Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 888


Chapter 888 Intrigue is Bodhisattva

“en? Kṣitigarbha, what do you mean?

Although I do It is indeed not your opponent, but why, you are trapped in me, but you do not attack?

You just want to lock up this marshal, could it be that you are afraid of the Southern Celestial Court behind me?"

Seeing that Kṣitigarbha was just talking, but there was no sign of doing anything, Tianpeng couldn't hold back for a while, and some people asked a few questions.

In the face of his question, Kṣitigarbha was not arrogant and kind, and immediately raised his hand to draw a circle of light in the air.

Then, in the round mirror, the roaring battle of Flower Fruit Mountain outside was impressively displayed in Canopy's eyes.

I saw that Manjushri raised his hand and bent his fingers to block, and touched with Ye Chen's palm, an indescribable force, and suddenly the finger of Manjushri jumped with blood and bones. fly.

Immediately, the raised right hand was beaten inward by Ye Chen, and it was fractured and twisted continuously, as if it had been broken into several pieces of cotton, with flesh and blood spattered everywhere.

Seeing this scene, I was in the canopy of hell. I was stunned and stared at Ye Chen.

In his mouth, he couldn't stop muttering: "I Cao, I Cao, My Cao, is this fuck really Supreme Unity Golden Immortal? I'm so stupid."

Seemingly uncomfortable and suffering, the canopy moved lightly, ran directly to Kṣitigarbha's side, and hurriedly asked by pulling his sleeve.

"Hey, did you see that?

Is that my big brother? Is that really my big brother who is just Supreme Unity Golden Immortal?

This marshal is not mistaken, my big brother really beat that Manjushri Bodhisattva, so that his arms fly? Well, that is the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, isn't it, you Great Firmament monk of Spiritual Mountain in the western sky, this is it?"

Said, Tianpeng immediately looked at Kṣitigarbha with enthusiastic eyes, and immediately his hands were itchy, he called out Nine-toothed Rake, and swept towards Kṣitigarbha's thigh.

Because of Ye Chen's powerful expression, Tianpeng's self-confidence for a while is also very difficult to add. I immediately wanted to try playing Kṣitigarbha by myself, whether I can be like my big brother, and it will be a rake. Hell Sovereign to beat down.

It's just that the idea of the canopy is very good, but the reality is too cruel.

Kṣitigarbha's face suddenly showed a look of displeasure when the awning was raked down, and then he raised his hand and moved slightly.

A huge and fast as lightning mouth banged immediately, hitting the canopy's thick face.

Immediately, as the huge force took off, the canopy of the rake was swung, and the whole person was instantly lifted thousands of meters away by that mouth.

Before reincarnation, that big face was already swollen like a meat-wrapped pig's head, which was horrific.

"Why, why.

Kṣitigarbha, did that Manjusri in your house drain the water?

Otherwise, how could you possibly be one of the marshals? What about the enemy?

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all.

Yeah, it hurts."

The canopy that was slapped in the face, I haven't said anything yet. After he finished speaking, he lay on the ground and covered his face, calling out.

But the problem is that they were beaten so badly, but Tian Peng's face still showed a look of doubt and dissatisfaction.

All in my mind, my big brother cultivation base is much weaker than me, and I can fight against one of the four Great Bodhisattva, this marshal, why not?

Just when the canopy was full of question marks, Kṣitigarbha in the distance rubbed his aching palm slightly and answered his question in a cold voice.

"That Ye Chen, the big brother of the marshal, is not simple.

It's not as weak as it looks on the surface, it's hidden in a lot of clumsiness. Therefore, Manjushri didn't have a flash under his care, and he was beaten completely unprepared.

And you, the marshal, are... very ordinary, the kind of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal that is very ordinary."


Kṣitigarbha's explanation instantly made the canopy rubbing his face in the distance, and the whole person froze in place.

Is he normal? He is the Great Marshal of Tianhe.

But, compared to the big brother who dared to confront and provoke the Great Bodhisattva of the Western Heavenly Four, his canopy, it seemed, was indeed too ordinary.

"Wu wu, no wonder, the big brother is so brave and dared to fight the Great Firmament Golden Immortal with Supreme Unity. It turns out that I was the clown."

I couldn't bear it. After crying a few times, Tian Peng turned his head and looked towards Kṣitigarbha, who still had no plans to shoot in the distance, and asked in a low voice with doubtful eyes.

"Ah, that, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, aren't you also the Bodhisattva of Spiritual Mountain in the western sky, why are you just trapping me?

If you don't take action, just You don't seem so willing to even help the other Bodhisattva?

Why? Can you tell me?"

Looking at Kṣitigarbha who said nothing, the canopy Suddenly it felt a little too quiet.

In the Flower Fruit Mountain outside, Guanyin Puxian is fighting against the Golden Cicada son together, and Manjushri was also defeated by his big brother.

Logically speaking, Kṣitigarbha, the strongest Bodhisattva in secret, after trapping himself, it is too strange not to go out to help.

However, Tianpeng's doubts seem to have no answer at all.

Kṣitigarbha didn't say a word, just glanced at the canopy, and then stared at the battlefield where Ye Chen and Manjushri were fighting.

Immediately, within his gray pupils, bursts of gleamed Feixia slowly appeared, as if being touched by something.

At the same time, in the sky above Flower Fruit Mountain, the Golden Cicada, which was injured almost completely, was slashing with a virtual three-pointed two-edged knife in front of his chest. The Buddha's energy, non-stop against Guanyin and Samantabhadra strikes constantly.

The power of the Buddha is as if he doesn't want money, and he swayes it wildly, condensing all kinds of powerful Divine Ability offensives one after another.

The Guanyin, who fought so hard to preserve his strength, was constantly defeated, and the Puxian beside him was even more bleak and unpredictable.

His own strength was only average by Sun Wukong, and now, facing the death-defying attack of the Golden Cicada son, he didn't hold on for a while before he felt extremely exhausted.

But Golden Cicada's offensive has no intention of stopping, even if there are signs of insufficient supply of Buddha power in the body, Golden Cicada's face is still covered with a fierce killing intent overflowing heaven, and his eyes are dead. Staring at the two in front, it seems that even if they burn both jade and stone, they will kill Guanyin and Puxian to the last one.

Seeing this, Puxian, who was struggling to support, was inadvertently defending for a while, and was suddenly hit by a Demon Subduing Pestle fiercely in the chest.

In an instant, Puxian's chest was sunken in an instant, the blood in his mouth was even more like he didn't want money, and he couldn't stop overflowing.

On the contrary, facing the constant strikes of Golden Cicada's son, Guanyin on the side was able to defend with ease.

Just now, the Demon Subduing Pestle was dashing towards her, but Guanyin just flexibly twisted his lower body to avoid the Demon Subduing Pestle's attack.

Afterwards, there was also a picture of Puxian vomiting blood.

"Damn it, damn it, this bitch, obviously has the power to fight, but always dodges blindly.

I'm afraid that after the Buddha's power is exhausted, it will be turned back by the Great Demon monkey. one strike certain kill.

Damn, since you bitch is unwilling to resist the Golden Cicada son, then Laozi is a seriously injured Bodhisattva, so why is he still holding on here?"

After thinking about it, Puxian, who was hit hard again, suddenly became more courageous.

Afterwards, he took advantage of the Vajrapani Pestle's lingering power, and directly moved towards the ground and fell to the ground, without any intention of fighting any more.

(end of this chapter)

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