Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 828


Chapter 828 The Buddha's son returns to the West, and the true monarch can't believe it

After swallowing the lotus seed, the Golden Cicada son immediately crossed his legs in the void When I meditated and looked at the appearance, I wanted to refining the lotus seeds on the spot, in order to seek the meaning of breakthrough.

He would like to see, does trifling a small lotus seed really have such a miraculous effect?

On the other hand, Golden Cicada also has its own selfish calculations.

What he has in mind is not bad, because once he is promoted to Great Firmament Golden Immortal, Golden Cicada also feels that he can use the Great Firmament cultivation base to continue cultivating his own six feet of gold. body.

And once the six-zhang golden body Great Accomplishment, the Golden Cicada son is also sure, even if he can't do Sun Wukong, but he can protect himself.

The power of the six-zhang golden body is obvious to the Golden Cicada son. It is no joke to say that after the Great Accomplishment, nothing can be done.

As a result, the Golden Cicada son, who still had luck in his heart, meditated completely in the air, fully refining and merging the lotus seeds.

Only at the moment of fusion, Golden Cicada, who had planned everything, instantly widened his eyes and stared at Sun Wukong, who was beside him as his protector. All are incredible looks.

At this moment, Golden Cicada's heart was like a bolt from the blue.

He originally thought that Sun Wukong should not be so kind, but once he merged with the lotus seed, Golden Cicada was immediately and absolutely felt all Sun Wukong's cultivation experience and comprehension. .

From the mundane to the Earth Immortal, from the Earth Immortal to the Great Firmament, all the cultivation insights along the way are actually in the fusion of lotus seeds, and they are all revealed in front of his soul.

Although the Immortal Art of the cultivation is different, when the Golden Cicada child accepts those majestic cultivation insights, he also receives a huge association sudden enlightenment.

Since then, his stagnant Dharma seems to be opening a new door for him.

All of a sudden, all kinds of monstrous sudden enlightenment comprehends, like enlightenment, instantly make the Golden Cicada child like a new life, breaking through the shackles of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal in an instant, directly to the Great Firmament Golden Immortal The realm of power.

Since then, his Golden Cicada son has also become the Supreme Great Firmament Golden Immortal who can really live in the Three Realms.

Saint is not gone, he is eternal!

The uncontrollable excitement made Golden Cicada jump up in place, hug Sun Wukong excitedly, laughed heartily with excitement, and his heart was very happy and comfortable.

Even, he forgot about the threat from Sun Wukong and did not immediately cultivate a golden body to protect himself.

However, Sun Wukong also understood clearly in the mind and looked at the overjoyed Golden Cicada, then twisted and flew away in the direction of Guanjiangkou, leaving a sentence at the same time.

"The bond between you and me has been born. Since then, my old grandson will live, you can also live, and if I die, you will also be dead and return to the ghost.

Of course, my old grandson He is also a master of love and freedom, I don’t want to tie you down, go wherever you want, we will meet again by chance.”

After the words were finished, Sun Wukong’s silhouette had disappeared in Golden Cicada son's eyes.

And it was this scene that made Golden Cicada, who had a huge benefit, even more confused.

At the same time, he also felt sorry for his own villain heart for a while, Sun Wukong was so forthright, he gave him no benefits, and let him be free.

That kind of mind, what's the matter that a Demon God can have.

Looking in the direction where Sun Wukong was leaving, Golden Cicada said to himself while standing still.

“Great Demon King Sun Wukong, what the hell do you think, is there still a good demon like you in Three Realms today?”

Golden Cicada said. He also recalled that when he traveled in the mortal world, he had seen the despicable and ugly, whether human beings, monsters, Buddhas or immortals were both good and evil, and even the evil was stronger.

And now, he has seen it. It turns out that there is a Great Demon King like Sun Wukong, who has a good nature over ugliness.

shook the head, Golden Cicada immediately laughed at himself, and then took a deep look at the direction of Guanjiangkou, and then moved towards Xitian Spiritual Mountain and flew away.

Now that the cultivation base has been promoted to the Great Firmament, the Golden Cicada son does not want to delay any longer, and wants to go back and investigate the reason why his race disappeared.

As for this special kindness of Sun Wukong, we can only repay it in the future.

Guanjiangkou, Yang's house!

Yang Jian looked at the Jingjia brother lying in the reception hall and said solemnly.

"Brother Ye Chen, the astonishing turmoil that broke out just now was caused by their brother?

I thought that the Quasi-Saint overlord came to me. The little Guanjiangkou is rampant and slaughtering the common people."

"Haha, big uncle is really joking, but he just met some monsters who specialize in soul ghost power.

Their brothers are too. I didn't check the carelessness for a while, which almost caused a disaster, but fortunately, everything is under reasonable control.

My Second Brother Wukong, has solved this accident perfectly."

Ye Chen laughed, and didn't mean to continue to struggle with this accident, and then looked at Yang Jian again, raised his head and sipped tea and continued.

"Uncle, speaking of which, how many years have you been tied to the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal Realm.

If possible, I would like to help you"

Before Ye Chen finished speaking, Yang Jian looked at him with a reluctant expression: "My younger sister hasn't married you yet, eldest brother or something, it's better to be more cautious in words and deeds in the future. As for helping this Monarch cultivation? Hehe, it's been three thousand years, even my uncle can't do anything, how can you help this Monarch."

Obviously, Yang Jian didn't believe Ye Chen very much. However, at this moment, Sun Wukong also happened to return to the Yang residence hall.

I then looked at Erlang Shen, my former opponent, with a bad said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Why can't you help, what my old Big Brother Sun said has never been unfulfilled.

Erlang Shen, if you don't mind, here is my old grandson. There is Supreme Treasure from the big brother.

It only takes a few minutes to help you break through the Great Firmament Golden Immortal. After all, just now, Golden Cicada’s son seems to have already broken through.”

Sun Wukong smiled mysteriously, and then sat lightly on the wooden chair beside Ye Chen, imitating him to drink tea.

When Yang Jian on the side saw this, he sneered indifferently.

"Golden Cicada son has been promoted to Great Firmament? Sun Wukong, are you stupid?

In Supreme Unity Peak Realm, his Golden Cicada son is still worth it But what about this Monarch, how could he be promoted to Great Firmament so quickly, it's ridiculous.

Also, I don't feel any Heaven and Earth vision of Great Firmament powerhouse promotion, so say"


"So, isn't it all my grandson's handwriting, with me, isn't it as simple as eating and drinking to cover up the Great Firmament vision?"

Sun Wukong said bluntly. After saying a word, Erlang Shen, who was still ragging, stopped in an instant.

Afterwards, Yang Jian also blinked in disbelief, jumped back and forth between Sun Wukong and Ye Chen and asked, "Is this true?"

( End of this chapter)

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