Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 814


Chapter 814 Do not want to grow up

The sudden change made Jing Xuanyan not jump, but immediately, Even stranger things happened again on the static avatar.

When the Power of Vitality that shrouded his body disappeared in an instant, his childish body, which had grown a little, unexpectedly transformed into its original appearance at a speed visible to naked eyes.

The entire growth process took several minutes, but when it degenerated, it only took a few seconds, making the previous efforts completely in vain.

"No, how could this be?

Big brother, you shouldn't, don't want your brother and me to grow taller and bigger."

I found myself The physical changes disappeared completely, and the previous growth was also disappeared.

It is difficult for anyone to accept this kind of change that has been lost and found.

Jingzhen also glanced at her big brother with a strange look, and blurted out, that she doubted that Jingxuan was doing a ghost.

Although the relationship between their brothers is very good, they have been in a competitive relationship for tens of thousands of years, whether it is the cultivation realm or the degree of favor around Bodhi Old Ancestor.

Such a prank that doesn't hurt the root, also happens between two brothers from time to time, this can be considered a good flavoring agent in their boring cultivation years.

But right now, Jingzhen's urgent desire to grow bigger has become an obsession. He doesn't want to be spit out by Golden Cicada's son, and he has to watch his big brother enjoy it alone. Happy man.

"Ah? What's the point of this.

Brother, you misunderstood big brother, I have nothing to do, you have to trust big brother."

Jingxuan also looked at Jingzhen, who had changed back to his original state, with a dazed expression. After scratching his head, he moved towards Jingzhen's body again and again, and began to condense and instill Power of Vitality.

At this time, Jingxuan can be said to be very serious, and Jingzhen can also immediately feel that the vigor and vitality that burst out with all his strength is entering his heart and spleen.

In this regard, Jingzhen's body has grown again, and the speed is not slower than the changing rhythm of Jingxuan's previous growth.

In just a few minutes, Jingzhen has grown into a young man of twelve or thirteen years old, and in a little more time, I am afraid that she will soon grow into a teenager who is exactly similar to Jingxuan. .

Jingzhen also enjoys the growth process from childhood to teenager. He can clearly feel that his body has become stronger and bigger, which is a very comfortable rhythm process.

But just when everyone thought that Perfection should end, a thick black divine force surged out of Jingzhen's body in an instant, completely uncontrollable, and instantly All the Power of Vitality that permeated it inside and outside was completely wiped out.

For a moment, Jing Xuan, who was concentrating on his vitality with all his strength, immediately hummed, and blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the aura of the Great Firmament cultivation base suddenly fluctuated, and after a while, he became extremely sluggish.

At the same time, the static avatar body, which had been completely covered by the black divine force, once again began to show the cart before the horse.

In a short time, he changed from a young man of 12 to 13 years old to a childish size of seven or eight years old.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen, who had been quietly observing, touched his chin and frowned.

"If you can't grow, the power of rules will automatically protect the master.

No way, in this case, if Jingzhen can't grow into an adult by herself, wouldn't she be a child all her life? ?"

As soon as these words came out, Golden Cicada's complexion was instantly relieved, and then a cheerful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

"The power of shattering is completely beyond the nourishment of Heaven and Earth's vitality.

In this way, it's not that your big brother doesn't help you, but it's really young brother, your cultivation. realm is really too powerful.

If you force the growth, I am afraid that Jingxuan will be backlashed by the shattering power in your body.

On the Great Firmament, even one The crossing of small realm is a gap that cannot be ignored, and it is difficult to keep jumping.”

After saying that, Golden Cicada couldn’t help but walk quickly and move around the avatar, patted his young shoulders lightly with soothing colors in his eyes. said with a smile.

"Quietly, Little Brother, don't be sad.

A man's happiness is nothing but that, so don't worry about it.

In my Spiritual Mountain Buddhism, rest If you follow the Buddhism cultivation technique, you will be able to get rid of those evil thoughts with a high probability.

As long as you are sincere to Buddha, don’t think about the happiness of men in the future, and be sure that your cultivation base will grow rapidly.


Maybe in a century or a millennium, you can become a Quasi-Saint Xeon and create a Buddha's God Position."

The words of Golden Cicada's seemingly comforting words were heard quietly. Black lines all over his face appeared, and Jing Xuan, who had grown up beside him, rushed in front of Golden Cicada in an instant, raised his fist and threatened shouted.

"Damn bald donkey, if you do this to my younger brother frigid irony and scorching satire again.

I don't mind taking your bald head off now and fuck you. Spiritual Mountain is hosting a kickball tournament.

I do what I say!"

At this moment, it was Jingxuan's turn to look very ugly.

When staring straight at the Golden Cicada son, the whole body is also not simple and sends out a dangerous signal.

Seeing this, Golden Cicada's son is also very aware of current affairs. After just shrugging and smiling, he left the two brothers and walked quickly to Ye Chen's side he said with a smile.

"Brother Ye, today's sunshine is just right, let's go to Sanyanjun again and drink it in the dark, hahaha."

hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help shaking his head slightly , secretly this Golden Cicada son is really the Lord of Won't shed tears till you have seen your coffin.

That is to say, the Jingjia brother has a good temper. If Ye Chen is replaced by him, if someone ridicules him like this, Ye Chen really doesn't mind moving a house for the other's head.

"You, bald donkey, courting death!"

Seeing Golden Cicada laugh so impudently and so cheerfully, how could Jingxuan not hear the object The overtones of his younger brother.

At the moment, he couldn't help it, and he walked directly towards the Golden Cicada, and immediately above his palm, a terrifying vitality that was already distorted space was condensed in an instant, as if it was To move like a real.

It's just that before Jingxuan could move his hands, his face behind him was so low that Jingzhen in the bones turned around abruptly and walked away without turning his head.

"Don't talk about it, I will definitely find a way to grow bigger, even if I break through these six realms, this boy will not hesitate!"

As if stimulated Very big, Jing Zhen's words were filled with a monstrous resentment.

And Jing Xuan, who felt the resentment, was also worried about his younger brother, and turned around and chased after Jingzhen's leaving silhouette.

As a result, Sun Wukong, who didn't speak for a long time and looked very dull, couldn't help but secretly glanced at Ye Chen's handsome profile, and asked in a low sound transmission.

"Big brother, you don't seem to be in a hurry. You should be able to help the Jing family brother."

"Ha? !"

Ye Chen smiled helplessly and echoed back.

Thanks to 'Wuyao' Boss for the reward and support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(end of this chapter)

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