Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 838


Chapter 838 Never talk nonsense to the dead

Avalokitesvara suddenly fled and fled, instantly seeing Puxian who was still in Yang’s house, The whole face showed a very confused expression.

He couldn't figure it out, things were going on for the better, why, that bitch Guanyin escaped?

This is very unreasonable, Golden Cicada sons are not looking for death, is there anything more serious than not catching Golden Cicada sons?

Puxian watched as he left quickly, and the direction of the silhouette of Guanyin was no longer there, and the browses tightly frowns endlessly.

At the moment, he also coldly snorted where he was, then walked to the Golden Cicada son of there's no resistance, and said to himself with a smile on the corner of his mouth when he mentioned the other party.

"A huge credit for nothing, if this Golden Cicada son is dedicated to the 'Buddha', from now on, the Bodhisattva in the Western Heaven can be completely overwhelmed by Guanyin. ?"

Thinking of the benefits in the future, the smile on Puxian's face became more and more bizarre.

But just before he was happy for a long time, he was picked up in his hand like a Golden Cicada son who was about to be slaughtered, but suddenly let out a cheerful laugh.

Hearing this sound, the imaginative Puxian suddenly wrinkled and did not look towards the Golden Cicada son in his hand said with a sneer.

"Are you crazy?

hehe, in the end, you Golden Cicada son is still reluctant to die, you are really a person to look down on.

When you were still a direct disciple of Tathagata, this Bodhisattva was very upset by your arrogant and arrogant attitude, my good Buddha."

Puxian said with a sneer, then he reached out and waved his hand. , Golden Cicada's limbs were all forcibly smashed by a powerful force, and the sound of the bone cracked, and Puxian's face was full of enjoyment.

It seems that Bodhisattva has been acting like a hypocritical charity all day long, which is very depressing.

Now that he has been released, Puxian's temperament has become more primordial and cruel.

They were Buddhists, and they were all cultivators who were cultivating in Three Realms.

But since I entered Buddhism, I must pay attention to the Merciful Heart, which is perfect and beautiful, so as to get a good impression in the whole Three Realms, so as to enjoy the worship of all beings.

And it is precisely because of this that they are able to share Heaven and Earth Power of Faith under the powerful Celestial Court Immortal God believers, so as to speed up cultivation and enhance their strength.

It's been too long, so that if the present Puxian hadn't been sent to fill the river mouth, he would have almost thought he was the kind and beautiful Bodhisattva who was compassionate and saved all beings.

Shoot the head with a smile, Puxian instantly felt that his current emotional state was not too cool. If he had a choice, he would prefer a demon life where he could kill at will, but unfortunately, he is The Samantabhadra Samantabhadra who is praised by the world, the world only knows him as the good and beautiful side of Bodhisattva, hahaha ha.

Just as Puxian was carrying the Golden Cicada son and slowly lifted into the air moved towards Xitian and flew to laugh wanton, a cold and weak voice instantly reached his ears.

"You laugh so hard, Puxian.

But it's okay, you're going to die!"

As soon as this remark came out, Puxian was instantly stunned. Turning his gaze to the Golden Cicada with twisted limbs, he immediately said joyfully with joy.

"Golden Cicada Buddha, stop thinking about angering Ben Bodhisattva.

Don't worry, I will never get angry and kill you.


Your life is not something this Bodhisatva can kill, you will only belong to the Buddha of the Western Heaven.

As for who it is, it depends on your fortune of the Buddha.”

Puxian laughed, he laughed happily.

Guanyin's departure, the credit for this door-to-door delivery, even if Puxian didn't want to smile happily, he couldn't control the corners of his mouth.

“Haha, is that right?”

However, the words of Samantabhadra on his face, the Golden Cicada whose limbs are all twisted by him, the expression on his face is calm and terrifying.

Not to mention a trace of fear, even the corners of Golden Cicada's pale face and mouth turned up slightly.

Seeing this scene, Puxian's irritable thoughts of torture and killing just calmed down, and it was like fueling the fire in an instant, and it burst into flames.

Afterwards, Puxian looked at the Golden Cicada son and didn't plan to meet the West Sky immediately. He wanted to torture the Buddha son in his hand and let him also experience the Eighteen Levels of Hell to the end. What's it like.

Thinking, Puxian immediately clenched his fists, aimed at the crotch of the Golden Cicada son, and wanted to punch him,

Whether it can touch women, as long as It is a man who cannot bear the great pain of losing a baby.

Pu Xian couldn't help laughing when he thought of the tragic picture of Golden Cicada's son dying of his own baby, and then many torture schemes came up in his heart, such as oil rolling, knife Cut and so on.


Just as Puxian was thinking about something, the corner of his mouth was grinning constantly, a blood-colored wall suddenly occupied his eyes.

The fresh blood flowed into the eye sockets, warm and warm, but after the eyes felt the heat, a severe pain of cutting the meridians and breaking the veins madly occupied Puxian's nervous system in an instant.

When he reacted, a broken arm, no, to be precise, a broken arm belonging to his Puxian, quietly took off and slipped from his eyes, moved towards the ground. fall away.

Seeing this scene, Puxian roared in the air in an instant, and immediately ignored the loss of the broken arm, and stared at the all directions of the boundary of Guanjiangkou.

He thought it was Erlang Shen and Yang Jian who came back and cut off his arm while he was not paying attention.

But when it was patrolling, a demon monkey with pale golden hair, wearing a Purple Gold crown with phoenix wings, wearing golden armor with locks, and walking on Lotus Silk Cloud-Walking Boots Yes, Mo Ming appeared in front of Puxian.

There is no trace to be found, and even Puxian himself, the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, didn't notice any aura coming towards him just now, which really made him startled.

But shock is shock, but Puxian is not an ordinary person, but a post-powerhouse of the Great Firmament Golden Immortal.

At the moment, looking at the well-dressed and majestic Monkey Monkey, he frowned and said angrily.

"Who are you? You dare to fight with this Bodhisattva?

You know that I am one of the four Great Bodhisattva on the Spiritual Mountain in the western sky, and no ordinary Buddha has the identity of this Bodhisattva. Noble.

Monkey, if you dare to touch me, do you know the consequences of death?"

Puxian didn't do it without permission, and he was not stupid. He could approach him quietly, naturally The cultivation base is not much weaker than him.

At this moment, he also showed his identity there, striking the mountain to shake a tiger, trying to make the demon monkey retreat.

But when he was talking nonsense, Sun Wukong, who came here, looked down at the bloody ground of Yang's house and the dying Golden Cicada son, Sun Wukong couldn't help wrinkling. Tie Mei lightly said.

"My grandson, never talk nonsense with dead people!"

After saying that, a long stick full of black demonic energy cut through the sky and screamed in an instant. It penetrated directly into the chest of Puxian, who was once invincible.

Until the long stick completely sank into the chest, Puxian, who is also the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, didn't even have the slightest room to resist, so his eyes widened in disbelief. Looking at Sun Wukong, blood flowed from his mouth and nose, and the endless Buddha's radiance also leaked out from everywhere in Puxian's body.

(This chapter end)

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