Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 808


Chapter 808 Younger sister can you try?

Standing alone in the air, coldly snorted, Erlang Shen put away the four Sea Dragon queens under his control, and then moved towards his home and flew away.

After he returned to the Yang's Mansion in Guanjiangkou, Ye Chen and the Golden Cicada son and the others had already taken the lead to enter the hall of the main house, and they looked familiar. In Erlang Shen's heart, it was a bummer.

Anyway, he is also the owner of the house, but he doesn't look restrained. When he was laughing at the table in the hall and talking about all kinds of disdainful things about Western Buddhism, Erlang Shen also felt that he was genuine. It's like a guest at someone else's house.

"Second brother, who are they? Why did they break into our house for no reason, and even threatened to let the people in the house cook a big meal for them and get some wine. It's really rude."

Beside the veranda of the main house, a young woman in a light yellow cloth skirt suddenly walked out, and said, frowning beside Erlang Shen.

I saw the woman's appearance was as beautiful as jade, her face was delicate, her facial features were beautiful and alluring, she looked like a beautiful and unparalleled little elder sister next door, but she was bathed in a faint fairy light. , so that it has a little more indifferent temperament of a fairy, and strangers are not allowed to enter.

Wearing a corset long skirt around her body, she set off her slender figure to be slender, dignified and graceful, and a gentleman.

"They are all my friends, Xiaochan, you go to the kitchen to cook and cook more special dishes. When the time comes, big brother will introduce them to you."


"Who wants to know such a rude guy, second brother, it's not the little sister who told you.

You are also Heavenly God, the law enforcement of Celestial Court, how can you let outsiders in our house? Such an impudent has no former residence.

And among them, there are people from Spiritual Mountain, as well as a demon monkey with a strong breath.

Second brother, what are you doing?"

Yang Chan frowned, as if she disliked everyone in the house very much, with a displeased expression on her face.

Erlang Shen looked a little unhappy at his younger sister, and was immediately helpless laughed.

He knows that Xiaochan is not unhappy, but is worried about him as a big brother. After all, there are many Immortal Gods of Erlang Shen on the Celestial Court. Now there are so many impudents. With Spiritual Mountain and the Great Demon, there must be no less trouble later.

Besides, my younger sister normally goes to Huashan to help those mortals who are suffering. In Huashan, she is an Immortal God who responds to every request. The daughter of the three Holy Mothers, I don’t know how many people love me Why do you care about these red tape and customs?

"Don't worry, big brother has his own way."

After patted Yang Chan's shoulder lightly, Erlang Shen also walked into the hall, holding up the table already With a ready glass of Immortal Wine, he raised his hand to Ye Chen and said with a smile.

"Brother Ye, you have a very good saying, acquaintance is fate.

Come on, everyone, this Monarch will not respect each other one after another, let's have a drink. ."

Erlang Shen said, and took the lead to drink up.

Having stayed in Yangzhou for so many years, he does not have as much respect as Celestial Court, and is very generous.

Ye Chen and the others stopped talking when they saw this, then raised their glasses and drank with Erlang Shen and the others.

Soon, everyone was very open, and they sang about wine, and the food and wine in their mouths never stopped.

This guy from Golden Cicada is even worse. He raised his head sharply and poured Immortal Wine without saying, and even raised his chopsticks to the meat delicacies on the table, and made them wantonly, which is simply crazy.

It looks like I haven't eaten meat for many years, and when I eat it, I gobble it even more, and I don't have the restraint of a monk at all.

"Come, drink, finish. Uh, Ye Chen, you have to take our brother to experience the happiness of men.

You promised us, don't go back."

Jingjia's brother shouted excitedly, and even without closing the door, he talked about the happiness of men.

For a while, the atmosphere at the wine table gradually changed, but Ye Chen was still drinking and eating meat like a normal person, unaffected.

But the other people at the wine table all showed different expressions, and their faces were slightly red due to the taste of wine.

Even the Golden Cicada son, who kept eating and drinking, stopped drinking and eating meat after swallowed saliva and said, it seems too abnormal.

At the beginning, Ye Chen hadn't noticed the changes in several people. After Sun Wukong said a sentence, he realized that the atmosphere was not right.

"big brother, my grandson wanted to ask you before, what is the happiness of a man?

Why is the Jing family brother so persistent about this, speaking of which, I Old Sun is also very curious, can you tell me what it is?"

Sun Wukong also raised his head and drank a glass of wine, then looked at the slightly drunken expression. Jingjia's brother, who also stopped eating and drinking, showed the look of a rare treasure on his face.

Unknown to them, Golden Cicada and Erlang Shen were the same, very puzzled by the man's happiness.

Soon, Erlang Shen was the first to speak.

"What a man's happiness is nothing but the shackles of mortals. You don't have to think about it, come and continue to drink and eat."

It's just that after Erlang Shen finished speaking, Sun Wukong , Jingjia brother and Golden Cicada son, but none of them acted, still looking at Ye Chen who raised his head and drinking, watching him.

Seeing this, Ye Chen also shrugged a little speechlessly, saying with a smile very speechlessly.

"You guys are born in the world, but you don't know the true joy of a man. It's a waste of your life.

But speaking of which, you really don't have experience.

Have you ever felt like a woman?

No, no, no?"

Ye Chen looked at Erlang Shen in disbelief, in his impression, Golden Cicada is practising the Dharma without desire, and rebooting is normal.

Sun Wukong is a demon monkey with an unrestrained and unrestrained personality. He never thought that it would be normal in that respect.

And the brother of Jingjia stayed by the Bodhi Old Ancestor all the year round, and no one even mentioned the female sex. There is nothing wrong with ignorance.

But according to Erlang Shen, his mother Yaoji is the first model model of intermarriage with mortals and having children. It's really strange that he doesn't know the love between men and women.

Hasn't he had a woman for thousands of years? This is very abnormal.

"The taste of a woman? What does this have to do with a man's happiness?"

The ignorant brother of the Jing family talked innocently and did not understand the cause and effect at all.

And Sun Wukong, who has never been to the female monkey Fairy, and Golden Cicada, who has broken his ring, but has not broken his ring, also showed expressions of curiosity and indifference. Look at Ye Chen.

For them, any woman seems to be a stumbling block on their way to becoming stronger, not worth mentioning.

Seeing this scene of straight men in the audience, Ye Chen, who already has a lot of wives, couldn't help but look at everyone present and couldn't stop saying 'tsk tsk'.

“Heaven and Earth are born, and men and women coexist. This is the basic principle of the Heavenly Dao cycle.

I have never experienced a woman, and I have never experienced a man’s happiness. What qualifications to call a man in vain, haha, a group of roosters."

Can't help showing a contemptuous smile, Ye Chen laughed heartily as he rose up, as if holding a different opinion, Erlang Shen retorted with a disdainful face road.

"As Immortal God, love between men and women is neither necessary nor desirable.

Take this Monarch younger sister for example, although she is a woman, she is also the Holy Mother of Huashan. , the creature on the palm of your hand, and she has not seen her life unsatisfactory, so by the same token, what is the use of a man to her?"

Erlang Shen finished speaking with a firm expression on his face, In his mind, only a stronger cultivation base is a necessary condition for survival in the world, as for women, it is useless to him.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Ye Chen looked at him frivolously and said, "Can you be sure of your younger sister's true intentions? If I go out and make your younger sister change quickly , what about True Lord Erlang?"

"en? Just you? With Ben Zhenjun, the half-step Great Firmament Golden Immortal's big brother, does Brother Ye think that his body is the Golden Immortal? Can it affect the Dao Heart of this Monarch younger sister?"

Erlang Shen said with a look of disbelief, but Ye Chen didn't intend to give him face at the moment, and still grinned: "Then try? ”

hearing this, Erlang Shen also disdain said with a smile: “Just try it!”

(end of this chapter)

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