Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 896


Chapter 896 Right of Torch Dragon

Looking at the black hole staircase entrance that suddenly appeared in front of him, Ye Chen frowned slightly, Secretly, this East Sea Dragon Palace is really hidden, and the area of the black hole in the underground of the Dragon Palace is probably dozens of times larger than the entire Dragon Palace.

What secrets are hidden in such a place?

"Young Master Ye, please."

Just as Ye Chen was thinking about it, the East Sea Dragon King also said again, extending his hand in an inviting gesture.

But the strange thing is that the invitation of the East Sea Dragon King seems to just want him to go down alone. Looking at him quietly, there is no other action.

Also seemed to see Ye Chen's doubts, the East Sea Dragon King laughed dryly, and then said something to Ye Chen softly.

"Old Ancestor, as the old man said, he just wanted to see Young Master Ye alone.

Alas, speaking of which, the Dragon King was also in his childhood when he didn't remember much. It's just the old side of Old Ancestor.

Young Master Ye, I'm going to meet you this time, and I'm going to ask you to say hello to Old Ancestor for me.

To tell the truth, the Dragon King really wants to go down to Old Ancestor with you, but no one is allowed to set foot in Earth Palace without Old Ancestor’s order.”

The East Sea Dragon King explained, and the words became more and more, as if the Old Ancestor in his mouth represented the highest respect of Dragon Clan.

These words also made Ye Chen more curious about Dragon Clan Old Ancestor.

As the so-called boldness of execution stems from superb skill, Ye Chen is not afraid of most of the Great Firmament Golden Immortal powerhouse after being promoted to Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

The next Earth Palace, of course, doesn't scare him, not to mention, the Dragon Clan Old Ancestor sounds like a friend rather than an enemy.

Wei Wei moved towards the Four Sea Dragon Kings and the others, Ye Chen did not hesitate, moved towards the entrance of the suspended stairs of Earth Palace and walked down.

Immediately when his entire body entered Earth Palace, Ye Chen only heard a rumbling sound, and the exit of the stairs above his head was suddenly closed.

Soon, in the Earth Palace environment where Ye Chen was located, there was no longer any light source to be seen.

Even if he moved the Immortal Art with his fingers, the dazzling ball of light in his hand could only illuminate Ye Chen's body within a range of less than 100 meters.

Compared to this vast and boundless Earth Palace, the brightness of 100 meters is also very small.

However, Ye Chen didn't think too much about it. He didn't twist his feet a little on the ground steps. After leaving a mark, he continued to move towards the sea stone steps below.

Where the imprint is, Ye Chen can also instantly return to the place where the imprint is, once there may be danger later, to travel through space.

This is his usual prudence, nothing at worst, just in order to guard against the unexpected.

In front of the foot, the slightly damp sea stone steps are endless and dark, as if there is no end in sight.

Ye Chen walked on the stone steps for one hour, but there was still a kind of rush that would never reach the end of the stone steps.

For a while, Ye Chen couldn't help being a little confused. Since the road is so far-reaching, why not send a dragon king to lead him.

It's really frustrating to waste so much time.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen didn't want to continue walking. It was obviously the other party who had something to talk about, so why did he take the initiative to find the other party?

At this point, Ye Chen stopped abruptly after taking hundreds of steps down.

Then, he roared with two light coughs while facing the dark endless hanging ladder below.

"cough cough. Dragon Clan Old Ancestor below, please reply when I hear you.

Can we stop wasting time here? Let's see you.

I don't treat people at all times. If Old Ancestor doesn't have any major events to talk about.

Then this Ye has some important things that need to be done, so I won't talk about it here. Excuse me, farewell!"

Said, Ye Chen also stretched, turned around and walked back to the top of the hanging ladder when he came.

He really doesn't have that much spare time to deal with a deliberately mystifying Dragon Clan Old Ancestor. If you have something to do, you can just say it clearly, and Ye Chen will not wait for him.

Thinking about this, Ye Chen's steps to go back are also getting faster and faster. He still thought of finishing the matter of the Dragon Palace, so he immediately rushed to Spiritual Mountain in the Western Sky, and together with Sun Wukong Canopy, he made a The Golden Cicada son was rescued.

He doesn't have much time to waste, now for Ye Chen, time is life.

In the Earth Palace, it was silent when it came, as if it was a dead place, and there was no survival of any living thing.

But just when Ye Chen turned around and wanted to leave, the ancient silent Dark Space seemed to boil with Ye Chen's faster and faster pace.

Not long after that, a majestic dragon cry burst into Ye Chen's ear, causing his eardrums to ache slightly.

It's just that Ye Chen didn't have time to scan all around to observe the situation, a faint blue Ghost Fire, suddenly, in this silent and boundless Dark World, puff puff puff puff puff puff puff one after another flashed out.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen felt a violent vibration under the hanging ladder under his feet, and suddenly shivered.

In a short while, a huge pupil eye comparable to the bright moon and stars appeared beside Ye Chen with the dim light of blue fireworks.

Looking at the blue-flamed dragon's eye that was comparable to the mountains at a glance, Ye Chen also felt a strong sense of oppression, which exploded on the surface of his body instantly, pressing him to the ground. Some are impossible to move.

It wasn't until Ye Chen's body that immortal strength came out enthusiastically, and that strong sense of coercion and urgency was relieved a lot.

But this feeling of dismounting is the thing Ye Chen dislikes the most.

Immediately, he raised his head and looked at the huge blue flame dragon eye, and asked a question.

"Is that Dragon Clan Old Ancestor?"

Ye Chen's words were not polite at all.

And above the dragon's eye, the Dragon Clan Old Ancestor, whose entire dragon body is so huge that it is indescribable, heard this, and soon twisted his huge black body that seemed to be enough to span the galaxy. dragon body, looking at Ye Chen is a very unhappy sentence shouted.

"You little boy, you didn't kneel down and worship when you saw this Old Ancestor.

So rude and irrespective, this Old Ancestor asks you, since you're here, Then why go.

is it possible that, the group of dragon sons and grandsons outside this Old Ancestor did not tell you a child, is this Old Ancestor wanting to see you?

Are you Ye Chen?"

Dragon Clan Old Ancestor was obviously annoyed by Ye Chen's words and actions. Human, dare to impudent so rude to him.

If not, the human kid in front of him still has great use, he dignified Dragon Clan Old Ancestor 'Right of Torch Dragon', and absolutely will not let this kid stand in front of him so well.

(end of this chapter)

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