Chapter 205 Damn, you dare to kill the Great Master?

Shangguan Mingyue and Yaochi master are dumbfounded.

The previous Chen Xun was so rude to Fang Han.

Now it seems Fang Han is so awesome.

As Chen Xun.

With Chen Xun’s arrogance.

With such a low profile, Shangguan Mingyue’s eyes shined immediately, and he cried out for good fortune, and he could pick up a Great Master whenever he went out.

She no longer hesitated to get up, Shangguan Mingyue smiled sweetly, “Great Master, the little girl was so disrespectful before, I hope Lord Great Master will not blame it.”

“It’s okay.”

Fang Han waved his hand indifferently.

“Sit down, please sit down…”

An old man got up and quickly gave up his seat to Fang Han.

Fang Han would naturally not be polite. After taking his seat, the atmosphere suddenly became a lot more gentle, and everyone was smiling happily.

Shangguan Mingyue said with a little excitement, “Great Master Flower, if I take the liberty, you came to me, there must be something, you need help?”

Fang Han shook his head, “No.”

Shangguan Mingyue’s expression suddenly froze.


Nothing to help?

What do you mean by self-recommendation?

Isn’t it really gluttonous to my body?

For a while, Shangguan Mingyue felt that she was uncomfortable, and she smiled reluctantly, “…it doesn’t matter, as long as the Great Master helps me this time, the little girl will always remember your kindness. If there is anything in the future, she will definitely Go all out to help.”

Fang Han squinted and smiled, “Help? Yes, I am a person who has nothing wrong with me. I like to help others. If you have anything, just mention it.”

Shangguan Mingyue’s cheeks reddened, suppressing her uncomfortable feeling, and said, “I came to the Holy Realm this time to practice Sect.”

“My Yaochi Sequence Holy Maiden will carry out this process and determine the sequence ranking in the next hundred years based on the results of the experience.”

“This time, the task of my experience is to recruit helpers from the holy world to earn Dao spar by myself.”

“Within a year, the more you earn, the higher the score of the experience result.”

“The little girl thinks about it. If you want to make money, Medicine Pill is the best choice. Therefore, I sent someone to invite Master Chen Xun over.”

“With the help of Great Master now, it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort, and it will definitely get a high score.”

The voice just fell.

Chen Xun immediately said respectfully, “With Great Master in front, the villain naturally doesn’t dare to act rashly. It is enough to help the Great Master beat him.”

Fang Han said nonchalantly, “I thought it was an experience task. It turned out to be making money. This is too easy to handle. Leave this to me. After a year, I will guarantee that you can earn a jade pool.”

When everyone heard this, they all twitched subconsciously.

One year.

Make a jade pool?

Do you know how huge the Yaochi’s foundation is?

But it was Fang Han who said this, so even if he was a little arrogant, no one dared to sneer.

Is Fang Han talking Kyogen?

Of course not.

If he really wants to make money, let alone earn one jade pool a year, he can earn three!

Now is not the time to engage in the Heavenly Cang Palace.

What Fang Han has to do now is Ascension’s own position in Shangguan Mingyue and even Sacred Land in Yaochi.

Soon Fang Han hummed and got back to life.

pill refining.

Chen Xun strikes.

The refined Medicine Pill is still the old one, the systematic No. 99 experimental pill, and Fang Han’s continued improvement of the Tianfa Pill.


Shangguan Mingyue witnessed the horror of Alchemy Great Master.

She came to the Holy Venerable Realm for a mission this time and had a special monitoring agent, so she didn’t dare to resort to fraud.

But now, Shangguan Mingyue feels that she doesn’t need to play any tricks at all, only relying on Fang Han, she can really earn flying.

Already prepared Dandian opened.

Medicine Pill is on the shelves.

There are only two.

But whether it was the 99th test pill or the super heavenly magic pill, it caused the madness of countless Practitioners in Celestial City.

The news spread.

It even attracted the masters of the Holy Venerable World to hear the wind.

The upper limit of the medicinal effect of the Super Heavenly Pill has been reached by Fang Han Ascension in the virtual fairyland, and the magic power has soared by as much as 50%.

In only three days, Fang Han successfully conquered Shangguan Mingyue.

The supervisors responsible for supervising Shangguan Mingyue are all confused. The supervisors have the final say. If the current turnover continues, let alone a year…

It only takes three months.

Shangguan Mingyue can earn an astronomical figure.

According to the scoring grade required by Sect’s experience, the highest score is already the scoring.

Seven days later.

Dandian is hot, from morning to night, never stop.

Fang Han finally stopped from pill refining and worked for seven days. It was time to mow the grass.

“Chen Xun.”

Fang Han greeted Chen Xun.

Chen Xun was already completely kneeling to Fang Han at this time, and he stepped forward flatteringly, “Great Master, your orders.”

“Follow me to the Heavenly Cang Palace.”

After Fang Han said, he walked out with his hands behind his back.

Chen Xun was taken aback, followed quickly, and asked, “Great Master, are you going to the Heavenly Cang Palace?”

Fang Han said casually, “It’s not a big deal, it’s just that the Heavenly Cang Palace has asked me to practice Medicine Pill before, and owes me a lot of debts, so I can’t pay it back. I couldn’t help it before, now…”

Chen Xun was suddenly stunned.

Before, not just him, perhaps Shangguan Mingyue was thinking about what Fang Han was doing for such help.

Really picture Shangguan Mingyue’s body?

Now everything is clear.

Co-authoring was bullied by Tiancang Palace, nothing wrong.

But it’s different now.

You are the celebrity in front of Shangguan Mingyue. Who dares not repay Fang Han’s money? Tiancang Palace did not dare!

Tiancang Palace.

Head Teacher Xuan Dasheng received the news of Fang Han’s arrival.

Fang Han’s name has been spread all over the world recently.

Great Master is full of flowers.

Almost a legendary mission.

Two Medicine Pills, one is heaven-defying.

Now that the Great Master came to the door, the first thought of Great Master Xuan after reacting was to seize the opportunity and lick it.

Head Teacher Great Hall.

Great Sage Xuan sat without a big support. When Fang Han and Chen Xun entered, he quickly piled up smiling faces, took a few steps forward, and said with a smile, “Great Master, you can come, my heavenly palace is full of glory. a ha ha ha…”

Fang said with a cold face, indifferently, “Ha, your sister, when will the 100 billion owed to me be returned to me?”

Great Sage Xuan was stunned for a moment.

What is it?

What the hell?

Owe you 100 billion?

I’m a big watermelon. Daddy is the first time I saw you. When did I owe you 100 billion, let’s talk…

How come I am so awesome, I can owe a hundred billion.

Chen Xun followed Fang Han, and he couldn’t stop talking, thinking that this Heavenly Cang Palace is really a tiger, he can owe the Great Master 100 billion, and he still depends on not paying it back…

“You… just laughed.”

Xuan Dasheng felt that this must be a joke from the Great Master.

“Hehe, who is joking with you, I can warn you, pay the money soon, otherwise, next time you come to ask for money, it will not be me, but Mingyue.”

Fang coldly spoke, raised his head slightly, and said very domineeringly.

Xuan Dasheng’s stiff expression gradually became ugly. He took a deep breath and said, “Great Master, please don’t mess around…”

Fang Han said with a green face, “Okay! I didn’t expect that you will not pay back the money until now. Whatever, I will go back and tell Mingyue, Chen Xun, let’s go!”

Chen Xun sneered and said, “Don’t worry, Great Master. Although the Heavenly Palace is powerful in this holy world, it does not cover the sky with one hand. Besides… It’s annihilated, let’s go back and tell Yue Fairy that we will be the master for you.”

Xuan Dasheng’s face changed drastically.

I f*ck!

What are you talking about?

Why is it so scary?

Isn’t this Huamanlou specifically coming to my Heavenly Cang Palace to blackmail it?

But this can’t be done!

He wants to make money, how much can’t he make? Why blackmail us?

Seeing that Fang Han was about to leave, Great Sage Xuan hurried forward, reaching out to pull Fang Han.

However, before he touched Fang Han’s clothes, he heard Fang Han’s scream, “Ah…”


With a dull roar, Fang Han was “boomed” and flew, his body in the air had already turned into blood mist and died.

Chen Xun was stunned.

Chill grew crazily, and subconsciously flew back. Cultivation Base broke out and ran away crazily. At the same time, accompanied by a roar of anger and fear, it resounded through the Heavenly Cang Palace, “Fuck! Great Sage Xuan…you step on horseback.” This is crazy, you dare to kill the Great Master… you wait, you Tiancang Palace, it will be over soon…”

Xuan Dasheng.

His hand still maintained the posture to pull Fang Han.

His expression gradually became frightened, Great Sage Xuan shivered and his mentality collapsed…

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