaries?” Fang Han asked.

And hearing Fang Han’s question, Yan Beifei’s expression quickly turned pale, and many of the ancestors of the Holy Realm Earth Immortals were also full of disgust.

In the end, Yan Beifei sneered, “The kid saw the wind and turned the rudder. After he came in, he encountered these sea dragons. At first, he cooperated with us to resist, but as the number of sea dragons increased, Dao Wuya… ran away by himself! ”

Fang Han was shocked.

As the captain of the treasure hunting squad, you have always struggled to pull up such a team and promise so many benefits. You haven’t encountered any terrible danger before you run away?

Isn’t this shameless?

Yan Beifei sighed, “Dao Wuya said, these sea dragons are very vengeful, and more and more sea dragons will appear when they are killed, threatening to let us ask for more blessings…”

“Cooperate without dying, and promise to double the reward.”

Fang Han rolled his eyes, “The idiot continued to cooperate with him.”

A group of ancestors of the Holy Venerable Realm immediately agreed.


“Here is the descendant of the ancient temple, as timid as a mouse.”

“Treachery! Despise it!”

“The old man just feels disgusting! Dammit! It’s disgusting!”

“Brother Yan, let’s do it alone. This is a relic of the ancient gods. If we get the benefits, we just divide it equally.”

“Yes, Brother Yan is the strongest, and we take you as the master.”

Facing the excitement of the group, Yan Beifei gave a wry smile and sighed, “I am seriously injured, I really don’t want to have more disputes…”

The words came out.

I heard Fang Han say grinningly, “Hey, what did I do when I was a senior, it turned out to be injured, come here, I have a pot of spiritual fluid here, drink it to ensure that the senior will live and be energetic immediately. Achievements that can be refreshed a hundred times a night are nothing to say…”

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