Chapter 123: Earning Crazy! This is stealing money!


The expression is numb.

The body was still trembling.

This is Fang Zhentian’s reaction after hearing the business report of Fang’s Dandian.

And he is quite calm.

Below the hall, the elders of the Fang clan were even more unbearable, some even crying bitterly.

after all.

It’s crazy to make money.

Although the new version of Tianfa Pill is as high as one million spars.


But it can’t stop the world’s pursuit of the new version of Tianfa Pill.

Especially high-rank longevity giants.

It is even more flocking.

Purchase restriction?

If the purchase is restricted, then buy it from the other person who bought it.

The high price simply cannot stop the world’s enthusiasm for buying Medicine Pill.


Fang Zhentian’s dumb expression showed a wave of fluctuations.

Then he took out a talisman.

After reading it, Fang Zhentian shook his body and took a breath.

Slowly glanced down, Fang Zhentian tried his best to make his own voice, and said less tremblingly, “Fang Kuizong has heard the news that he is in the Dandian, because the buyers are too crazy, so he tried to increase the price…”

A group of old Zong’s faces changed drastically.


“How can you increase the price at will?”

“If you want to add it, you can add it later. If you add it now, it will cause unpredictable consequences.”

“Fang Kuizong is sloppy.”

Fang Zhentian’s expression became weird, and then, with a long sigh, he said, “Old Fang Kui Zong said… he increased the price to 10 million.”

The elders were confused.

Fang Kuizong, you are mentally retarded.

What am I doing with Te Ayou?

The patriarch’s price of one million is already ruthless enough. How can you increase it tenfold?

Why don’t you grab it?

Can you treat others as idiots?

“Patriarch, please let Fang Kui Elder recover the price quickly and apologize to…”

A veteran old clan spit on the scene.

But the words didn’t finish.

Seeing Fang Zhentian waved his hand and interrupted him, “Medicine Pill is still selling, still robbing…”

The veteran Zong was stunned.

“Furthermore, it was a berserk.”

“Because according to the news that veteran Fang Kuizong inquired, the price of a Tianfa True God Pill on the black market has reached as high as 12 million.”

“There is still a price but no market.”

“Fang Kuizong now asks the old man if he wants to continue to increase the price.”

The veteran Zong elder almost vomited three liters of blood in order to wake up the clubs that grabbed Medicine Pill.

This riding a horse is abruptly robbing you of your money.

Are you happy too?

Where is the IQ? Where is the sanity? Does anyone take care of it?

“Don’t add it.”


Tian Xingzong Lao Fang Zhenxie spoke indifferently.

Everyone looked at him.

Fang Zhenxie shook his head and said, “Ten million pieces have already made too many people jealous. If the price is raised again, it is estimated to be able to sell, but it’s too dark, and the conscience can’t live.”

Do you have a conscience?

None of us.

We think black spots are good.

Many clan elders are secretly complaining.

However, Fang Zhentian was very sober.

The new version of Tianfa Pill, 10 million spars, is really outrageous, no matter how high it is, he really can’t bear it.

after all.

The cost is only a thousand horses.

The money earned is almost the same as the robbing of a student.

Furthermore, it is.

The higher you lift, the harder you fall.

The most painful thing for Fang Zhentian now is that he is afraid that an alchemist will crack the new version of the Heavenly Pill, and he will be in trouble at that time.


Be sober.

Stop it.

Ten million is enough for Wushuang to be violent.

It’s because I told the elders that the cost of the new version of Tianfa Pill is as high as more than 500,000 yuan, and we only make half of it.

Otherwise, it is estimated that Sect’s heart will be cursed to death now.


An elder Zong took a deep breath, stood up, and said solemnly, “Patriarch, I think the share you discussed with Fang Han Daozi is too sloppy. Let’s bother and work hard. It only accounts for 30%? I think it’s better to discuss it again. At the very least, it has to be half of it.”

Many elders were shocked.

Before, they didn’t care.

Because at that time, I didn’t know that this new version of Heavenly Pill was so profitable.

But now.

The money is crazy.

These three or seven points seem to be really unbearable.


“Ha ha.”

There was a sneer.

He saw Fang Zhenxie standing up and taking a sudden step. The figure appeared in front of the elder who made the suggestion almost instantaneously.

The old man’s face suddenly paled, his eyes twitched, and he trembled, “Old Xingzong, you are…”

“Do you want to divide it?”

Fang Zhenxie spoke indifferently.

The old man gritted his teeth, “Fang Han Daozi is a member of the family after all, and he is not dedicated to the alchemist. Naturally, he wants to…”

“Can you refine Tianfa True God Pill?”


“It seems you can’t, then, what qualifications do you have to talk to Fang Han?”


“Fang Xunqing, your clan veteran qualification has been dismissed, and you will be a normal Elder in the future.”


The old clan who made the suggestion found out in a moment of confusion, and muttered to himself, “I just…you can’t…the clan…the patriarch?”

Fang Xunqing looked at Fang Zhentian with pleading eyes.

“It’s useless if you ask the patriarch.”

Fang Zhenxie said indifferently.

I didn’t feel that I would not give Fang Zhentian a Face.

“Tian Xing Fang suppressed evil, proposed to remove Fang Xun Qing Zong veteran seat, in favor of acquiescence, opposed to raising his hand.

“Who is for? Who… against?”

Fang Zhenxie’s eyes began to scan faintly.

One by one, the elders swallowed wildly without saying a word. As Fang Zhenxie’s eyes swept down, they looked away one after another, not daring to look at Fang Zhenxie at all.

When Fang Xunqing saw this scene, the whole person was stupid.

“No one seems to object? Go out, you are no longer qualified to sit here.”

Fang Zhenxie glanced sharply at Fang Xunqing, and with a wave of his big hand, Fang Xunqing groaned, and his body was directly swept away from the Great Hall by the monstrous Magic power.

“Huh, I don’t know what it is.”

Fang Zhenxie snorted and returned to his own seat.

Fang Zhentian had been silent just now, but at this time, his eyes flickered, and he said indifferently, “It seems that Fang Xunqing’s thoughts just now, the old man hopes that no one will have any more, 30%…a lot, people, want Contentment.”

Many Zong Lao’s hearts are a little bit cold.

Most of the elders still don’t have any bad thoughts, but the hearts of the people are unpredictable, and there are still some who think the same as Fang Xunqing.


There was before.

In the future, I dared not to have it again.

The elder Tian Xingzong who is in charge of criminal law, as well as the patriarch, has such a tough attitude. Who would dare to think carefully?

Why is the new version of Tianfa Dan so crazy?

It is because of the upper limit.

Because of the immediate effect.

Magic power surged by 30%, and the upper limit of longevity was Seventh Stage mixed cave realm.

What is this?

This horse riding is a god pill!

If you don’t buy it, it’s okay. The seniors around you will buy them, and their power will immediately surpass you.

If you don’t buy it, it’s okay. Your enemies will buy it.

For those high-rank longevity secret realm giants.

The higher the strength.

For every 10% more strength, the increased Magic power becomes more terrifying.

Although ten million spars are high, it is nothing to say to the immortal body of the Second Stage of Longevity, let alone a high-rank longevity giant.

Therefore, Fang Han’s way of making money is out of a broad road.


At this moment.

A Medicine Pill, which pierced through numerous spaces, was sent to the Western Profound Region by the mighty longevity tycoon through the god-tier of space.


There is a palace of King Dan.

To dare to be called King Pill, naturally has that confidence.

It can be said that the Medicine Pill business of the entire Xuanhuang Great Realm, the Danwang Palace controls 50% of it.

Too many high-rank alchemists join in the alchemy palace.

It’s like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

The Danwang Palace is more magnificent than the Fangjia. There are many palaces in the mountains, and the highest one is owned by the current Head Teacher Wanguiliu of the Danwang Palace.

At this time.

Wan Guiliu’s face changed slightly, and there was a strong spatial fluctuation in front of him.

Soon, a Medicine Pill and a Jade Slip flashed out of the space and landed on his hand.

I looked at Medicine Pill in surprise, Wan Guiliu could recognize that this was Wanfa Dan.

For the Danwangdian, Wanfa Dan is extremely ordinary.

Wan Guiliu frowned, and couldn’t help but check Jade Slip while muttering to himself, “What is Liu Elder doing? At such a high price, only one Wanfa Dan was sent? Huh? Fuck… ”

Soon Wanguiliu was confused.

With horror in his eyes, he raised Wanfa Dan again, looked at it carefully, and took a deep breath, “Really? It is enough to increase the magic power of Mixed Cave Realm by 30% of Wanfa Dan?”

After half an hour.

Wan Guiliu’s face became pale.

Because he, as an Alchemy Master, cracked it for a full half an hour, but he didn’t get anything.

After a cold breath, the voice of Wanguiliu came out of the Great Hall, “Send someone quickly to pass…”

It didn’t take long.

The Danwang Palace gathered together, first shocked by the magical effect of the new version of Wanfa Dan, and then, a vigorous cracking operation began…

(Come on! Keep going!)

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