Chapter 167 A good show, it has just begun!


Thoughts are blank.

In the high altitude, the fighting ancestor Xing Dao and Qi Dong ancestor directly stopped.

The two sides retreated, bowed their heads and lowered their eyes, staring down in a daze.


It’s so ridiculous!

No one is left!

The disciple with low Cultivation Base is dead.

Xuxian is dead!

The true immortal was also wiped out!

It should be known that the Soul Eater Sect has several true immortals with the peaks of the Nine Transformations, which are giants second only to the ancestors of the human immortals.

Even if the Great Ancestor Star makes a shot, he can’t make an instant kill in an instant.

But now.

All were killed by the Divine Sword Array in the blink of an eye, not one left.

What a horror is this?

How earth-shattering!


“Gluck, cool, cool!”

Master Gou and Master Ji are really happy this time.

After some devouring, the soul power of the dog master has already begun a fierce Ascension.

A slap before can slap the dead in the virtual wonderland.

It’s stronger now.

Yichang Zhenxian is definitely not Gouye’s opponent.

The strength of the chicken master is also Ascension, and he hasn’t made any moves now, but it can’t be lowered as you can imagine.

By Fang Han.

The ancestor of Wanhua Valley was dazed and trembling.


Many female cultivators in Wanhua Valley, whether they are Head Teacher Yunyin, or other female disciples, are all pale and pale.

This was frightened by Fang Han’s generous use.

And far away.

Those onlookers took a cold breath and looked at each other, and then subconsciously began to retreat.

F*ck is so terrible!

Even if they are not affected, it is enough to make them fearful, and they can’t eat melons.

Under the public eye.

Fang Han squinted his eyes, and the system prompts kept coming out of his mind.

[Congratulations to the host for the success of the installment ratio, and reward 50 points for the installment ratio. 】





Some are even as high as thousands.

A series of system prompts made Fang Han feel a strong emotion of joy.

This is the special sign-in method of the system, which is the ratio sign-in.

For every 100 points spent on the equipment ratio, Fang Han can sign a cultivation card [Realm Ascension 1%].

In other words.

Fang Han signs in once, which is equal to one percent of the current Realm Ascension.

For this moment, Fang Han waited too long.

After getting the special sign-in method, Fang Han wanted to come to a wide range of outfits.

At this moment, there was a bumper harvest, and the pretend ratio skyrocketed to a full 20,000 points.

This also means…

“System, all sign in!”

“The sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining 232 cultivation cards.”

“Congratulations to the host, your Realm Ascension, you have reached the Realm of the prosperous secret realm Second Stage of immortality.”

“Congratulations to the host, your Realm Ascension, you have reached the secret realm Third Stage of longevity, the cave sky.”

“Hint: Obeyed the host’s wishes to cover up signs of breakthrough.”

Fang Han’s Realm is fierce Ascension.

At this time, he had reached the realm of the cave sky, and the magic power soaring could not be described in words at all.

It’s fierce anyway.

Fang Han in the Longevity Realm, his strength is equivalent to five or six becoming true immortals.

After reaching the cave sky realm.

Fang Han exploded with all his strength, and he could definitely break his wrist with the Eight Changed True Immortal and even the Nine Changed True Immortal.

this moment.

Fang Han is undoubtedly a huge gain.

It made him feel a little bit, the system you cheated too much.

Sign-in with a ratio value, but the special sign-in method will not disappear and change. This may be his usual sign-in method in the future.

after all.

Under Fang Han’s seemingly stable appearance, there is a sullen heart lurking. From the fact that he has pitted a lot of people before, you can get a glimpse of it for the first time.

all in all.

One word.


Two words.

It’s cool!

One sentence.

This Feel is so cool!

The silence atmosphere was finally broken by a roar that resounded like thunder, “My son!!!”

This is the voice of the three ancestors of the stars.

The grandson is dead!

He’s here for revenge!

Now the son is also dead.

Everyone else is here.

Right under his nose, his son Xing Feihu disappeared in ashes. Before he died, he didn’t even yell “Father, boy, I’ll take one step ahead.”

The heart of Xing Sanzu was trembling.

After uttering this earth-shattering roar, three ancestor Xing’s body suddenly heard a deep and incomparable roar.

Immediately afterwards, a very tyrannical and crazy breath erupted from his body.

The breath is fierce Ascension, the monstrous aura is full of terrible murderous intent.

The ancestor Qi Dong’s pupils shrank, and he said in amazement, “No, he is desperate, burning Blood Essence, and losing his lifespan. This is crazy!”


The strength of the three ancestors is crazy Ascension, his eyes are like ten thousand years of ice, and he roars up to the sky, “Who dares to stop me, die!”

With one step, the three ancestors of the stars directly shook the protection of Qi Dong ancestors and their Magic power, and moved forward strongly.

Qi Dong’s ancestors trembled in their hearts and souls.

A desperate person.

A crazy person.

How terrible is a person who does not hesitate to die with the enemy?

This is almost unimaginable.

Behind Xing Sanzu.

Great Ancestor Xing and Two Ancestor Xing, breathing incredibly heavy, their eyes are also extremely cold.

Although they are not as crazy as the three ancestors of the stars, they do not hesitate to spend a switch to gain combat power Ascension, but at this moment, they are also ready to go all out.

The three immortal giants found by Soul Eater looked at each other, and their scalp was a little numb.

They just came to support the scene.

Who would have expected it to be so big.

The madness of the third ancestor Xing does not matter, if the opposite ancestor Qi Dong and the others become mad, the scene will be a big deal.

Can’t hold it at all.

If this joins in, it will drive madness.

It is not impossible to fall one or two immortal giants.


Void blasts are rolling, the tough and crazy Xing San Ancestor, like an invincible beast, constantly rushing into the defenses of Qi Dong Ancestor.

And this time.

Fang Han directly handed the formation plate in his hand to the ancestor of Wanhua Valley beside him.

The ancestor of Wanhua Valley was dumbfounded, instinctively took it, and said in disbelief, “Fang Han, you…”

“Senior, this formation, known as the land of ten miles, will kill people and immortals instantly. From now on, it will be owned by Ten Thousand Flowers Valley.”

The ancestor of Wanhua Valley, “…”

My goodness.

Such an explosive formation, you give it to me and give it to me?

You…how do you let me repay you? I’m old and yellow, I can’t dedicate myself anymore, I…

The ancestors of Wanhuagu were confused and didn’t know what to do.

Fang Han took a deep breath, his expression sharpened, and then Fang Han stepped and walked towards the thrilling battlefield above.

“Fang Han, come back soon, don’t send him to death.”

The ancestor of Wanhuagu shivered and shouted anxiously.

Fang Han paused, turned his head to look at the ancestor of Wanhua Valley, and smiled slightly.

“Send to death? It seems that there is no one who can kill me. Senior, you are optimistic, the show has just begun…”

(Thanks Lao Tie! Thanks to many brothers for your support! Come on!)

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