Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 862


Chapter 862 Back to Heavenly Palace, good dog out of the way

"Let's go too, don't waste time."

Seeing that the people above Flower Fruit Mountain were scattered and scattered, the barefoot Great Immortal waved his hand and was ready to fly back to Celestial Court with Ye Chen and Yang Jian.

Taibai Jinxing on the side also looked at the direction where Sun Wukong was leaving, slightly shook the head, and with an ugly face, he rode up the auspicious clouds, and disappeared with everyone on the top of Flower Fruit Mountain.

Outside the South Heaven Gate, the two brothers, Clairvoyance and Shunfenger, who were on duty on duty, were yawning and chatting about something extremely boring.

Clairvoyance yawned impatiently and said, "Aha, I knew I had a chance to go down to earth, big brother, I also applied to go to the Flower Fruit Mountain to join in the fun. Maybe the demon monkey was subdued. , I can go to the lower world to have a good time. I heard that there are many special flavored wines in the mortal world recently, tsk tsk, the taste is almost nothing to say."

"Come on, Flower Fruit Mountain is so easy to break into?

You don't even look at it. Before, the Great Immortal ran back barefoot as if it had all escaped. Maybe at the top of the mortal world, what kind of immortals are erupting at the moment. The demon war is not as simple as you think, okay?"

"Also, how hard can it be to conquer a demon monkey? Moreover, even the old man Taibai, who has always advocated peace, went down to earth. I'm gone.

I'm afraid that even if I can't conquer it, I'll be able to bring the demon monkey back to the sky.

Alas, this kind of thing is rare and strange, but unfortunately, I didn't grasp this time I don’t know how long it will take next time.”

While clairvoyant and Shunfengear were chatting, Ye Chen and the silhouette of the barefoot Great Immortal, as well as the remnants of Taibai Jinxing and the Four Great Heavenly Kings The armor piercing Heavenly Soldiers approached quickly from outside the South Heaven Gate.

Immediately ignoring the questioning of the two, they kept walking and flew directly into the South Heaven Gate.

Looking at the celestial troops and generals who went away, there were only so many people when they came back. Clairvoyant and Shunfenger couldn't help but look at each other in surprise, and immediately thought to themselves, What happened in the Nether Flower Fruit Mountain.

After returning to the gold and jade in glorious splendour, Immortal Qi's Heavenly Palace, where the auspicious clouds curled up, the barefoot Great Immortal took Ye Chen non-stop and flew towards the 30th third level sky, wanting to follow him. Laojun cross.

But before he took a few steps, Taibai Jinxing's white-haired silhouette stood in front of him, looking at the posture, it seemed that he didn't want to let him pass.

Seeing this scene, the barefoot Great Immortal could not help frowning.

"Old Man Bai, what do you mean? Stop me, are you sure?"

Barefoot Great Immortal's slightly threatening words made Taibai Jinxing laughed. .

"Barefoot, barefoot, why are you so nervous?

Don't worry, Jade Emperor Your Majesty just wants to meet Ye Chen, it won't take too long.

After meeting Your Majesty, Ye Chen is still your barefoot Great Immortal, and you will be able to take him wherever you want."

"Oh? The Great Immortal doesn't agree?"

Seeing that Taibai Jinxing moved out of the Jade Emperor and pressed him on the head, the barefooted Great Immortal couldn't bear it any longer.

In the lower realm, he could not get angry when he was with Ye Chen and Sun Wukong and the others. Now he has returned to Celestial Court. Under his own territory, a little Taibai still wants to provoke him. Barefoot Great Immortal.

Who the fuck can stand this?

The barefoot Great Immortal had an extremely unhappy expression on his face, and when he flicked his fingers, he wanted to ride the auspicious clouds straight to the 30th third level sky.

It is true that the Jade Emperor is standing behind Taibai, but his barefoot Great Immortal is also the master who works for Supreme Taoist. If it is true, who is afraid of who.

"Wait, Great Immortal, don't you think about it anymore? Jade Emperor Your Majesty can say that he must meet Ye Chen, even in the Tusita Palace, Jade Emperor Your Majesty also It must be seen."

Taibai's attitude suddenly became tough, and he continued to emphasize the tone of the word "Jade Emperor", as if to remind the barefoot Great Immortal, although Supreme Taoist is Saint true, but Celestial Court, after all, it's still up to Jade Emperor, and it's better to be honest and obedient.

Hearing this, the barefoot Great Immortal really showed a hint of fear, and then he also thought of Supreme Taoist's natural inaction, regardless of his temperament, he hesitated for a while.

Jade Emperor's face, he also had to give it.

While the barefoot Great Immortal and Taibai Jinxing were giving tit for tat, Ye Chen above the auspicious cloud blinked like an idiot, and glanced at the two who were pregnant with each other. After the guy, Qing Xuan also nodded slightly, and flew away in the direction of moving towards the Jade Pool Palace.

Then Yang Jian quickly followed behind, the two of them were fast, and in a short while, they would disappear into the eyes of the barefoot Great Immortal and Taibai Jinxing, who were still battling each other.

For a while, they both screamed anxiously.

"Hey, boy Ye Chen, where are you going? Come back to Ben Great Immortal."

Taibai Jinxing also shouted loudly: "Ye Chen , the Jade Emperor Your Majesty has a call, do you dare not to obey?"

Facing the two Great Immortal gods who were running behind him, Ye Chen couldn't help but stand up at them without turning his head. He raised his middle finger and returned the sentence.

"Go away, in this Heavenly Palace, I can go wherever I want?

The Jade Emperor will meet me and let him come to the Jade Pool Palace in person."

After that, the silhouettes of Ye Chen and Yang Jian continued to move towards the Yaochi Palace of the Thirty Sixth Heavenly Layer, without any intention of stopping.

Seeing this scene, the scene is not only the barefoot Great Immortal suffocating, but Ye Chen is also a bit too bold, this is not the ordinary world, but Celestial Court Heavenly Palace, how dare you run around indiscriminately .

Taibai Jinxing, who was chasing and flying quickly, was even more angry with complexion ashen.

He has been a Divine Immortal for tens of thousands of years, and he has been under the Jade Emperor for 10,000 years, but he has never heard of it, letting the Jade Emperor Your Majesty personally go to see an immortal. It's not a matter of courage anymore, but it's simply disrespectful and self-defeating.

But those words insulting Jade Emperor Your Majesty, according to Heavenly Palace law, can be executed thousands of times.

"A good Ye Chen, it's just too impudent.

Want to learn Sun Wukong? Seriously ill.

Hehe, very good, when the old man catches you, I must let you know what the strict rules of Heavenly Palace are."

Twice by ruthless After refuting his face, Taibai Jinxing, who has always had high prestige among the Immortal Gods, couldn't bear it any longer.

At the moment, he was no longer holding back, and immediately beckoned to instigate immortal strength, and after the power of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal Peak erupted, the whole person also changed into an afterimage, not only accelerated and rushed towards Ye Chen .

At the same time, Taibai Jinxing also summoned the celestial troops and generals who were patrolling the front road to assist him to stop Ye Chen and capture him to meet the Jade Emperor.

However, just as Ye Chen and Yang Jian were blocked by heavy heavenly soldiers, Taibai flew after them.

Ye Chen's face was also a little displeased, and then he turned back and looked towards Taibai Jinxing, who was full of immortal strength, just frowned and said: "Good dog will not stand in the way!"

(end of chapter)

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