Chapter 181 The Divine Lord of Dark Dust with Extreme Tragedy!

Divine Lord of Dark Dust felt that this wave of cliffs was stabilized!

He is full of confidence.

Glancing at Fang Han with a squint, Divine Lord Dark Chen stood up directly and shouted coldly, “Boy, I didn’t expect you to be so smart, and you have noticed the special features of this formation.”

“The formation here must be safe if you don’t attack. If you attack, it will trigger a counterattack.”

“But no one would think of this, and would instinctively attack.”

“In this way, before I waited until I was helpless to return.”


Fang Han was shocked.


To you Little Sister’s big ball!

What kind of brain circuit is this? How did it grow? Can you make up for this kind of brain supplement?

I also took it.

Fang Han twitched at the corner of his eyes, making no sound.

He felt that talking to such an idiot would undoubtedly lower his own IQ.


Fang Han’s silence.

It was taken as a default by the Dark Crow God Lord.


Was it dismantled by daddy?

With excitement in his eyes, God Lord Dark Chen walked forward impressively. This movement made God Lord Dark Crow and others couldn’t help it anymore.

“Dark Chen, wait, think about it again.”

Dark Crow God Lord couldn’t help but shout.

God Lord Darkchen flashed through his eyes, and his eyes gleamed and said, “Dark Crow, what else do you think? Don’t you think I’m wrong? This is what I came up with to save Lord God, this huge Don’t grab any of you from me, but it’s mine.”

The Dark Crow God Lord and others are speechless.

Hit f*ck!

Who is taking credit for you?

We just thought it was too sloppy, too reckless.

after all.

If you really enter the formation.

If your brain is all wrong.

what is it now?

You’re all done!

If Fang Han can live and die in the formation by not dying, you will be caught blind. The formation arranged by the Earth Immortals tycoon will kill you.

“Don’t you.”

at this time.

Fang Han stood in front of Divine Sovereign Dark Chen, with an ugly expression on his face, “How can you be like this? It’s wrong for you to be like this. If you say that you can ask me for help, how can you go personally.”


Shenjun Dark Chen looked at it, and his heart was even more determined. Is this panic? We don’t need you anymore, how can you earn treasures from us?

“Fang Han, don’t be silly, can you do it by yourself, and still use others?”

The Dark Chen Shenjun sneered, and the Magic power shook Fang Han directly.

Fang Han said with an ugly expression, “You are looking for death.”

“Ha ha.”

“Don’t believe it, in case you are wrong.”

“Ha ha.”

“Damn it, why are you twisting like this? Hey hey hey, does anyone care, this guy is going to die.”

“…Fang Han, don’t waste your time. On the contrary, you’d better think carefully about what you should do next. After all, you are useless. Everything before, hum, I remember clearly. ”

The Dark Chen Shenjun sneered, and then walked to the next formation without hesitation.

The Dark Crow God Lord did not stop them.

They have to admit.

Divine Lord Dark Chen’s brain replenishment, although it is so incredible.


Maybe this is the only explanation, right?

After a while.

Divine Lord of Dark Dust has reached the edge of formation.

Taking a deep breath, he was undoubtedly still very nervous at this moment, but the Divine Lord Dark Chen quickly made a decision, stepped, and stepped in.



One more kick.

Ha ha.

Still okay.

Two more steps?

Damn it, it’s okay to ride a horse!

Shenjun Dark Chen became ecstatic, how hilarious he was, without words to describe.

If you can save Lord God in this way.

Then, he is the first work.

Whether it is the reward from the Lord God, or the great reward after returning to the clan, it is enough to make him excited.


Just when the Dark Dust Lord Hehehe.

At this time, the dark crow god monarch’s anxious roar suddenly came from the rear, “Dark dust, be careful!”

The Dark Chen Shenjun was startled, and just about to turn around, The next moment, he felt a sudden pain in his chest and abdomen.

In an instant, the Magic power mobilized quickly, however, it still inevitably suffered serious injuries and severe physical damage.

The Dark Chen Shenjun was stunned, and turned around tremblingly, and saw that behind Own, there was a lightsaber made up of invisible runes.

The lightsaber was silent, not even a trace of fluctuations. The moment he turned around, all of it exploded.


Divine Lord Darkchen roared and quickly began to defend and counterattack, but Divine Lord Darkchen soon discovered that this lightsaber was endless.

The attack is even more terrifying, fierce, and he will definitely burp if he can’t last for a hundred breaths!

Escape! Escape!

The dark dust Shenjun’s brain was buzzing.

Subconsciously, he will rush outside.

But when he moved, he saw that more lightsabers suddenly appeared in the void, not to mention that he sprinted forward to escape, even if it was a step forward, it was very difficult.

I had to stand on the spot honestly, holding on to the defense, while swallowing Medicine Pill madly, and took out a talisman seal.

This is the guardian talisman, and the defensive power is even enough to resist Earth Immortals for a moment. This is the most precious trump card of God Lord Dark Chen.

The moment Fu Zhuan used it.

Dark Chen Shenjun cried.


I said yes, I won’t move the enemy.

When I first came in, the formation didn’t look good.

How can I react when I actually enter?

This damn formation, why don’t you talk about martial ethics!

At this moment, Divine Lord of Dark Chen already knew that he was mad, his brain was too ridiculous, and he had pitted himself.

He asked for all this.


He doesn’t understand.

Why Fang Han is fine.

When it was his turn, the formation became violent.

at the same time.

outside formation.

Master Gou and Master Ji already slapped the ground and laughed wildly.

“Hahaha, it’s so funny, the dog master was successfully turned over by his show.”

“Brother Gou, let me tell you a joke. Once upon a time, there was a dark dust god, he thought…puff…”

The laughter of the two goods fell in the ears of the Dark Crow God Lord and they were undoubtedly harsh.


Now they, how can they still have the mind to care about the ridicule of the dog and the chicken.

Hurried forward.

He looked anxiously at the Divine Lord Dark Chen who was attacked by the violent formation, and quickly turned his head to look at Fang Han.

Dark Crow God Lord roared, “Fang Han, don’t hurry to save people.”

Fang Han shook his head, “Don’t you use me anymore?”

The Dark Crow God Lord almost vomited blood, gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, save people.”

Fang Han rolled his eyes annoyingly, pointed at the formation, and said, “Now you know how terrible the formation is? You tell me how easy it is for me to break the formation? I broke the formation after nine deaths, but in return, this guy’s disdain Think I’m pretending?”

Dark Crow God Lord and they are about to explode.

Nine deaths?

What a shit!

You were visiting the garden before.

Today’s Divine Sovereign of Dark Dust is truly a life of nine deaths.

Fang Han looked at their expressions and knew that they could no longer irritate them, so he ridiculed them. He gave a light cough and said, “Well, I can’t help in vain, right…”

The Dark Crow God Lord was too late to feel distressed, and the hand was a talisman.

“The treasures you want are in the hands of Dark Chen, and I will give it to you when he is rescued.”

“Not only the promised reward, but also the salvation, um, you know…”

“…I’ll give you one more.”


Fang Han didn’t say much, smiled slightly, and after putting away the talisman seal, he quickly stepped into the formation.

After a few moments.

The eyes fail, the formation disappears, and the dense lightsabers disappear without a trace.

The pressure of the dark dust god monarch disappeared, but the whole person seemed to be relieved, and he sat down on the ground, lost in his soul, and dumbfounded.

Fang Han squatted down in front of him, patted his shoulder, and said meaningfully, “It was dangerous just now, you almost died.”

Divine Lord Dark Chen moved his lips slightly, the corners of his eyes twitched, raised his head to look at Fang Han, and then trembled, “You…you pit me!”

Fang Han was upset.

“Am I cheating you?”

“I let you in?”

“I did the formation?”

“If you say that, it would be boring. Why did I save someone and become a bad person.”

Shenjun Dark Chen has nothing to say this time.

His face became extremely ugly.

It’s him that fills the brain.

It was him who rushed into the formation.

If it weren’t for Fang Han, this time he had finished the cliff and was deeply trapped in formation, and the Dark Crow God Lord and the others would not be able to save him.


It’s so embarrassing!

I thought I could make a miraculous achievement to save the Lord of God, but I ended up working together, but I didn’t get the credit, and I gave myself to the pit.

at this time.

“Pay me. I saved you this time. Dark Crow senior said it was two.”

A hand stretched out in front of Shenjun Darkchen.

Dark Chen Shenjun’s cheeks twitched, and he couldn’t help it anymore, spit out a mouthful of old blood.


That’s what you can gain from riding a horse!

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