Chapter 114 Fang Han must be educated!

After all, Fang Han didn’t deal with Lord Gou.

Even if Fang Han had the heart to kill the dog before.

But Lord Gou cried with tears.


Sapo rolled.

After being cute.

Fang Han forgave it.

In fact, it was mainly Gouye, which made Fang Han a little embarrassed.

To the dog master yourself.

It seems to be a little careless.

“Just keep the money.”

Fang Han looked at the anxious Lord Dog and said.

“Haha, Master, you are so open and bright.”

Gouye was extremely excited.

Fang Han squinted his eyes and asked abruptly, “However, what the hell is going on with you, I didn’t ask in detail before. Now I want to know, your soul body, and the two flesh and blood puppets…”

Gouye was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, “In fact, we don’t know why we are like this. When the soul has memory, it is very weak. Later, when I met Chunyang, the old immortal, I followed him.”

“The flesh and blood puppets are all things in our memory, made by Chun Yang on their behalf.”

“However, we can guarantee one thing, that is, we must have a great background, in memory… we have eaten many immortals.”

Fang Han couldn’t help but twitch his cheeks.

Have the immortals eaten it?

It seems that I really underestimated the potential of Gouye.

Fang Han thoughtfully, but Gouye got excited again and left quickly, with the goal of going straight to the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce.

I was despised in the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce before.

According to the nature of the dog master, where can he stay in check? Now that it has so much small money, it decided to put a piece of storage ring, according to the old man at the counter of the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce, screaming fiercely.

At this moment.

The Eastern Profound Region obviously couldn’t calm down.

The noise made by Master Gou was too big.

Those forces that were pitted by it, although they lost money because they were afraid of Fang Han, they couldn’t keep going.

Town Magic University Palace.

Li Daoqiu’s father, Li Rushan sat on the Great Hall with a gloomy expression.

In the hall, there are the other two leaders and other high-level leaders of the Jinma University Palace.

Li Rushan felt aggrieved.

A full compensation of two hundred million Dao spar.

Where can I be willing?

He had already said the matter, and for a while, the atmosphere in the hall was a little silent.

After a long time.

The Master of the Zhenma University Palace said slowly, “This matter…can’t just leave it alone, Brother Li, what do you think?”

Li Rushan’s eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice, “I have received the exact news that Qiantian University is in charge and will go to Fang’s personally to ask for an explanation.”

“This is an opportunity.”

“The old man feels that he can unite with Qiantian University to persecute the Fang family.”

“Two hundred million Dao Jingshi, to be honest, I won’t let the old man save everything. However, this is a face problem.”

“It is necessary for the Fang clan to educate and educate them in a proper way, and give a proper explanation to the sects of the Eastern Profound Region.”

“Otherwise, Fang Han, wouldn’t he be lawless?”

The high-level in the hall heard the words.

They all nodded.

Two billion crystals are a lot, but compared with the background of the Zhenma University Palace, it is simply a drop in the bucket.


As Li Rushan said, this is a face problem.

Can’t just leave it so easily.

If he didn’t directly anger Fang Han’s servant, he would draw a salary directly from the bottom of the tank and find the Shang Family, which was undoubtedly the best choice.

The most important thing is that Qiantian University is now in charge and is about to go to Fang’s to ask for an explanation.

The two big forces unite, even if it is the domineering Fang family, you have to weigh it, right?

Li Rushan smiled and said, “Besides, this time, it’s not just us and Gantian University, the stupid dog, but several big forces have been pitted in succession. I believe that if you give this advice to them, everyone will United.”

“At that time, the group of heroes will go to the Fangmen together, ha ha, I don’t believe it, the Fang family will not be counseled.”

The next day.

Fang Han opened the door early in the morning.

The door of the next room opened in the next second, and the dog rushed to Fang Han’s shoulder.

“Master, guess how strong we are now?”

The dog master raised his head proudly.

Fang Han was silent for a while, and said, “Is it enough for me to hit it?”

The dog’s expression suddenly stiffened, and he was very resentful, “Master, can you still chat?”

“Ascension strength is a good thing.”

Fang Han smiled and walked outside, “Don’t worry, when I make money, I can buy you more corpses of the strong.”

Lord Gou was naturally overjoyed.

Leaving the inn.

Soon Fang Han came to the huge square where the Enlightened Taoist Stone was located.

At this moment.

A lot of people gathered here.


The powerhouse of Saint Xuantian Sect is also indispensable.

It should be noted that buying tickets can be said to be the largest income of Saint Xuantian Sect.

Fang Han came very early. Although there are many people here, most of them are onlookers, only a small part of them are here for the enlightenment of heaven and stone.

Step forward.

On a high platform.

There are three old men sitting in Lotus Position, all of them have their pupils shrinking at this time, looking at Fang Han.

“Why is he here?”

One of the old men murmured in a low voice, but neither of them moved.

And Fang Han’s appearance made everyone around him excited.

“He is Daozi Fang Han?”

“No, tusk, it really is the dragon among the people.”

“I heard that he made 2 billion spars yesterday… dammit, really frantic.”

“This is the ability. Everyone is afraid of his fairy weapon.”

“With an immortal weapon, I dare to be outside, and I’m not afraid of being robbed.”

“…You succeeded in making me laugh.”

A series of discussions sounded, and the scene was a bit noisy.

A middle-aged person from Saint Xuantian Sect who was obviously in charge took a deep breath, walked towards Fang Han, cupped hands and said, “I have seen Daozi Fang Han.”

Fang Han nodded and said quietly, “I want to go in.”

The middle-aged man hurriedly said, “Fang Han Daozi also wants to try his chance before the Enlightenment Heavenly Stone? Please, Chen Elder has already spoken, and Fang Han Daozi will come to Enlightenment City and treat each other as distinguished guests.”

“You want to go in, you won’t be charged.”

Fang Han shook his head, “There is a charge.”

“Yes, who do you look down on?”

Gouye seemed to guess what Fang Han was thinking.

It was a little excited, it felt it yesterday, and Fang Han must be doing something today.

The middle-aged man’s cheeks twitched, and he dared not speak.

Fang Han threw a storage ring to the middle-aged man, “Presumably these Dao spars should be enough.”

Seeing Fang Han leave, the middle-aged man felt the storage ban and smiled bitterly.

More than enough, it is directly several times the ticket price.

The dog master had already flung away, lying lazily outside waiting for a good show.

Fang Han walked to the outermost Crimson Enlightenment Stone.

This enlightened sky stone exudes a halo, and under the envelope, many people can sit down.

Fang Han casually found an open space.

As soon as I sat down, I felt that my spirit was clearly clear, and there was a mysterious force affecting the soul.

In this state, no matter whether it is to comprehend Taoism or cultivation, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

“System, sign in.”

[Sign-in is successful, the host can sign-in once every time the host occupies an enlightened stone. 】

“How can I occupy the enlightenment heaven stone to have the qualifications?”

[Reminder host: Occupy! 】


Domineering possession?

So simple and rude?

Fang Han thought that he needed to gain something from the enlightened sky stone in order to occupy it.

never expected.

It only needs to occupy it.

Opening his eyes, Fang Han’s eyes fell on the high platform in the distance, where there were three old men, who looked at the town.

This Xuantian Saint Sect is actually occupying the enlightened heaven stone and using it for profit.

Now, it was his turn.

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