Chapter 179 It turned out to be the strongest of the Heavenly Demon clan!

Come here to be pitted.

Of course Fang Han had to satisfy such a cheap request.

However, you can’t say it so directly.

So Fang Han immediately said uncomfortably, “Do you want to see? What to see? Can I lie to you? If you don’t believe me, ask this guy.”

Fang Han pointed to Li River of Forgetfulness.

Li River of Forgetfulness suddenly clenched his fists, and his hatred was hard to settle.

“This seat… only believe in own eyes.”

The Dark Crow God Sovereign spoke quietly, and in the next second, as he stretched out his hand, a terrifying force as high as the peak of the eighteen source immortals, instantly annihilated Fang Han, as well as the dog and the chicken.


“so amazing!”

Master Gou and Master Ji recovered quickly, both yelled.

As for Fang Han, he was naturally reborn, and obtained the three-minute control of the Dark Crow God Lord.

But Fang Han certainly wouldn’t use it right away, but with a leisurely look, and said, “How? Believe me.”

There was a touch of ecstasy flowing deep in the dark crow god’s eyes.

He naturally knew how strong he was. Since Fang Han could still survive, then he might have a big plan.

As everyone knows.

He himself is now the little chicken on the chopping board, and Ren Fanghan can’t help it.

“Boy, you are very good. No matter how you do it, as long as you can do things for this seat seriously, your benefits will be indispensable.”

The dark crow god has a soft voice.

Fang Han smiled, “As long as you can give me what I want, everything is easy to discuss.”

“After seven days, this seat will come again and will take you away.”

The Dark Crow God Lord finished speaking, and then said to Li River of Forgetfulness, “You will listen to him in the future.”

Then the Dark Crow God Lord disappeared in place.

Li River of Forgetfulness was dumbfounded, reacted, almost vomiting a mouthful of old blood.

Also pointed at the adult to give him revenge.

After a long period of time, a new “adult” came out for me?

This is really my big enemy.

Li River of Forgetfulness was called a pit fire. For a while, Fang Han’s hatred became fierce again, and Fang Han couldn’t help laughing.

“For these seven days, even if we are partners, trust me, you will be grateful to me.”

Seven days.

What did Fang Han do?

He walks in front of Lee River of Forgetfulness every day.

And on the second day, they gathered the remaining disciples of the Demon Flame Palace together and directly announced the collective dissolution of the Demon Flame Palace.

After another surge in negative favorability, it stopped.

It looks like.

It should be at the top.

Seven days later, in the depths of Closed Door Training, Li River of Forgetfulness had a numb expression and was completely broken. His hatred of Fang Han had reached its extreme. The moment he summoned the Dark Crow Lord, his face was distorted. Only then began the call.


The Dark Crow God Lord appeared again.

But this time, with a serious expression on his face and a light wave of his hand, a huge passage appeared in the void, and a terrible breath came out of it.

“Follow me in.”

The Dark Crow God Lord spoke and stepped into the passage.

Fang Han took the dog and chicken and stepped in, while Li River of Forgetfulness was cruel, gritted his teeth, and followed.


It is a huge and incomparable space.

In this space, there is a lot of pressure. Not far away, there are horrible formations that make the scalp numb when people look at it.

The Dark Crow God Lord glanced at Li River of Forgetfulness who was following him, and said, “Why are you here too?”

Of course, Li River of Forgetfulness would not say, I wanted to watch Fang Han roll over and die in your old hands. With anger in his heart, he quickly said, “My lord, I also want to help.”

Dark Crow God Lord said quietly, “Tell you the truth, the reason why this seat is looking for you is to let you find a few strong people to quickly Ascension Cultivation Base, so that I can wait for the blood sacrifice.”

Lee River of Forgetfulness, “???”

Blood sacrifice?

Damn it, doesn’t this want me to die?

“But now, it’s not necessary to have this kid, you just stay.”

The Dark Crow God Lord looked at Fang Han.

Fang Han glanced at the desperate Li River of Forgetfulness, and then said, “Senior, you are very vicious, but I don’t care about this, what do I want?”

Dark Crow God Lord frowned, “You haven’t fulfilled my request.”

Fang Han said quietly, “If you don’t give me something, I won’t make a move.”

The Dark Crow God Lord squinted his eyes and said coldly, “Boy, don’t go too far, this seat is actually very clear. Even if you can’t kill you, there are limits.”

Fang Han ignored him.

An irritation flashed in the eyes of the Dark Crow God Lord, and then took a deep breath, and pressed his palms against the void. After a while, a group of figures appeared.

These people are obviously the companions of the Dark Crow God Lord.

The faces are all white, and they look like middle-aged people, but its Cultivation Base is extremely scary.

“Dark Crow, is this the person you are looking for?”

“Although I don’t believe it, I also want to see and see.”

“If it is exactly what you said, it should be no problem to save the gods.”

“Let’s start soon.”

One by one middle-aged people spoke with expectation in their eyes.

Dark Crow God Sovereign said slowly, “Wait first, this kid has something wrong, his previous request doesn’t satisfy him, he won’t take action.”


A middle-aged man’s eyes flickered and coldly shouted, “You can do things for my Heavenly Demon clan. It’s your blessing. Do you dare to get paid first?”

Fang Han was taken aback.

Only then did I know the identities of these people.

Fang Han is no stranger to the Heavenly Demon clan. This race is extremely powerful, and it is inherently powerful. The Heavenly Demon clan catastrophe that appeared in the heavens and the world before swept through the heavens and fell into countless great realms under the Heavenly Demon clan.

Although the most Houtian demons have retreated, it is undeniable that this race is very strong.

Lee River of Forgetfulness also almost fainted.

Dammit, your lord turned out to be a strong man of the Heavenly Demon clan. He was trying to find a tiger’s skin. It was too shameful.

“Why, are you dissatisfied? If you disagree, move me and try.”

Fang Han stepped forward, sneering at the middle-aged man who was talking.

This guy, named Dark Chen Shenjun, squinted his eyes and said meaningfully, “Boy, this is what you asked for. It just so happens that the old man doesn’t believe you…”

The voice just fell,

The Dark Dust Lord made a bold move.

Master Gou and Master Ji hurriedly avoided.

Fang Han naturally didn’t have to hide.

And looking at Fang Han after he was reborn, Divine Lord Dark Chen and several other middle-aged people looked at each other, and they all nodded secretly.

The Dark Crow God Lord had known this a long time ago, and said, “Okay, I tried and tried, let’s do business.”

Talk about it.

The Dark Crow Lord pointed to the many terrifying formations in the distance, and said in a deep voice, “Boy, if you don’t do anything, you have to be paid. This is impossible. In this way, we will take a step back…”

“Every time you help us break a formation, I will give you a reward, how about?”

The Dark Chen Shenjun said meaningfully, “Don’t think we can’t help you, it’s just that the price is high.”

Fang Han touched his chin and looked at the terrifying formations. The mere aura of these formations is enough to shock people. He shook his head and said, “Although I am not dead, I can’t break this formation. I don’t have enough power. .”

Dark Crow God Lord curled his lips and said, “Of course you can’t break it. Even if we break the formation from the outside, we can’t do it. This is a formation made by a terrifying guy.”

“The banned person is a godly lord of my Heavenly Demon clan.”

“However, although you can’t crack it by external force, you don’t need it. This seat will give you a few talisman seals. Once they burst open, they will be as powerful as the eighteenth source immortals. At that time, you can rely on your ability to enter the inside of the formation, use Fu Zhuan…”

“I’m waiting to attack from the outside, and when the inside and outside look at each other, the formation will naturally break itself!”

Fang Han couldn’t help laughing when he heard this.

The power is comparable to the talisman of the Eighteen Sources of Immortals? This thing is pretty good, and he stretched out his hand and smiled immediately, “Okay, then I will put it together, come and come, Fu Zhuan, give me a few more, don’t be so stingy…”

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