Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 823


Chapter 823 Wanxiangfang has changed, strange and strange monsters

The strange sound from the red house suddenly shocked Yang Jian He took Yang Chan and flew to Yang's house. ,

He didn't want to let his pure younger sister hear half a word of that foul language.

Soon, the silhouettes of the two siblings disappeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes, except for the increasingly abnormal sound of pleasing for help, which made people feel excited and relieved. I feel some have one's hair stand on end.

It's just that Ye Chen didn't have time to go in and find out, the Golden Cicada, who was covered in chaotic clothes, flew out from a window somewhere in the red building.

Immediately after coming to Ye Chen's side, he grabbed his arm and said in a hurry.

"Quick, go and save those two brothers, if it's a little later, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on anymore.

Especially Jingzhen, his avatar He is still so young, and now he is surrounded and wrapped by so many women, he can hardly break free."

Golden Cicada said while gasping for breath, while arranging his clothes in horror, his footsteps moving towards each other from time to time. Stepping back, the respectful face was obviously frightened.

"Is it that serious, Jingxuan Jingzhen is not really a child, don't you have that little self-control?

Can't control your desires? Or, Can't get rid of those ordinary women? They are all powerhouses of the Great Firmament Golden Immortal."

Ye Chen stood on the roof and stretched lazily. To be honest, there was a sound from the building under his feet. It's a bit exaggerated, but the powerhouse of the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, even if Jingzhen has not grown up, the physical strength will be extremely terrifying. Trifling dozens of brotherel women, can they still not cope?

If this is the case, then when Ye Chen was in the fox demon leech clan, he might have been entangled by countless leech Monster Race women and died.

Besides, he wasn't even an Earth Immortal back then.

Jingjia's brother dignified Great Firmament, his physical strength is not as strong as he was at that time, No way.

"Ai, brother Ye, a monk doesn't lie, the little monk doesn't lie.

Those two brothers are really going to be overwhelmed.

This woman in the Red Chamber is not an ordinary mortal woman. You should hurry in and save people. Don't delay any longer. Nightmare.

If this poor monk were not a monk, they would not have been freed from peeping and other lewd things, they would have been rescued long ago.

However, the situation has changed drastically now, If this Buddhist son enters, I am afraid that he will not be able to escape, so I can only rely on you, brother Ye."

The son of Golden Cicada continued to talk with a solemn expression, and his words and deeds were all over the place. Not like lying.

However, the singer and dancer in the Wanxiang Square in the Red Chamber, if not a mortal woman, what would she be? Could it be that Jingxuan Jing, who is the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, still can't figure it out?

Ye Chen, who was still a little unbelieving in his heart, couldn't help but have a grim look in his eyes, and then after looking at the eager Golden Cicada, he also moved towards the window of Wanxiangfang and paced in the void. go.

He wanted to see what the showgirls in there would be. Even the Golden Cicada son of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal Peak was afraid of it.

Ye Chen was very fast, and after almost a step or two, he came out of the Wanxiangfang window again.

Just arrived at the position where he can see the scene in the house clearly, but the scene in front of him instantly made Ye Chen stop in the empty space, and then his face also showed a look of disbelief.

In the eye sockets, the scene of the reflection is completely unimaginable.

On the contrary, on the big bed that was already crowded, at this moment, only a pair of legs that were constantly kicked and lifted, and the behemoth that couldn't stop trembling, was making that excessive. The huge body directly pressed Jing Xuan on the bed and almost lost sight of any figure.

The monster riding on Jingxuan's lower body is the same as a normal woman, but the upper body is not a beautiful woman like a singer and dancer at all, but looks like a huge lump. The Roshan, above the Roshan, revealed the faces of countless human women, screaming in a coquettish voice, numb to the bone.

Even the seemingly weak lower body looks like a blood-sucking mosquito.

The immortal strength energy and Power of Vitality in Jing Xuan's body were also devoured by it at a speed visible to naked eyes.

Even Jingxuan's body, who couldn't break free, was also getting thinner at a very fast speed. The scene looked like a ball that was about to be sucked. After a while, there was only one left. She was skinny, and she was frail and outrageous.

At the foot of the left wall of Wanxiangfang, Jingzhen's situation is not much better than his big brother, although there are only two seemingly normal enchanting singers.

But those two enchanting singers looked so big on the still avatar who looked like a child.

Because at this moment, Jingzhen can't bear the efforts of the two singers at all, and her small body has endured the pain that he can't bear.

If he hadn't seen the scene in Wanxiangfang with his own eyes, Ye Chen would have never imagined that such a frivolous place in this world would have such bizarre devouring monsters to exist.

Not only did the two brothers in the Jing family have no room for resistance, but even the sound of calling for help became smaller and smaller, and there was only a deep howl of endless pain, which sounded tragic.

But, what the hell is this monster? It looks like a combination of soul and spirit, like nothingness, but it can cause real damage to the Jingjia brother.

Not only is the source power of the Great Firmament rule that I comprehended constantly being devoured by people, but even the immortal strength nurtured in the body is passing rapidly, and there is a feeling that it cannot be stopped at all.

Being able to completely control the two Great Firmament Golden Immortals, Jingxuan Jingzhen could only be obediently devouring strength, Ye Chen also had to fly away cautiously. It is to motivate the Good Fortune Secret Art to attack.

But when the immortal strength in his body was leaked out, the combination of the virtual flesh mountain sitting on Jing Xuan's body instantly separated into two white skin and beautiful appearance, red lips, white Teeth The beautiful red fruit beauty comes out.

As soon as she twisted, she swooped towards Ye Chen

Thanks to 'Wuyao' for the reward and love (′‵)I L

(end of this chapter)

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