Chapter 125 You guys, it’s up to you!

Perimeter hair is still unknown.

The high-level members of the Pill King Palace were tortured crazy by the new version of Heavenly Pill.

Many Alchemy masters gathered together.

It’s useless.

Ask the patriarch to leave the customs.

Those are the three Alchemy Grandmasters.


Still useless.

Looks like Tianfa Dan.

After a test, it was Tianfadan.

But why the upper limit of the efficacy is so high and the potency of the drug is so strong, which is confusing.


Only then did the order to invite Fang Han to be issued.

And the three ancient pill recipes are used as an invitation gift, and the price is unimaginable.

There are not many ancient pill recipes in the Pill King Palace, which is the foundation of sect establishment.

This is the order of this case.

Zhou Changfa didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly led people to Fang’s.

First, I met Fang Zhentian, the Fang clan.

Said the intention of own.

“This… the old man really can’t be the master.”

Fang Zhentian had long stopped treating Fang Han as a pure Junior.

After setting up the perimeter hair.

Only then voluntarily came to the Great Palace.

The Great Emperor’s Palace is banned, but to Fang Zhentian, it is of course nothing. However, Fang Zhentian still called out, “Fang Han?”

“Patriarch, please come in.”

Fang Han’s voice came.

Fang Zhentian smiled and stepped into the Great Emperor’s Palace.


Seeing Fang Han who hadn’t stopped his hands, his cheeks twitched suddenly.

The new versions of Heavenly Pills were refined so easily, and they were still in large quantities. It was hard to imagine how many people would be jealous if they were to spread it out.

“Patriarch, something?”

Fang Han stopped pill refining and asked.

Fang Zhentian gave a light cough, explained Zhou Chang’s intentions, and said with a serious face, “…This action in the Danwang Palace should be a temptation. If you don’t want to go, you will refuse it. The Danwang Palace’s hand can’t be reached. Let’s come.”

Fang Han narrowed his eyes suddenly.

Because at this time, the system prompts.

[The new sign-in location has been refreshed, please go to the Danwang Palace main sect to complete the sign-in. 】

【Sign-in requirements, every time the host gets an ancient pill recipe from the Danwang Palace, he can sign-in once. 】

There was a moment of silence.

Fang Han smiled lightly, “The patriarch said they would give me three ancient pill recipes as gifts?”


“All right, I promised them.”

Fang Zhentian was taken aback, “Really promised? If they crack Wanfa Dan…”

Fang Han shook his head, “It’s impossible to crack.”

This is very confident.

Because Fang Han knew that the pill refining method used in the new version of Tianfa Pill did not exist in today’s Alchemy.

This is a special Alchemy pattern created by him.

Without his personal teaching, others want to crack it unless Alchemy surpasses him.

And want to surpass him…

I have a system, do you have it?

“Well, it’s up to you. The old man will not interfere with your decision. However, you still have to pay attention to safety issues. I will let Tian Xingzong accompany you.”

Fang Zhentian smiled bitterly.

Fang Han shook his head, “Don’t bother, the patriarch can rest assured, I still have the power to protect myself.”

Whether it is Slashing Immortals, Calabash still has one strike of Slashing Immortals left.

It’s still a special item “Wei Ge”.

It was enough to give Fang Han full confidence.

Fang Zhentian was helpless, but didn’t say more.

He didn’t take it seriously, he wouldn’t think that King Pill Palace was crazy, and he would dare to attack Fang Han.

The sincerity of Danwangdian is naturally enough.

Fang Han agreed to go to the Palace of King Pill, Zhou Changfa was overjoyed and decided to personally escort Fang Han.

Although Zhou Changfa himself is also an alchemist, his Cultivation Base is more dazzling than Alchemy, and he is a powerhouse at the peak of the imaginary fairy.

He stepped on a huge flying boat and dashed towards the Western Profound Region.

On the flying boat.

Zhou Changfa walked up to Fang Han sitting in the Lotus Position on the deck, and smiled, “Fang Han Daozi, this trip to the Pill King Palace will definitely satisfy you. The three Patriarchs of the Pill King Palace are the Alchemy Great Master giants.”

Fang Han opened his eyes and smiled lightly, “I hope so.”

Zhou Changfa took a deep breath, and then said to the dog master who was lying on his stomach, “This is the legendary dog ​​master, right?”

“Huh? You actually used the word [Legend], old man, Lord Dog likes you very much.”

The Dog Lord grinned.

Zhou Chang thought to himself, who doesn’t know in the Eastern Profound Domain now, Fang Han Daozi is followed by a dog demon, a terrible pit dog that has pitted 2 billion spars.

Nowadays, many second generation ancestors in the Eastern Profound Domain are all distracted by the dog, and they can’t mention the word dog.

Cough slightly.

Zhou Changfa suddenly waved his hand, and bright golden bones appeared in front of the dog.

Zhou Chang said with a smile, “Master Gou, these are the big monster bones I bought. Can you try it?”

The dog’s smile froze.

Fang Han lowered his head and glanced at the bones. It was obvious that they had been cooked before, and he almost couldn’t help laughing.

Master Gou was silent for a while before he said, “You… are teasing Master Gou? Right?”

Zhou Changfa was a little puzzled.

what’s going on?

Isn’t this common sense that cats eat fish and dogs eat meat and chew bones more?

Even the strong among the dog monsters have a soft spot for bones.

Could it be this big pit dog next to Fang Han Daozi, is it different?

“People are kind.”

Fang Han said leisurely, “eat.”


Gouye looked resentful.


Fang Han’s eyebrows were cold and erect.

The dog master suddenly fainted, stared bitterly at the perimeter of stubborn hair, and then bit a bone in one bite.

Zhou Changfa felt that he was sloppy, as if he had done something wrong, and felt a little nervous for a while.

For fear that the dog would not go well, he lay on the ground.

Fortunately, nothing happened along the way.

As time goes by.

Fang Han and the others crossed the Tianhe Sea, stepped into the Western Profound Realm, and finally came to the main sect of King Pill Palace.

Zhou Changfa looked excited, he hadn’t come back for a long time.

Because the news has already been sent.

So at this moment.

The high level of Danwangdian, Head Teacher Wanguiliu and many Alchemy Master Elder, have already been waiting outside the mountain gate.

Maintain the highest courtesy of Fang Han.

As the flying boat approached, Wan Guiliu took a deep breath and said in a loud voice, “The honorable guest of Danwang Palace is here today, Fang Han Great Master, the old man Wanguiliu, Dan Wangdian Head Teacher, hereby pay a visit to Great Master.”

A super new version of Wanfa Dan.

Directly asked Dan Wangdian to give Fang Hanan the name of Great Master.

The flying boat disappeared.

Fang Han landed, cupped hands said, “Senior, don’t be too polite.”

Wan Guiliu’s face blushed, “You are the senior.”


Fang Han was speechless, and Fang Han, who was often licked, knew that some people could not persuade you.

“Great Master, please.”

Wanguiliu’s attitude is very respectful.

Treat Fang Han with Alchemy alone.

Fang Han smiled and nodded, stepped into the Gate of King Pill Palace, and then immediately signed in.

After the sign-in is complete.

Fang Han turned his head, coughed lightly, and said, “Wan Head Teacher, that ancient pill recipe…”

Wanguiliu was startled, something like Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “Great Master, don’t worry, three ancient pill recipes, I will definitely give it to you. How long have you been.”


Fang Han didn’t chase it anymore.

Soon, when he came to the tallest palace, Fang Han took the lead to enter under Wan Guiliu’s invitation.


At this moment, the sudden change occurred.

In the void, a series of white light appeared.

The moment of kung fu, like a big net, directly enveloped Fang Han.

Fang Han’s face instantly turned pale.

He didn’t move, because he was blocked, and the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have lost contact, even if it was the power of the ancient gods, he couldn’t move it anymore. At that moment, he didn’t avoid it.

By surprise.

The one who shot is at least the true ancestor of the immortal.

Looking at the three elders standing in the hall, Fang Han’s eyes flashed with killing intent.

Dare to yin me?

The three true ancestors of King Dan Palace, right? Count you have kind.

Although I don’t know what your plans are, I can tell you from the person in charge.

You guys, it’s up to you!

(Three shifts, thanks everyone! I added some oil!)

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