Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 830


Chapter 830 This Monarch is very strong, do you want to endure it?

"Ha, are you serious?"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, Yang Jian's eyes were not eyes or noses, and a sullen look rose in his eyes.

Although he can't do Sun Wukong, the Great Demon monkey in front of him, but a Golden Immortal Peak is more than a great realm away from it.

trifling Ye Chen, how could he be Erlang Shen's opponent.

Thinking of this, Yang Jian couldn't help looking towards Ye Chen, and then looked at him questioningly, wanting to get Ye Chen's weak response.

But it is a pity that Ye Chen was laughed with no expression on his face, and it was just one sentence in short.

"Would you like to try?"

As the voice fell, the atmosphere in the Yang residence hall instantly solidified, and one after another invisible shock wave also appeared in Ye Chen. The collision between Yang Jian and Yang Jian continued, and the fire was no exaggeration.

"Try it, let's try it."

Yang Jian doesn't talk nonsense. He dares to challenge himself when he introduces Golden Immortal. He is the law enforcement god of Heaven Realm, but he can't get through it. .

However, just when Yang Jian was about to start, Ye Chen suddenly smiled.

"It's too boring to compete like this, why don't you add a lottery.

If this Ye loses, brother, you can feel free to mention the conditions within my ability, Ye Chen promises to do it.

If I win by luck, I hope that you will not hinder the development between me and Chan'er in the future. In addition, the four Sea Dragon kings have some friendship with you. , please let them go."

"Okay, this lucky head, this true monarch is not at a loss!"

Yang Jian is also laughed, and his younger sister Xiaochan has long been Heartfelt promises, even if I want to stop it too much, let them not get too close so soon, I'm afraid it will be too late.

And the four Sea Dragon Kings, eh? Speaking of which, he almost forgot about those loach, not worth mentioning at all.

So no matter how you look at it, he doesn't suffer.

"Come on, let this Monarch see, what kind of skill do you have to make the three Great Firmament Golden Immortals recognize you as a big brother!

To be honest, this One point, I have always been very curious.

If you lose this battle, can you tell me the reason?"

Yang Jian is cheap and good, but the additional conditions proposed are also Very general, after Ye Chen heard it, nodded agreed without thinking.

Afterwards, he also stood there with his hands attached, quietly watching Erlang Shen stretch out a hand and provocatively said, "Let's start, uncle, I hope that your performance will not disappoint me too much. ”

The words were said in an extremely arrogant manner, and Erlang Shen's eyes were instantly filled with fierce light.

Don't be too disappointed, how dare a little Golden Immortal Peak act so forcefully in front of his Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

This guy really deserves a beating!

The anger in his heart suddenly rose, Yang Jian looked at Ye Chen, who had an extremely arrogant attitude, and didn't say anything immediately. After the majesty of his eyes narrowed, the whole person also disappeared in place, with a rapidity that seemed to be fleeting. , threw a punch in an instant, rushed in front of Ye Chen, and struck his stomach.

Erlang Shen, famous for 89 Arcane Art, has a powerful fleshy body, which has reached a peak level. With physical strength alone, he is afraid that he can overwhelm the Immortal God of the Golden Immortal Realm. It is not terrifying. .

The fist strikes, inside and outside the huge Yang Family mansion, all the air seems to be drained by Yang Jian's fist.

The terrifying Fleshly Body Power was compressed to Extreme, and at the moment of punching out, there were large ripples in the air before Ye Chen's abdomen.

Fleshly Body Power alone has already reached the offensive intensity of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal. Erlang Shen is a law enforcement Heavenly God. Name is not in vain.

Besides, Sun Wukong saw this scene, also frowned secret passage.

"This Erlang Shen is really moving, but it's a pity."

Sun Wukong's thoughts are not finished, Yang Jian's Peak fist has already struck.' Too late to 'dodge Ye Chen's abdomen.

Immediately, an extremely muffled loud roar resounded through the entire Yang residence, Erlang Shen didn't even look at Ye Chen, the corner of his mouth raised slightly and said with a smile.

"You lost, Ye Chen!

Although this Monarch is not yet the Great Firmament, it has been comprehend for thousands of years in the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal Peak Realm. Supreme Unity Golden Immortal can be compared.

So in this battle, you brat won't lose."

After saying this, Yang Jian also closed his fists and looked at the window. Skyrim, a proud atmosphere of an expert outside the world, don't be too pretentious.

"Hey hey hey, True Lord Erlang, you are defending, the battle is not over, why are you still thinking about what to do there."

Suddenly, Sun Wukong's voice prompts , resounded in Yang Jian's ears.

It's just the meaning of those words, but he can hear his eyes wrinkled, secretly saying that he has won any defense, what else does he need to defend?

But just when he thought about it, there was a muffled sound of muscle hissing and injury from above his abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, before Yang Jian could react, his entire body sprinted at a speed of 10,000 meters and flew out of the hall window in the blink of an eye. A shining star disappeared above the distant horizon.

In such a scene, Sun Wukong sucked in a cold breath and looked at Ye Chen sideways.

"Big brother, isn't your fist too hard, then it's your future uncle, isn't it? You can't be so cruel."

"Ah? Too Have you tried hard? But I only used three layers of immortal strength."

Ye Chen scratched his head innocently, not because he was too cruel, but he didn't expect, dignified Erlang Shen was actually much weaker than he thought.

Thinking about it, Ye Chen also straightened up his clothes with some wrinkled belly beatings, and he was completely unscathed.

At the right time, a shining azure divine light immediately illuminated the entire sky of Guanjiangkou. Then, Erlang Shen, who was in ragged clothes and a mess, immediately returned to the sky above the Yang residence, staring at the corner of his mouth with blood oozing. Looking at Ye Chen in the hall, he panted slightly.

"This Monarch admits that you are indeed qualified to be my opponent.

I was careless just now. Now, I have manifested the Holy Monarch, and I must be serious.

This Monarch is very strong, you have to endure it!"

Yang Jian said, the Divine Weapon three-pointed two-edged sword was displayed in his hand, and in an instant, Yang Jian's entire person's immediate strength The breath also boiled up in an instant, and as it climbed steadily, it stood in the void, like an apocalypse God, not angered and arrogant.

"Uh, uncle brother, what you said about me, do you really want to beat you up?"

Ye Chen curled one's lip, and immediately went to Erlang Shen's place Under the pressure of all the bursts of immortal strength, the whole person turned into a fleeting stream of light, raised a punch again, and slammed into Yang Jian's face with all his strength.

For a time, the immortal strength of good fortune gathered crazily in Ye Chen's fists, and even the Golden Lotus in his body was swaying with lotus leaves, as if feeling Ye Chen's mood, in his dantian Raise the flag to cheer.

(end of this chapter)

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