Chapter 207 Heavenly Cang Palace, my mother is never finished with you!

Fang Han was naturally not dead.

He has also yang pill.

There are also six resurrection places in the Palace of Death.

It’s hard to die.

Fang Han didn’t waste the return of Yang Pill. This thing is a treasure. As for the resurrection quota in the Palace of Death, Fang Han didn’t cherish that much.

A deceased crystal was used up directly.

The place of resurrection was at the height of the void in the Holy Venerable Realm, and the ghost of the Palace of Destiny appeared behind the vaguely.

Fang Han didn’t delay his time, soaring to a high speed, he quickly returned to Heavenly Cangcheng.

Three full days have passed since his death.

However, Fang Han soon became a little unhappy.

Judging from the news he inquired secretly.

Own Death, it was just a waste, Shangguan Mingyue didn’t mean to avenge herself at all.

As expected to be a witch.

It’s so impersonal.

Although we wanted to take advantage of you, we hummed and hummed Medicine Pill for you for seven days, and made so much money.

I’m dead, just to die in vain?

Right now, Fang Han’s guilt for using Yaochi was gone.

It doesn’t matter if Shangguan Mingyue doesn’t avenge him.

Then keep coming.

He still doesn’t believe it. Once you can bear the Shangguan Mingyue, can you bear it again? Regardless of men and women, it will always explode if you hold back too much, okay?


Fang Han had turned into a middle-aged man and stepped onto the courtyard of Shangguan Mingyue.

“Who came from?”

The guard of the compound is also a master at Yaochi, looking at Fang Han alertly.

Fang Han’s eyes were cold, and his voice was extremely cold, “The sky is full of flowers!”

When the guard of the compound heard the name, he was stunned, and then his body shook wildly.

Spend the sky?

The Great Master, the flower that died a few days ago, seems to be called Huamanlou.

This must be relevant!

“…Sir, you come with me, we will go and inform Holy Maiden.”

One guard’s respectful cupped hands led Fang Han into the courtyard, and the other guard quickly notified Shangguan Mingyue.

Shangguan Mingyue at this moment has a headache.

As soon as Fang Han “dead”, the two super Medicine Pills naturally quickly ran out of inventory.

The crazy money-making days came to an abrupt end, and Shangguan Mingyue hated Tiancang Palace to death.

Moreover, Master Chen Xun was already frustrated because of Shangguan Mingyue’s inaction, and he wanted to leave again and again, and was finally persuaded by Shangguan Mingyue.

Suddenly heard that “Flower Man Tian” came to the door.

Shangguan Mingyue was full of question marks, and then took a breath, “Could it be a brother…”

She dare not neglect.

He quickly stepped into the guest hall, Fang Han was already waiting here. He was standing in the guest hall without sitting, his body was tall, his head slightly raised, and his face was cold.

“Spread the sky?”

“it’s me.”

“…I wonder if you and Hua Great Master are?”

“If you mean Man Lou, he is my junior brother.”


Shangguan Mingyue suddenly felt horrified.

Huamanlou turned out to be just a junior? Still a little brother?

The information contained in it is majestic and terrifying.

An Alchemy Great Master who is expensive enough to climb the immortal realm, if he is only a junior brother, how much should his brother be hungry? What about his master? What about his teacher? Oh My God…

Shangguan Mingyue suddenly realized that he had committed a big mistake.

It shouldn’t be easy to forgive the Heavenly Cang Palace just because of being greedy for a while.

Fang Han stared at Shangguan Mingyue, and said in a deep voice, “My junior brother… is not good at learning skills, and secretly went down the mountain. Originally, Master and I thought that he was suffocated, so he went back for fun, but… . What we waited for, but his soul was broken.”

“I checked.”

“He’s been with you recently. Now, please tell me, my little brother, how did he die? Whose hand did he die?”

Fang Han’s tone was extremely compelling.

Shangguan Mingyue seemed to feel that she was being held in front of a huge mountain town, making her breathing somewhat stagnant.

She was stunned by Fang Han’s words.

What does it mean that you are not good at learning?

Why are you not good at learning art?

The horror of Alchemy Grandmaster, in your mouth, is just not good at learning?


Fang Han frowned.

Shangguan Mingyue reacted with some bitterness in her mouth, and said, “Great Master…the death is unclear…”

“Hmph, how did I hear that he died in the hands of Heavenly Cang Palace?”

“This… this matter has not yet been finalized…”

“Well, I believe you.”


“Big brother said that beautiful women are very credible, and since you said it, I will believe you.”



Is there any good thing?

Shangguan Mingyue couldn’t help being thankful for her beauty.

“I will wait here and wait for you to give me an explanation. After all, my junior brother, I was with you before.”

“Moreover, since my junior brother is helping you, I will follow his will after spending the whole day… You, do you need my help?”

Fang Han’s face was expressionless, and he couldn’t see the joy or sorrow, but his words made Shangguan Mingyue exuberant.

“I wonder what fellow daoist is good at?”

“I’m good at it? I dare not dare, I waited for the brothers, all I learned a little bit from the master, the younger brother likes pill refining, and I, like refining.”


Shangguan Mingyue’s heart beat suddenly.

Same as Medicine Pill.

The Divine Armament weapon is also a big way to earn blood.


She wouldn’t believe that Fang Han said that he only learned fur, that is really fur. Didn’t anyone say that Alchemy Great Master is not good at learning?

An hour later.

In a certain other courtyard of the compound, many Yaochi experts were short of breath at this time, looking at Fang Han with bright eyes.

Shangguan Mingyue flushed with excitement and trembled with excitement.

In the void, a battle armor stood proudly, and the breath revealed on it was absolutely as high as Dao Item’s level.

Fang Han carried his hands on his back, and said calmly, “This is a gadget I developed before. Is it effective enough to boost Magic power, double the explosion, and contain the light of defense, which can resist the peak of the imaginary fairy for an hour, and it is more self-explanatory. The magical power amplification technique of creation…”

One sentence.

Just like a big cake, it hit Shangguan Mingyue and their hearts.

“I refining this armor very quickly, ten sets a day is no problem, I will give you ten sets first…”

Next to the master of Yaochi, the corner of his eyes twitched violently under the supervision of that Yaochi.

“Hua Man Lou” is dead.

The inspector thought that Shangguan Mingyue’s shocking weather had come to an end.

Never thought of it.

A master Alchemy is gone.

There was another evildoer.


We must also help Shangguan Mingyue.

The inspector didn’t even know how to report this kind of matter to the Sect executives.

Say it, does anyone believe it?

This experience made the Holy Maiden do in Shangguan Mingyue Sequence, which is more terrifying than cheating.

The next day.

Ten sets of armor are officially on sale.

Shangguan Mingyuedan store did not close, but it opened a new auction house.

The introduction of the battle armor spread out, and it was noon.

With the arrival of the powerful, with the opening of the auction, and with the battle armor, a price higher than a sky-high price was sold.

Shangguan Mingyue’s happy brain was buzzing.


After a while, Shangguan Mingyue received a message that made her dumbfounded.

It was Chen Xun who passed the news.

Because of Fang Han’s first trumpet “Hua Man Lou”, this guy is also respectful to the second trumpet “Hua Man Tian” and intends to please him.

Chen Xun’s face was dumb, but his body was trembling, his eyes fixed on Shangguan Mingyue, “…Xuan Dasheng, he is really crazy, Yue Fairy, Master Huamantian just went to the Heavenly Palace to ask things. How was the investigation, however, he was viciously killed by Great Sage Xuan. I have nothing to say and I don’t want to say more. I just hope that Yue Fairy will be more sober and think about it. Once it was an accident, it was innocent. Time…hehe.”


This is Shangguan Mingyue grinding his teeth.

The pointed tiger teeth were about to be polished, and it seemed to roll with a frost-like voice, and it rang, “… deceive me too much! deceive me too much… Tiancang Palace, the old lady is endless with you…”

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