Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 901


Chapter 901 Be me a Divine Weapon? Who is at a loss?

"What's the matter? What are you doing in the hands of this true monarch?"

The feeling of wetness in the palm of the hand is strange, and it is Nezha and the others who are standing on the side. All can smell clearly.

Yang Jian, who was holding a three-pointed, two-edged sword, was even picked up. At this moment, his face was still in a state of rage, and his eyes were full of disgust, and he almost threw the weapon in his hand away. .

He absolutely did not expect that this three-pointed, two-edged sword, which had been used as his weapon for thousands of years, would actually face a small black snake with such a fearful and pissed look on his face.

Simply, so embarrassing.

Yang Jian, who was indignant in his heart, immediately threw the three-pointed two-edged sword to the ground with a flick of his hand, and then frowned and explained to himself.

"After the real monarch stepped into the realm of the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, it is indeed time to change the Divine Weapon that is in hand."

During the speech, Yang Jian was also silent. Hiding his hand in reaching out and wiping it up.

He who lost the three-pointed and two-edged sword said that he wanted to change the Divine Weapon, but he was a little confused.

The body of the three-pointed and two-edged sword is an ancient evil dragon, which is very rare. I want to find a better weapon than it in this Three Realms, but I temporarily let it have nothing. good idea.

"Okay, Uncle.

You stand back, the thing in front of you is not an ordinary snake."

Behind Yang Jian , Ye Chen stepped out and said a few words, and then also looked at the right of Torch Dragon, with a hint of impatience in his eyes.

"Tell me, what do you have to do to stop pestering this Ye.

Give me a nice word, so that I can let you go on the road with peace of mind."

The pun of Ye Chen's words, on the one hand, let the right side of Torch Dragon put forward conditions for Ye Chen to ponder, on the other hand, it shows that he is ready to kill.

Ye Chen will not show mercy when he can't say a word.

When I heard Ye Chen's words, the Torch Dragon, who lived for hundreds of thousands of years, immediately understood what Ye Chen meant.

Therefore, the right side of Torch Dragon didn't say anything in a hurry, he floated in the air with extreme caution, and his eyes twitched, and after a while, he twisted his body and came to Ye In front of Chen, he slowly spoke with sound transmission.

"First of all, this Old Ancestor would like to say sorry for being too arrogant to you before.

Second, this Torch Dragon really hopes, Ye Chen, that you can inherit what I have in my body. The power of the dragon ancestors can achieve a higher and stronger realm.

The condition of this exchange is to lead me to Dragon Clan to restore the glory of the past and let me get rid of the current state of embarrassment.


It's not bad for you or me, it's a win-win situation.

You can get stronger and have a brighter future.

And I Dragon Clan, you can also change the trend and go to Immortal World Peak.

You, what do you think?"

The tone on the right side of Torch Dragon is very modest, completely gone. A little bit of arrogance, and even the words and expressions are mixed with a comfortable tone, which is not easy to be disgusted.

However, in the face of such a beneficial and harmless condition, Ye Chen looked at the right side of the Torch Dragon in front of him, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Torch Dragon, you don't have to make crooked ideas there.

Don't you think this Ye is stupid? Dignified dragon ancestor power, let me be a human being Inheritance, is there really no repercussions in this?

So, I refuse!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Chen simply analyzed a few sentences, that is, Rejected each other again.

He is not stupid, there is a huge surprise in the fleshy body between humans and dragons.

Moreover, the power of the Dragon Ancestor in the right mouth of Torch Dragon is so powerful that it is very difficult for Ye Chen to completely control it, accidentally, it will naturally be backlashed, making it unimaginable. serious consequences.

It is precisely because of these thoughts that Ye Chen refused to be right of Torch Dragon again and again.

After all, he yearns for powerful power, but he has no luck with this inscrutable energy.

"Ah, this

Ye Chen, listen to this Old Ancestor's explanation."

Seeing that Ye Chen refused again, he was about to turn around and leave, Torch Dragon's right is a little anxious.

He knew that after blocking Ye Chen this time, it was already his and even Dragon Clan's chance. He must not look at this only chance and just disappear in front of him.

Thinking of this, the right side of Torch Dragon immediately had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and all kinds of ideas kept appearing and floating out.

But unfortunately, no matter how many excuses Torch Dragon has come up with, he still has no idea to completely solve Ye Chen's worries.

After all, after absorbing and merging the power of the Dragon Ancestor, the phenomenon of gradual dragon transformation is inevitable, even if he is the right side of Torch Dragon, he can't prevent that from happening.

"What should I do, what should I do, should this Old Ancestor give up?"

His thoughts were numb, and the right side of Torch Dragon was anxious and puzzled. At that time, his eyes suddenly drifted to Erlang Shen and Yang Jian.

Immediately, a crazy idea appeared in his mind in an instant, and once it appeared, it was already lingering.

Soon, just as Ye Chen turned slightly and was about to continue to Spiritual Mountain.

Torch Dragon's right-hand incarnation of the small black snake suddenly let out an almost roaring business and walked out.

"Boy Ye Chen, as long as you agree to the terms of this Old Ancestor.

I, I am willing to transform into your Divine Weapon, for you to use forever.

No matter whether you win or lose, this Old Ancestor will accompany you to face the battle since then.”

Torch Dragon finished speaking, as if he had exhausted all his strength. The breath was greatly reduced, and the whole person was also in a mood of self-confusion.

He didn't even know if he was right in sacrificing himself so much, but for the entire Dragon Clan plan, he, the Old Ancestor, had no other methods.

Only if you come up with this plan, can there be a great possibility to save Ye Chen and help Dragon Clan turn over.

The right side of Torch Dragon had already bet all of himself, but Ye Chen, who heard his remark in front of him, took a few steps in astonishment and stepped back.

In turn, Ye Chen also looked at the right side of the Torch Dragon who seemed to be sacrificing the huge Torch Dragon, and said with a puzzled face.

"Uh, you old dragon, don't you look down on yourself too much?

You want to use this Ye as a weapon, do you still think you have suffered a big loss?"


Ye Chen's expression was very stunned, and he took out a whisk and took it out.

In an instant, Heaven and Earth changed color, Ye Chen didn't use any immortal strength, just the random swing of the whisk, the majestic energy between Heaven and Earth, in an instant , as if all of them were used by Ye Chen.

For such a powerful driving force, let alone Yang Jian's three-pointed two-edged sword, even the strangeness of Guanyin's Innate willow branches can't compare to a wisp of dust in Ye Chen's hand.

(end of this chapter)

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