Chapter 213 The terrifying mouth of the chicken master!

This is the first time that Gouye and Jiye have joined together to Sahuan without Fanghan Township.

They cooperate very well with each other.

It’s not about personnel.

Since Lord Gou and Lord Ji were resurrected three times in a row, and directly ignored them, the old man in purple clothes of the Heavenly Tool Sect had stopped the idea of ​​attacking.

I just feel cold all over.

He and the other Celestial Clan immortals watched the dog and chicken expelling the Practitioner from the city, but they were angry but not.

The Heavenly Tool City caused an uproar, and many Practitioners who received news from far away realized that the Heavenly Tool Sect was in trouble.

Without waiting for Gou Ye Ji Ye to come, take the lead in running away.

Some people pack things up.

Some people just ran away.

In panic and anger, many Practitioners were also angry with the Heavenly Tool Sect with endless resentment.

Trash Heavenly Artifact Sect.

He couldn’t even guarantee the safety of his own city.

It’s too wasteful.

Such emotions were naturally felt by the purple-clothed elders of the Heavenly Tool Sect. They held back their anger and urged Head Teacher Yun Xiaoge to come quickly.

Yun Xiaoge’s head was about to explode after receiving the news.

How long has it been since the last time I was beaten and abused?

He hasn’t slowed down till now.

The mental damage is very serious.

Now someone has provoke the Heavenly Tool Sect.

Soon Yun Xiaoge came with more powerful human beings and immortals, watching the dog and chicken who wantonly disperse the Practitioner in the city, Yun Xiaoge yelled furiously, “Stop!”

Gouye and Jiye looked, hey, acquaintances, suddenly smiled, and Gouye yelled arrogantly, “Yunda Sect Leader, you are here just right. From now on, our two brothers will continue to die with the Heavenly Tool Sect. , Here is a piece of advice, now disband the Heavenly Tool Sect and get out of the Holy Venerable Realm, otherwise, ha ha… the endless torture is about to begin, are you really ready?”

Yun Xiaoge’s pupils tightened, “Do you know me?”

The dog and the chicken laughed and said nothing.

Yun Xiaoge’s face became more gloomy, and the madness of the dog master made him so angry that he almost lost his reason, and sneered, “Rampant! You are so rampant! Are you really afraid of death?”


“No way, I’m laughing so hard.”

“He still wants to kill us? It’s so funny.”

“Maybe they can succeed, they have to try it.”

Master Gou and Master Ji, you and I can’t stand the excitement of Yun Xiaoge anymore, waved his hand and roared, “Kill them.”


Many people and immortals have long been unable to bear it.

One after another outrageously shot.

They didn’t mean to keep their hands in the slightest, but they united, and the moment of kung fu, violent force raged into the void, drowning the dog and the chicken.

The violent light of the magical powers made people no longer able to see the trail of the dog and the chicken, and many people and immortals did not stop, and they continued to attack for a full half an hour before stopping.

Yun Xiaoge breathed a sigh of relief.

He heard the report from Elder, and these two guys seemed to be carrying strange treasures that were difficult to kill.

If this is the case, then continue to kill, anyway, it is something like ants, do not believe that the treasure is always effective.

As the attack stopped, Gouye and Jiye had disappeared.

And when everyone in the Heavenly Tool Sect thought they had succeeded, a lazy voice rang in the distance.

“That’s it?”

“Just want to kill our brothers? Ha ha, wake up, don’t dream.”

Gouye and Jiye were lying on a building, and they stood up while talking and looked at Yun Xiaoge and others jokingly.

Yun Xiaoge’s chills breed crazily.

Damn it!

What the hell is this riding a horse?

Could these two guys pretend to be pigs and eat tigers? Are they strong in the Earth Immortals realm?


If it’s Earth Immortals, what are they playing with us? Cat play mouse? Are you free?

But Lord Gou and Lord Ji looked at each other, and Lord Dog held their heads high and uttered a loud roar, “Those who haven’t left in the city pay attention. Get out of here. Today this city is contracted by our brothers, and tomorrow morning, We will go to the Heavenly Tool Sect to do things. If we are interested, we will quickly move a small bench to occupy a place to watch the big show. We will have no place when we are late.”

A poof.

Some Practitioners in the city who hadn’t left for a while almost vomited blood.

Are you still not satisfied with the Heavenly Tool City?

Even want to go directly to the Heavenly Tool Sect to do things?

Besides, you want us to watch the excitement?

What do you want to do?

How much hatred is this with the Heavenly Tool Sect?

When Yun Xiaoge heard what Gouye said, they were naturally angry, but when they thought of the scene just now, even Yun Xiaoge was a little panicked.


This ability, just ask if you are afraid?

“Funny! Come to my Heavenly Tool Sect if you have a seed! The old man is waiting for you!”

Yun Xiaoge was very depressed, and even more jealous, she took a ruthless sentence and turned around to return to the sect.

Instead of staying here to suffer humiliation, it is better to go back and quickly inform the ancestors to find a way.

Gouye and Jiye didn’t chase them, they started to wander around the city excitedly, but no one noticed that Gouye and Jiye seem to be wandering, in fact they are secretly arranging something.

Every time I go to a specific place.

Master Ji will dig a hole with Master Gou and bury it deep in a stone carved with strange patterns.

The dog master murmured suspiciously, “Is it impossible for you to make this thing? It looks quite unreasonable.”

Master Ji curled his lips and said angrily, “Master Ji, but he kept it secretly without telling his master. You say it’s not reliable? This is the undefeated God of War soul formation. Although our set is already big Damage, lack of spirituality, but I can barely use it once.”

“Earth Immortals can be slaughtered or not.”

“But under the Earth Immortals, there is nothing that can survive.”

“Now this city is empty, and no one can detect the abnormality. Taking advantage of this gap in the activation of the Great Soul Array, let’s make a fuss in the Heavenly Tool Sect, accumulate anger, and draw their masters here, and then, ha ha ha …”

Gouye was silent for a while, and then said quietly, “You secretly left the treasure without telling the master? You’re done.”

The corner of his eyes twitched, “…We believe Brother Dog, you won’t betray me.”

“Ha ha.”

“Fuck, oh your sister, what good is it for you to betray me?”

“It’s unlucky to see you, I’m so happy.”

“…Your uncle!”

The next day.

In the vicinity of the Heavenly Tool Sect, there have been many more powerful figures.

They really came to see the excitement.

Those who dare to be onlookers of the party naturally have some strength. Thinking of the terrible Lord Heavenly Dog yesterday, everyone feels thrilled.

This is a powerful heavenly weapon sect.

It was too scary to be taken for this purpose.

And within the Heavenly Tool Sect.

From the ancestors to the disciples, they are all dignified.


As the two figures, one fat and one thin, attacked from a distance, everyone was energetic.

The Heavenly Tool Sect’s protective array was opened, turning into a huge light curtain, firmly guarding the Heavenly Tool Sect.

Yun Xiaoge glanced at his two ancestors of Earth Immortals, stood up, stepped forward, across the light curtain of formation, sullenly shouted at the approaching Lord Dog and Lord Chicken, “Give you a chance, quick Get out of the scope of my Celestial Artifact Sect quickly, otherwise, my Celestial Artifact Sect will definitely kill you at any cost.”

The dog master touched his own bald head, and said lazily, “Stop talking nonsense, my brothers are here today just to remind the children of the heavenly weapon sect, and quickly leave the sect, your heavenly weapon sect will soon Ruined.”

Master Ji said in an interface, “…If you don’t retreat, you will die.”


“Even if your vitality is stubborn and you have treasures to protect your body, is it possible that you can still threaten our disciples?”

“Under the defense of the Huzong formation, you can’t get in, so what about killing?”

“If you are acquainted, get out and don’t be aggressive.”

The Elders of the Heavenly Tool Sect roared.


Master Gou gestured with his middle finger, curled his mouth, and looked at Master Ji, “It’s your turn to act.”

The chicken master stroked his own cockscomb head and stepped forward, “The formation also wants to stop us from moving forward? Naive! You are afraid that you don’t even know, the terrible mouth of our lawbreaker…”

As soon as the voice fell, Master Ji had already pursed his lips, and gave an intimate big kiss to the guardian of the Heavenly Tool Sect.

However, the hearts and souls of everyone in the Houtian Device Sect seemed to be bursting, and watching the guardian sect was kissed by a terrible crack, a mouthful of old blood almost rushed out.


Can you break through kissing?

Why don’t you go to heaven!

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