Chapter 119 Fang Han, how good are you?

Fang Han could feel Own’s strength once again fiercely Ascension.

The god pattern transformed by Dao Shu is integrated into the heaven and earth, allowing Magic power to advance.

And there are eight divine veins in the body.

The power of the ancient gods flowing in his body made Fang Han squeeze an eternal giant directly with a slight pinch.

The combat power is too strong!

After returning to mind.

Fang Han took a deep breath, glanced at the people around him, and said in a slow voice, “In the future, I will enlighten the Dao Tianshi. I will send someone to customize the rules. Let Dongxuanyu Practitioner try it for free and try to be fair.”

This statement came out.

For a while, everyone’s expressions became excited.

In the past, Xuantian Saint Sect mastered the Enlightenment Heavenly Stone, and the entrance fee was expensive, but now, Fang Han is directly free.

“Thank you Fang Han Daozi.”

Thank you, one after another.

Fang Han smiled slightly and left leisurely.

at this time.

some where.

The void flashed.

More than a dozen figures appeared.

One of them was wearing a Taoist robe, with a delicate eyebrow and a very young appearance.

However, his body was carrying a strong pressure, the space behind him was disillusioned, his eyes were cold.

This is an eternal giant in the secret realm Seventh Stage of the longevity secret realm.

And the dozen figures next to him were even more terrifying.

Each breath is much deeper than the youth.

The most powerful one, his eyes seem to be shining with a blazing sun, and Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the mixed cave.

He glanced around casually, and he spoke lazily.

“After a full year’s journey, I finally arrived at the Xuanhuang Great Realm. Brother Fang, this time I’ll do your job. When the matter is over, I will definitely send you a gift of thanks.”

The young man who had reached the mixed cave realm was astonishingly the former Fang’s first Dao Zi, Fang Daolin.

Hearing what the Huozhongzi said, Fang Daolin smiled slightly and said, “Thank you Brother Huo, we just came back. Let’s go to our clan to rest first, and then look for the treasures of the noble sect, how about?”


The fire neutron nodded.

Fang Daolin breathed a sigh of relief.

This fire neutron, and other strong men, are not from the Xuanhuang Great Realm.

It was Fang Daolin, a friend he met during his travels in the world of Vulcan.

Rumor has it that the immortal world is the highest, and there are three thousand great worlds under it.

Xuanhuang Dajie is just one of them.

The same goes for the Vulcan world.

This is a realm comparable to the Xuanhuang Great Realm.

Huo Zhongzi is extremely famous in the world of Vulcan, he is the first Dao Zi of the Blazing Sage Sect.

The strength has already reached the secret realm seventh stage of longevity for many years.

This time I came to the Xuanhuang Great Realm because there was an Elder in the mixed cave realm in the Sacred Fire Sect.

Therefore, he traveled through the heavens and the great world, but died in the Xuanhuang great world.

Before he died, the Elder sent a message back to Sect.

To sum up, there are only six words.

“There are treasures here, come here quickly.”

According to that Elder.

The treasures in that treasure land are enough to make the fire holy sect’s foundation for thousands of years, soaring by 30%.

However, that treasure land is only allowed to enter the Cavern Realm and the Realm below it.

Therefore, several Tianjiao Daozi from Huo Zhongzi and Blazing Saint Sect were sent over.

Just right.

Huo Zhongzi and Fang Daolin intersect irresponsibly.

This also made the senior officials of the Sacred Fire Sect very relieved.


Just saw Fang Daolin’s expression stiff.

Immediately afterwards, it became gloomy.

The anger flashed through his eyes, and with inconceivability, he muttered to himself, “How could it be…”

“What’s wrong?”

Huo Zhongzi and others all looked at him.

Fang Daolin took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, “Our Fang clan has a strange treasure called the Divine Power Monument.”

“Leave a name on it, you can get a halo of divine power.”

“Our Fang Dao has been leading the way until now, and we have gained several levels of divine power halo, but now, we are missing two levels…”

“This matter is too evil.”

Huo Zhongzi and the others looked at each other. Although they didn’t know the effect of the divine power halo, looking at Fang Daolin’s current appearance, he was afraid that he had lost something very important.

Patting Fang Daolin’s shoulder, Huo Zhongzi smiled and said, “Brother Fang, don’t worry, it is a good thing to regain what you have lost.”

“I have always been in the middle of the fire, what I lost, I will definitely take it back with my own hands.”

Fang Daolin laughed dumbly, shook his head, and said, “That’s right, go back to my family first, and see what happened.”

Fang family.

Under the mountain road.

Fang Quehuo slowly walked towards the family.

Every step he takes, it will take a long time, it seems that he is summoning his strength to take a step and climb a mountain.

This Fang Quehuo once clashed with Fang Han at Fentian Sword Mountain.

Fang Han asked him to take the crime from the Hui people.

He wanted to see Fang Han’s jokes.

Until now, only come back.

“Why am I so unlucky?”

Fang Que walked slowly.

As he walked, he pityed and mourned himself, his expression was extremely miserable.


It was the darkest period of his life.

Whenever I think of his own stupidity when he was in the Burning Heaven Sword Mountain, Fang Quehuo would like to smoke his own 10,000 mouths brutally.

Make you so cheap.

Otherwise, why would they have fallen into such a field?

In my mind, the news that came in during this period of time appeared.

Fang Han slaughtered the Quartet at the coming-of-age ceremony of Aoli, the ninth prince of the dragon clan.

So wide and scared!

Fang Han cut the Xuxian in front of the Immortal Palace.

Damn it’s too wide and scared!

Fang Han was in Enlightenment City, and even the ancestor of the real immortal was cut off!

I puff!

Just thought of this.

Fang Quehuo wanted to vomit blood and wanted to decide on himself.

He didn’t want to come back, but he had to come back again, come back to receive the sin, the elders might still be thinking about blood, and treat him lightly.

not coming back.

What if Fang Han thought of him one day, wouldn’t he be hammered to death by Fang Han?

Fang Que Huosi did not doubt Fang Han’s fierceness, this was a ruthless person who could develop into an established fact even with his own mouth cannon.

It’s getting closer and closer to Fangjiashan Gate.

The legs of Fangquehuo seemed to fill the peaks.


at this time.

In the distance, powerful auras came, and Fang Quehuo turned his head in amazement, looked over, and then shuddered suddenly.

“Fang Dao Lin?”

“He actually came back!”

Fang Quehuo seemed to have flashes of lightning in his mind, his whole body numb, and then he rushed into the air with great excitement.

When many figures approached, Fang Quehuo immediately bent over with cupped hands and said, “Fang Quehuo pays homage to Master Dao Lin Daozi.”

Fang Daolin squinted his eyes, glanced at Fang Quehuo, and said quietly, “Brother Quehuo, why stop me?”

Fang Quehuo looked at Huo Zhongzi and others subconsciously.

Fang Daolin frowned, “Brother Huo is not an outsider. If you have anything, just say it.”

Fangquehuo and Huozhongzi glanced at each other, and the spirits felt like they were about to burn. They were shocked, quickly looked away, and then took a deep breath and said, “Dao Lin Dao Zi, this section of your absence Time, in our clan, something has happened.”


Fang Daolin’s eyes flashed, and he said solemnly, “Say!”

Fang Que was full of flames, and began to tell everything about Fang Han, but this guy now had a dark belly, emphatically exaggerating the all-round blows from Han Han’s Dao Lin.

So that Fang Daolin’s scalp exploded as he listened.

What the hell?

Daddy’s first son was robbed? Am I second now?

What the hell?

Tian Xingzong’s Lao Fang’s suppression of evil spirits clearly expressed the support of Fang Han in charge of Fang Clan?

What is it?

The one named Fang Han, he inherited the Immortal Artifacts of the Immortal Palace? Even killed the real fairy?

Damn it!

I stepped on horses just to go to the world of Vulcan, took a vacation, and when I came back, I fell from the sky to the ground?

Fang Han, Fang Han!

You, how can you?

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