Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 844


Chapter 844 Ye Chen is trapped, the Celestial Court army is approaching

No, not feeling, the surrounding Heaven and Earth scenery, but It's completely transformed.

After Ye Chen Divine Consciousness was centered on it in an instant, all the mountains and rivers in Heaven and Earth in Zhoufang were completely separated from the scenery of Flower Fruit Mountain.

And even the Spiritual Qi content between Heaven and Earth is suddenly several times more abundant.

With the familiarity and sensitivity of space, Ye Chen also immediately noticed that this huge Heaven and Earth world is like a world cage that has been opened up by itself.

And the strength of the space world is no less than the world of Journey to the West. If you want to force a breakthrough, you are afraid that you will not enter the Great Firmament Golden Immortal realm, and if you also have a great understanding of Space Divine Ability, it is fundamental Can't do it.

"Barefoot Great Immortal, is this what Lao Jun wants to say to me?

Could it be that he wants to trap this Ye in this Heaven and Earth world forever? Imprisoned here for the rest of your life?"

"Oh? Ye Chen Young Master is indeed very good, and his vision is amazing.

No wonder Laojun asked Ben Great Immortal to come here. There is an exhortation, saying that you have a demonic wisdom that ordinary people cannot understand. When you are imprisoned, you need to take advantage of the unpreparedness to make a difference.

Yes, this Heaven and Earth world is an old man. The Wangchuan Landscape City painted by Jun himself is a space Supreme Treasure. In the painting, he calls himself a side World, and even the Great Firmament Golden Immortal can hardly escape from it.

Old Jun said , you are too dishonest, don't do good cultivation, and even call yourself brothers and sisters with the Great Demon of the mortal realm, the Buddha of the Western Heaven, and the others.

This time I am detaining you, I just want you to guard against arrogance and impatience. , don't mix too much, some things, you can't control at all, let's have a good cultivation in this Heaven and Earth world, this is also what Supreme Taoist means."

The sky and the clouds, keep spreading The voice of the Barefoot Great Immortal, and the content mentioned, are also full of various meanings that the Lord of Heaven wants to convey.

"Do you think I'm being dishonest? Or do you just want to trap me so that you can break through Saint without any worries?" If you can only hear the words clearly, you are trapped in this a side world world of the Forgotten River Landscape City, unable to escape half a step.

Ye Chen rarely has any anxiety, and even the corner of his mouth has an intriguing smile, which makes people suspicious.

The barefoot Great Immortal standing outside, looking at Ye Chen of the world in the painting, couldn't help frowning.

Immediately, I saw that he touched the chin very puzzled, and said with a strange expression.

"This kid, who has been trapped in the painting by the Great Immortal, doesn't seem to be impatient at all, instead. What does it mean to laugh there?

Could it be that he If you have the ability to escape from the world of Wangchuan, you don't panic at all?"

As soon as this thought started, the barefoot Great Immortal shook his head alone, thinking to himself how this is possible.

After all, under Lao Jun's handwriting, let alone Ye Chen, a little Golden Immortal who is not even the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal, even if he is a barefoot Great Immortal, he wants to get out of the Forgotten River , and it takes a lot of effort.

Because he wanted to try the power of Forgotten River before, he went in without authorization once, and it was that time that made Barefoot Great Immortal very afraid of the painting of Forgotten River.

Because, with his realm cultivation base on the Great Firmament Golden Immortal Peak, he was trapped in it for 9 by 9, 81 days, and he used thousands of methods, but he could not find the slightest way to escape. .

It wasn't until the Great Immortal was barefooted in it that he couldn't bear it, and then he used the formula taught by Lao Jun to come out

Uh, I'm ashamed to say, but not ashamed No, after all, this Wang Chuan is Lao Jun's handwriting, I'm afraid even Nuwa Saint's Mountains and Rivers State Chart can't compare.

"But, this kid still has time to laugh?"

Shook the head depressed alone, and after the barefoot Great Immortal still couldn't understand, a handful of auspicious clouds suddenly floated under his feet, I want to fly back to Heaven Realm with him.

However, the auspicious clouds under the feet of the barefoot Great Immortal hadn't soared ten meters, a silhouette wearing a golden chainmail, and Erlang Shen holding a three-pointed two-edged sword, all of a sudden in an instant, they stopped. Above the sky where the auspicious clouds rose.

Immediately, a scolding with a small sound resounded throughout the between Heaven and Earth.

"Where is my big brother Ye Chen? Why did his breath suddenly disappear?"

Next, Erlang Shen frowned and looked towards the guy who wanted to sneak away. shouted.

"Barefooted Great Immortal, where is Ye Chen? What did you do to him?

I just thought it was strange, you have never met, why are you still whispering?


Now it seems that, Great Immortal, you came down to earth yourself, I'm afraid it's not just for my sake."

Erlang Shen tone barely fell , Sun Wukong in golden chainmail , he couldn't help showing a fierce look on his face, and then I saw him holding his ear with his hand, and immediately took out a long golden hoop stick from his ear.

The two ends are hooped by two golden metal sheets, and in the middle is a section of black black iron, which is decorated with stars, and has dense patterns and Dragon Mark phoenix seals.

Although it doesn't seem to have any vision derived from the surface, when the stick was taken out by Sun Wukong and held in the palm of his hand, it burst out a pair of Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, for the sake of I dominate the overbearing aura.

Rao is a barefooted Great Immortal who is also a well-known figure among the Great Firmament Golden Immortals. He couldn't help frowning, and said in his heart: "This demon monkey's realm, how can cultivation be so fast? ?

It's been less than four years since the mortal world was born, how could it be possible to have such domineering power?

No wonder, no wonder Laojun reminded me before going down to the mortal world to pay more attention to this. The Great Demon Monkey of Flower Fruit Mountain.

But now, judging from the growth situation of the Flower Fruit Mountain Monkey, after returning to Celestial Court this time, I am afraid that I will have to report details to Your Majesty, the Jade Emperor. Good."

Between the minds, the barefoot Great Immortal faced the two Great Firmament Golden Immortals blocking the road, but he was still smiling and kind, as if there was no hostility at all.

Afterwards, he just blurted out.

"Aiya, Erlang's nephew, we are all from our own family.

This time the Great Immortal descended to earth, but he was ordered by Supreme Taoist to manifest himself as a true monarch. Are you sure, Do you still want to stop Lao Xian?

Are you, like Ye Chen, in the company of the Flower Fruit Mountain Great Demon King? You are the Heavenly God of Celestial Court, don’t be confused.”

Barefoot Great Immortal finished speaking, but saw that Erlang Shen was not retreating in the slightest, and then he also stretched out his finger to Sun Wukong, who started to stir, and continued.

"Maybe the real monarch still knows something. This demon monkey trespassed on the Eastern Sea and stole the Supreme Treasure of the East Sea Dragon Palace. It has been reported to the Celestial Court. It is against Heavenly Dao to be with him.

At this moment, the army of Celestial Court is probably already on its way, the Holy Monarch, do you have to hinder Celestial Court from enforcing the law?"

"What? What's going on? ”

Hearing that the Celestial Court army was about to descend on Flower Fruit Mountain, Yang Jian's face changed rapidly, and then turned to Sun Wukong, and saw that Sun Wukong had no sophistry.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jian was not calm for a while, although he got along well with Ye Chen and Sun Wukong.

But what is contrary to the rules of God, which makes him a law enforcement Heavenly God, how to deal with it?

(end of this chapter)

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