Chapter 195: You’d better not mess with me!

The strength of the Holy Venerable Realm in many big realms is also at the top.

Of course it is not as powerful as the boundless world of Dengxian.

But in the holy world, there are also big men in the Earth Immortals realm.

Yan Feiyan his father is one of them.

This is also the fundamental reason why Yun Xiaoge is afraid of Yan Feiyan.

A few days later, after stepping into the Holy Venerable Realm from the Void Realm, Fang Han followed Yan Feiyan and went to Yan’s family as a guest.

There was no system prompt along the way.

The new sign-in method has not yet appeared.

Although Fang Han was looking forward to it, he was not in a hurry. The one who should come will always come.

On the way, Yan Feiyan quickly learned a piece of news after questioning.

Yun Xiaoge didn’t die, and exhausted all his strengths, he fled back to the Holy Venerable Realm in embarrassment from the chasing and killing of the powerful sects.

However, it is said that Yun Xiaoge was seriously injured. It can be said that this time the Heavenly Tool Sect was beaten up by a chicken and egg, and lost a clean.

Many more days passed.

Following the appearance of a huge city in front of him, Yan Feiyan smiled from his heart, “Fang Dage, the city of Yan is in front of him. This is the city built by my family.”

As the relationship gets closer.

Fang Gongzi has become Fang Dage,

The old lady of Yan Feiyan’s guardian looked at Fang Han’s eyes all day long, like a hen protecting her little cub.

Fang Han responded indifferently to this. Hearing this, he casually admired a few words.

Step into the city.

Go to Yan’s house.

On the way, Fang Han, who had been careless, was surprised by the system prompt.

“Detected the appearance of the relics of the ancient gods, the location…”

The light curtain floated in front of him, and there was still a red dot, specifying the direction.

Fang Han once received a sign-in reward called an automatic reminder of ancient god related objects.

At this moment, it came in handy directly.

Stopping, Fang Han smiled at Yan Feiyan and said, “Feiyan, you go back first, and I will visit you later.”

Although Yan Feiyan was surprised, but homesick, nodded and said, “Okay, then Dage, I’ll go back first.”

“See you.”

Fang Han waved his hand.

When Yan Feiyan left, Fang Han immediately took the dog master and chicken master towards the red dot of the light curtain.

After a while.

Fang Han came to a very lively small street.

There are no shops in this street, but they are all street stalls.

Walking on the street, Fang Han stopped abruptly and turned to look at the stall beside him.

“Oh, this little brother, but you have fancy the old man’s baby?”

The owner of the stall was an old man. Sitting in Lotus Position, he looked very leisurely. When Fang Han stopped and looked at his own thing, he said with a joyful expression.

Fang Han knelt down, squinted his eyes to look at the treasures on the stall, and said casually, “Let’s take a look first.”

Exudes a trace of the power of the ancient gods.

Fang Han felt the treasure on the floor.

Then, Fang Han’s eyes directly locked on one of the spheres. This sphere was like a stone with pits and pits on it. From the surface alone, it was impossible to tell that it was a treasure.

The old man looked at Fang Han’s eyes, coughed lightly, and laughed, “Brother, I have to say, your eyes are really awesome, my little stall, this stuff is valuable, but you found it at a glance. NS.”

Fang Han simply stretched out his hand and picked up the ball.

As for whether it is expensive or not.

Will he be slaughtered by the old man?

It does not matter.

Fang Han earned too much money and couldn’t use it up.

Only at this time, accompanied by a flash of aura swept down quickly, Fang Han frowned and did not stop.

The aura had fallen on the sphere and seemed to be pulled away, but it didn’t.

Above the booth, there was a light of formation, preventing the pulling of the aura.

“Hey, old man, so lacking eyesight? Even the things Wen Long wants to buy, dare to stop them?”

A cold voice came.

The old man at the booth jumped his eyelids and said quickly, “Shao Wen, I have heard of the name for a long time. It was the old man Meng Lang just now, you forgive me.”

“It’s okay, I’m so happy today, forgive you, give me things, and you can open the price as you like.”

Wen Long didn’t look at the old man at the booth at all, but stared straight at the ball, his heart beating quickly compared to the memory in his mind.


The old man at the stall was a little depressed.

Could it be that this sphere is really a baby?

Not only does this little brother want to buy, but even if there is less temperature in Yancheng Daya, he wants to buy it?


Who do I sell to?

The younger brother was interested in it first.

But Master Wen, we can’t afford to offend.

Thinking of this, the old man at the booth showed an apologetic expression to Fang Han and said, “Brother, I’m sorry, you have to let go of this thing.”

“Hey, we came first.”

The dog master is not happy anymore.

Master Ji agreed, “Yes, do you know how to come first, come first.”

While talking, the two guys stared at Wen Long badly.

Wen Long was startled, and then a little bit of laughter, and smiled at the people around him, “Interesting, there are still people in Yancheng who don’t know my name as Wen Long.”


“Hey, it’s really interesting!”

“In Yancheng, I offended the Yan family, and there is still some way to survive. I offended our Young Master Wen, hum, die forever!”

“Two evil animals, dare to speak up? Boy, this is your demon pet? Come here and apologize to Shao Wen.”

Those who were talking were young people, very arrogant and arrogant.

However, at this moment, the gradual quiet atmosphere on the street is enough to explain that Wen Long’s origin is extraordinary.

Fang Han finally got up.

And directly picked up the ball.

As for formation hindrance? Nature does not exist.

The old man at the stall was dumbfounded, his face changed, Fang Han didn’t look at him, and threw a storage ring with his hand.

As the old man at the booth checked the number of spars in the storage ring, he was stunned on the spot, his thoughts were blank, where could he care for the others?

When Wen Long saw Fang Han’s movements, his expression directly froze, and his face turned pale when he reacted.

Fang Han put the ball away and said lazily, “If you say anything, you’d better not mess with me, you can’t afford it.”


Wen Long was speechless.

These words.

He often said.

Unexpectedly, in Yancheng, someone would dare to talk to him like this.

Although Wen Long was accustomed to it, he was not stupid. He carefully looked at Xiao Han, pointed to himself, and said, “My name is Wen Long, my father Wen Chenghu, the Yan family worships, the eighteenth source peak is immortal, Are you with me? Do you know how terrible the Yan family is?”

Fang Han squinted his eyes, “People of the Yan family, then you should know Yan Feiyan? I am a friend of Feiyan. Looking at Feiyan’s face, um, let’s forget about it.”

Wen Long was stunned again.

Yan Feiyan’s friend?

A friend of the jewel in the palm of the Yan family?

Are you kidding me?

As we all know, Feiyan Fairy has never made male friends because of her status.

Of course, those who put gold on their faces don’t count.

“…Interesting! I lied to my Wen Longtou, and a friend of Feiyan? Feiyan Fairy is also your casual name? Boy, since you don’t know what is good or bad, there is nothing to say.”

Wen Long smiled, but his smile was very hideous, and then he slapped a token on his waist.

The next moment, accompanied by heavy footsteps.

At the entrance of the street, more than a dozen city guards in armor appeared.

Wen Long’s eyes were faint, “Even if you want to admit it now, it’s too late. If you don’t kneel and kowtow to Ben Shao today, you can’t go…”

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