Chapter 199 I want to make a deal with you!

Would Xuan Lingcang be so reconciled?

of course not.

Fang Han’s rejection of him aroused Xuan Lingcang’s arrogance and touched his Ni Lin.

The moment you stepped out of Yan’s Mansion.

Xuan Lingcang’s expression became distorted.

However, anger returned to anger, Xuan Lingcang still maintained his sense, he deeply remembered his father’s explanation, and he should not easily provoke Yan Beifei.

In other words.

Fang Han was in Yan’s Mansion at this time, so he couldn’t mess around.

Turning around, Xuan Lingcang stared at Yun Buqi behind him, and said with deep meaning, “Brother Yun, are you and that kid having a lot of hatred?”

Yun Buqi was startled, and then said with a very ugly face, “It’s more than a big one, it’s a bloody hatred.”

Xuan Lingcang suddenly laughed, “I saw it earlier that Brother Yun wants revenge, right?”

“If this is the case, why don’t Brother Yun inform Guizong senior quickly?”

Yun Buqi frowned slightly, “Master Xuan, are you…using me?”

When I am Shabi?

Such an obvious murder with a knife, when I can’t tell?

However, Xuan Lingcang nodded and said, “You can say the same, but, Brother Yun, please think carefully, even if you don’t see me, you must tell the senior of Guizong when you see that boy, right? Guizong senior There will still be revenge, right?”

“In other words, no matter what my purpose is, the result is the same.”

“The difference is that this time, my Heavenly Cang Palace will serve as the backing of the Heavenly Tool Sect.”

“So, do you still think I’m taking advantage of you?”

Yun Buqi was stunned.

This can be regarded as utilization.


This is a good use, Dingguagua, the Heavenly Tool Sect wants to come for revenge, and he has to be afraid of Yan Mansion by three points, but with the Celestial Cang Palace as the backing, it is different.

The two cases unite.

No matter how strong Yan Beifei is, he still has to hold back.

Wen Long even urged, “Brother Yun, what are you still hesitating about? In my opinion, this is the best of both worlds. You have your revenge, and Young Master Xuan has got what you wanted. No, for Brother Yun, there is still a beauty. Because Brother Yun can get the friendship of Young Master Xuan.”

Yunbuqi was deceived and lame.

After a moment of contemplation, Yunbuqi took a deep breath, his eyes gleaming with cold light, and said, “Then…I’ll let my father know!”

After Yun Xiaoge received the news from his son.

That’s a neat thing.

He was indeed miserable by Fang Hankeng, and his pants were gone. He was also seriously injured.

Now I learned that Fang Han dared to come to the Holy Realm.

Even as a guest in Yan’s Mansion.

Yun Xiaoge couldn’t help it anymore.

Coupled with Xuan Lingcang’s guarantee, what else can be tolerated?

Along with the mighty roar, the two ancestors of the Earth Immortals of the Heavenly Tool Sect approached Yancheng with many masters of the Heavenly Tool Sect.

To show respect, the army of the Heavenly Tool Sect did not enter the city.

After the two ancestors of Earth Immortals released their terrifying aura, Yan Beifei’s figure flickered out, frowning and staring at the two ancestors of Earth Immortals, and said in a condensed voice, “Baili Fellow Daoist, Chang Fellow Daoist, you guys Yes…”

The ancestor of the Earth Immortals of the Heavenly Tool Sect, one is called Baili Wentian and the other is Chang Huan. At this time, he glanced at each other and Baili Wentian said solemnly, “Brother Yan, Fang Pingfan is in your house, right? It’s too miserable to pit my Heavenly Tool Sect. If you don’t kill it, it’s hard to calm your anger. I hope Brother Yan will wait for a Face for me and drive him out.”

Yan Beifei had already heard Yan Feiyan talk about Fang Han and the Heavenly Tool Sect.

Although very sympathetic to the Heavenly Tool Sect.


Yan Beifei shook his head and said, “Fang Pingfan is a friend of my daughter. Let me drive him out. Forgive me for the difficulty.”

Old Ancestor Chang Huan said with a sullen face, “Brother Yan meant that he was going to stand up for him?”

“Not for him, but…this is my place after all.”

Yan Beifei’s face also became cold, “If two fellow daoist are presumptuous, then please don’t blame me for turning your face.”


Often illusory and not light.

Baili Wentian squinted his eyes and said quietly, “If that’s the case, then there is nothing to say. If that kid really can bear it, he will be in the city and don’t come out, but once he is out of the city, he still hopes Yan Yan Brother don’t interfere.”

Yan Beifei let out a noncommittal hum, and his figure slowly disappeared.

Yun Xiaoge gritted his teeth and said, “Ancestor, I will arrange for someone to scold him. That kid is so arrogant, he definitely can’t help it.”

Baili Wentian and Chang Huan have no opinion.


One after another, shouting loudly, resounding through the sky, spreading into the city, nothing more than counseling, shrinking, spicy chicken, coward and the like.

Listening to the scolding outside the city, the Practitioners in Yancheng looked at each other.

Within Wen Mansion.

Standing in the courtyard with a smile on his face, Xuan Lingcang said with a sneer, “He couldn’t help it.”

Wen Long also coldly snorted, “Looking at that guy’s frenzied appearance, you know his temperament. This step of Guizong senior is quite right.”

They are all waiting.

Waiting until Fang Han couldn’t stand it anymore, he went out of the city to die.


Waiting and waiting, they amazed Fang Han to wait.

Wen Long was dumbfounded when Fang Han was about to enter the mansion when he heard the report from the next person.

Xuan Lingcang and Yunbuqi were also wondering how Fang Han would come, but they still led Fang Han in.

Meet me.

Xuan Lingcang immediately said, “Fellow daoist, but I figured it out? To be honest, if the fellow daoist meets my requirements, I can even deal with fellow daoist.”

Yun Buqi’s expression stiffened, and he cursed Xuan Lingcang for overturning the boat too much.

But Fang Han shook his head and said, “I’m also useful for that stuff. You really want it. Let’s discuss it later.”

“I’m here this time just to ask you for help. You heard the dog barking outside. To be honest, I really can’t beat those people, but you must be fellow daoist.”

“Let’s make a deal, how about it?”

Xuan Lingcang sneered, “Deal? What do you think I am missing, Xuan Lingcang?”

Fang Han said meaningfully, “There is nothing missing? What if…what about the treasure that can make people step into the secret realm of longevity in an instant?”

Xuan Lingcang was startled, “What do you mean?”

Fang Han smiled mysteriously, then waved to a young man next to him.

The young man was only a servant of Wen Mansion, Cultivation Base was humble, three generations of domestic slaves, his face turned pale at this time, and he pointed at himself in panic, “Sir, you… call me?”

“Yes, it’s you, come and talk.”

Fang Han said with a smile.

The young man came over very nervously, just about to speak, the next second, Fang Han took out a crystal clear Medicine Pill and handed it to him.


The young man glanced at Wen Long subconsciously, and Wen Long said blankly, “Do as he said.”

The young man’s heart was slightly bitter, but he gritted his teeth and swallowed Medicine Pill. After an instant, a breath belonging to the secret realm of longevity erupted from his body.

“I… I actually…”

The young man was completely dumbfounded.

The three of Xuan Lingcang were also dumbfounded.

Just now, the young man, he wasn’t even the secret realm of magical powers. A Medicine Pill was entered into the abdomen.

Fuck, what kind of pill is that? Is it too hanging?

Medicine Pill is actually nothing, but a sugar pill refined by Fang Han.

But it gave the longevity secret realm the function of enlightening the card.

He took out a lot of the same Medicine Pill, Fang Han grinned at Xuan Lingcang, and said, “Young Master Xuan, what about this Medicine Pill? It’s scary, right? This is the supreme divine pill, even if it is ordinary. If you take it, you will live forever immediately, even if you give it to a milk doll, it’s the same.”

“This Medicine Pill, I got it from a mysterious treasure land in the Void Realm.”

“Value, I don’t need to say much.”

“Let’s just one sentence, you will fix the Heavenly Tool Sect for me, and I will give you three divine pills. You can do this deal.”

(-0-I’ve been a bit busy lately, let’s go to the night shift a little bit more, and have more support from my brothers!)

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